Today’s Miracle Moment is about Living from the Soul…
In Your Year of Miracles program, we teach that there are Five Foundations for Living in the Miracle Zone. When you live in the Miracle Zone, you’re in the “flow,” and you experience wonderful synchronicities and miracles in your life. Today we’re talking about the second foundation, which is… Live from the Soul. Living from the soul means living aligned with your highest truth and honoring your inner guidance. When you live from the soul, you look inside yourself instead of outside yourself for the answers.
The bottom line is—the soul knows.
The soul is made of the entire cosmos packed into the core of our body. We call it the Soulful Self or the Essential Self, and it’s that place of deep, true inner knowing.
It’s the part of you that’s always known, even when the mind is questioning and creating stories. What’s happening in the still waters beneath the mind is that the Soulful Self is offering up this knowing. All we have to do is train the mind to listen to this deep core truth.
In all my (Sue’s) travels around the world teaching hundreds of thousands of people, I’ve never heard anyone say, “I had this inner knowing and I went with it, and boy, do I regret it.” What I have heard hundreds of times is, “I had a deep inner knowing and I didn’t act on it, and boy, do I regret it!”
Clearly, the smart thing to do with your mind is to teach it to listen to this deep inner knowing. Your mind and soul need to become so bonded that they could complete each other’s sentences–they are so bonded that you’re operating as the soul. We start by just listening to this deep knowing that we’ve been trained to ignore and override.
Think of the things that have worked out the best for you. Was it because you followed something that you had a knowing about? It may not have even made sense, but you knew that was the path to take.
Here’s an exercise to help you build that muscle of living from your soul:
Right now, disempower yourself by throwing your energy off of yourself and directing it onto a person who pushes your buttons or to something else that distracts you. Or you can simply practice throwing (directing) your energy onto the computer screen as if you’re disempowering yourself. Discredit yourself as if your opinion doesn’t matter. Notice how that feels in your body—probably not good. Now just claim your energy back, pulling all of your energy back onto yourself.
We have a tendency to splat and disperse our energy and then live from that place of dispersed energy. Notice how you feel in your body when you call that energy back for yourself. It feels different—it feels robust, it feels abundant.
Here’s what to remember: When you make a decision that you’re unsure about, you get to make another decision. And, if you go down that road and don’t like that decision, you can make another one.
You keep doing this until you train your mind to follow your Soulful Self that always steers you in the right direction.
This practice will help you to live from the soul (and in the Miracle Zone) more and more.
Click here for the first Foundation: Trust in the Universe.
I have a song I wrote called Follow Your Soul. Thanks for this tip on how to do it!!!! 😉 yes, oh yes – how many times have I not heeded that inner voice telling me what to do, and later regretted not paying attention to my-self!
Been there, done that! 😉 We love the title of your song, Alison!!! Sounds like you know what we’re talking about!
Just this morning during a meditation time, I heard
Do not try to manifest anything new,
Just focus on your “Inner Work”,
and your “Work” will come to you.
That was very powerful….then I listened to this Miracle Moment, so appropriate and in Divine timing….(of course).
I like to say I am listening with the ears of my heart 🙂
“Listening with the ears of my heart” … we love this!
When I’m Following the path of the soul, I have the inner feeling that this is the true and right thing to do. Each synchronicity is connected and so I can’t wait to have my next breakthrough because it just keeps getting better and better. Dr Sue, I went to the Bus stop of destiny, and I said I want to know what love is. And all these people stepped forward each with an aspect of love they wanted me to experience. I had the biggest aha moment in my life…forgiveness was just so effortless after that. Thank you so much, I’m grateful to have received this exercise at the right time in my life because now I can begin to know self love.
How I needed to hear that!
Felt overwhelmed with all the things I have to do and felt my irritation rose.
Completely lost track of my soul!
Thank you both for helping me to redirect my self!
Instead of a frown there is a smile on my face.
Loving blessings,Jeltje
i’m writing a play on the presence of God- but not making it god- making it LOVE .. it is flowing and flowing-and who knows if it will get up and running or produced but the joy in ME in writing it- listening w my heart… I’m happy whatever happens- and feel deeply honored that this flow is coming through me. <3
Many years ago, I had a dream of a winding path (that clearly represented kundalini) with a house at the end. Of various things that happened in the house, I remember asking “what is my name?” and heard “To be’s” (as in Angel Gabriel told Mary the future? my name is Gabriel). Or was it “Two Bs” (Runic sign for breasts?). Or maybe “Two bees” (that fly & make honey?) followed by a loud buzzing…
Or maybe all of them?
Another time, I asked for the name of a guide. And after a pause, as if from a very long distance away, I heard “Melissa”.
Many years ago I got an A3 photocopier and experimented with colour toner: making colour prints of ancient artifacts associated with Goddess religions. One of them was a little Minoan priestess in tiered skirt holding a snake in each hand, with a cat sitting on her head — clearly a reference to kundalini: my cat would gaze in fascination at the space above my head after I meditated!
A few years ago I registered for a subject of special interest on research papers on Honey — having found that Manuka honey has very special bactericidal properties: the only stuff capable of keeping at bay a skin infection I’ve had for 20+ years.
A couple of days ago I woke with the words “La guia” in my mind, also knowing the spelling. I looked it up and found it meant a “female guide”, in Spanish.
Later that day I read an email about an online course, about ancient Bee Goddesses. One of the illustrations was a photo of the little Minoan priestess (or goddess). (I visited Crete and Knossos in the 1960s: I had seen some of these temple frescoes.)
But the Bee Goddesses course was very expensive even reduced for one day, at £720. It was taught by a woman whose Master’s degree this subject had been, who’d sent me the email. I looked up her name: she was Spanish. She was “La guia”?
I looked up bee goddesses, and found one was called “Melissa” (my scalp is now prickling) and her priestesses were Melissae. But the course was so expensive…
OK: I’d find out about the bee goddesses myself. I’d already started!
But was I refusing the call? Could it have been any more clearly made? So many times?
Hi Gabriel,
Sometimes the Universe shows us the way in so many unexpected ways. Your story might be testament to to that. Now, listen to what your inner guidance is telling you! Both the foundations, Trust in the Universe and Live from the Soul, are at work here.
Much love!
Hi Kimberly, I’ve been getting the same message. As I Know there is something New coming, it becomes easier to focus on this inner work. That’s why I signed up for YOM, to focus on the Inner Work, and not feel pressed to keep on marketing myself and my new events. I made a decision to take a “sabbatical” through the end of this month and then to reevaluate. Glad I’m not the only one!
Thanks a lot Marce and Sue for your guidance in this amazing path, you bring us your energi, inspiration and love. I really love you!!!
Kimberly and Maria, I´ve been going in the same path. Marketing myself to get a jobb feels like going nowhere, so disempowering.
I want to invest my energy, my knowledge, my creativity and my life to something valuable for other people and for the Universe, not only getting a job for money and for food on the table.
The extraign to me is that in very difficult moments in the past I was able to be calm, do nothing and listen to my soul, so, I don´t understand why it has been so difficult now.
So, anyway, listening to my soul inspires me, I feel that this is the right way… I feel also that this course is a sign that the Loved Universum sends us to reconnect to our Divine essence.
Thanks a lot to all of you Divine creatures, and all the best!!!!!!
When i just did the exercise…i felt a calmness starting my gut when i brought my energy back.
Hearing and acting on my intuition is one of my intentions for the year…
Thank you for this message right now!
So true Maria, you are not alone! Our community is here to support you on your journey!
Much Love
Love it Maria, listening to your inner wisdom!
Lots of love
OMG! Can’t thank you enough 😘! This has been so empowering that I am going to follow through on teaching wheelchair ballroom dance at my community food forest ! Working through the blocks that were obstacles previously! Love and light to you ❣️💞!
Mula Bandhan exercise helped to bring the energy back to me. I now wait for direction from my Soul on how to respond to a coworker can upset me. Thanks for reminding me to love 💘 self!
Thank you. I love this and will be practicing ++. It is so simple but so very effective . Love and light Glory
I Thank you Marci and Dr. Sue. That I have found the YOM. Program. Now I am moving forward to see the light in my life. That I connect to learn my soul to surrender everythings that doesn’t served me. I am grateful to letting go. Thank you for the power of your Miracle of healing energies. I am blessed and safe. Love and Light, Lyn…
Thank you for this great reminder you two magnificent women. Just what I needed to hear today. It gave me so much calmness. 🙏💕🙏💕
The best to you in your wheelchair ballroom venture, Ellie! I am also working on a dance adventure and this morning felt soulfully empowered by the inner imagery work and movement exercise I improvised. Feel free to communicate with me about your progress. I’d be more than happy to applaud you as you make your vision reality! My best to you, Madelyn
Wow Ellie, We love hearing that you are following your heart/soul’s desire to teach wheelchair ballroom dancing!
Thank you for sharing, we can’t wait to hear more!
You are so welcome Ellie, we find it empowering as well!
Much Love
Ellie, where is your amazing wheelchair ballroom???i am in California. Tried cha cha at Arthur Murray and ended up in hospital because it irritated a
slipping disc!!!love what you are doing and I so want to hear more!
HI Lynnda, We are sending healing thoughts your way!
Much love to you!
This program!!! Yes being in the YOM was me listening to my Soul, first was my limited belief saying you will quit the program half way of February, you will never make it to the end, paying for this program is so selfish, first masterclass I wrote in the chat that I was feeling guilty about it and Marci actually read my comment and encourage me to listen to my higher self, I did and Oh boy best decision ever, I’m not were I was back in January 13 there is a brand new me every week with every class with every MMM. Thanks Dr Sue thanks Marci but above all thank you fabulous ME!!! For doing this for us 😊 I’m my new best friend
Beautifully said Christian Love hearing that you are now your own best friend!
Lots of Love!
Är nybörjare på detta men har mediterar några ggr.
Är i obalans just nu på grund av att min bästa manliga vän dog nyligen och det begravning på tisdag den 5mars.
Kan inte fokusera på något just nu.
Bara basics.
Äta sova och röra på mig.
Är tacksam dock att jag får va med och ta till mig tips.
I listen to the inner voice inside of me. We get along well now because I trust her and the process. I have learned that if what I feeling if heavy, then it’s not the right time or decision in that moment. If it feels light it’s the right choice and doors begin to open!
Thank you Marci and Dr Sue🥰
You’ve got it Dede, learning to train your mind to listen to your soul creates the river of joy that flows within!
Lots of Love
I have spent the past decade working on overcoming indecision, fears, & on strengthening my soul muscle. Today I have a wonderful opportunity to look into which I affirmed into manifestation. I gave in to fear & postponed for 2 days. I am continuing to listen to your podcasts. I am single, mature. Forgiving myself & following up on this opportunity. And listening to your podcasts. A webinar where I can interact would help me. Grateful for the Soul video & speaker.
Hi Caro,
I am so glad to know that our resources are helping you in your miraculous journey. I hope these uplifting tools continue to offer support to you throughout the year. More miracles to you!
I’ve done this before instinctely called energy back after being angry I regretted it but didn’t realize it was a thing this is amazing learning that it’s a real thing and not something I just started doing.
That’s amazing, Jason! Glad you could experience the benefits of the technique.Much love!
Thank you for this Miracle message. I love it when I have those moments of feeling my souls in tune with life, the flow of the river. I am looking forward to feeling more of those moments and to be one more consistently with the flow of the river, life. Thank you again Dr. Sue and Marci!
Awesome Belinda, those moments will continue as you live in tune with your Soul, the river continues to flow.
Much Love
Love this Belinda. There is nothing like the flow and to be there as much as possible is the goal. Enjoy.
Thank you all for sharing your wisdom.
I am a Chef and when I am cooking I can actually hear that inner voice guiding me
Is it my spirit or my soul?
I was told recently (in a Shaman class) that the soul is the individual, and the spirit is the one (8th chakra/universal or God consciousness). I’m pretty sure YOUR inner voice is the soul speaking.
Hope this helps.
Much love Avrille.
We love that April, trusting in your inner guidance as it continues to manifest creates that inner flow of joy!
Much Love
It certainly sounds like it Avrile!!
Much love
Hi Avrile,
Trusting your inner voice to guide you call it your spirit or soul. The important thing is trusting the guidance from inside.
Much Love
The key is to have a relationship with the True Source. This is true alignment.
Beautifully said, Mary!
Lovely presentation. Love the title. Thank you.
Thank you so much, Phinah!
I would like some clarification please on listening to the soul. I know what it feels like to disperse your energy on to someone or something. I know what it feels like to feel contracted in the physical body. Resistance is one of them. I know what it is to feel at one with your true self. But I am still not sure if I can distinguish between the mind and the inner voice. The inner voice the whisper with no attached thought process.??
Listening to your soul will feel expansive, not contracted in your body. And connecting with your soulful self will generally be a quieter “voice”. The mind tends to analyze, justify, or argue. The soul simply states what is.
Deep breathing exercises added on helps me as I can get very agitated thinking of circumstances outside my own personal space and environment. It helps me to channel my scattered thoughts into my body and then letting it out through my heart with intentions of loving and taking care of my soul. I love what Marci and Dr Sue have responded above. The video had excellent information and taught me more about self care! Thanks so much!
Thank you Christine for sharing your experience!!
I’d like to talk to some one! I’ve joined but a bit confused about a couple of things. Looking forward to hearing back.
Thank you,
Hello, Nicki. We hope you connected with someone on our Miracles Team. They are always easily reachable via email and in our Facebook group daily to answer any questions.
I had a bad experience with following my gut feeling. I knew I wanted to change direction with my therapy business because my body is worn out from all the massage and reflexology treatments I have done.
I found a course that I thought was right for me and made enquiries and he phoned me back at 8am on a Sunday morning. I was so excited about doing the course and paid the £1600 straight away. To cut a long story short it was a scam. I travelled for 5 hours to get to the 3 day course and stayed in a grotty hotel to find out on the day of the course they had been evicted from the venue for not paying the rent.
I did eventually get the £1600 back but that was a very expensive lesson.
I know that my lesson probably was, yes I do need to change the direction of my career but I have lost my confidence and I’m not going to travel for a course again.
I’ve not done any therapy work since last March and even though I’ve done counselling courses in line I’m stuck!!!
Love Sharon uk
Yes me too I would really like to talk to someone about a couple of things that are keeping me awake at night, I have reached out, unfortunately I didn’t get a proper answer, I would really appreciate your support right now, thank you,
This is 100 percent accurate it works its difficult to change anyone of thinking but it can be done.
It is a process Maxine and the more we practice the easier it becomes.
You’ve got this!
Much Love
I was raised Catholic and never learned to think for myself. I’m no longer in that faith, but still left with the not trusting in my gut feelings…
You’re not alone on this, Kitty! It takes time to learn to trust again. But over time it gets easier and easier. Start small and keep flexing that muscle.
I too was raised Catholic, but questioned it from a very young age.
When I left home and went in search of the real “true” church, I was eventually led to “Conversations with God”. Not that it had all the answers, but it sure made more sense than most of what’s out there.
Eventually I’ve come to most resonate with the Universal Principles put forth by Arnold Patent.
You can go here for a list of them – both written and oral.
Much love Kitty.
Thank you Christine for sharing!
After reading this , it struck a cord in me. Being deployed from work, I now see….My Soul, My Heart, My Life Energy that I was ‘too busy’ to participate in.
I’m Channeling again, reawakening and reconnecting and I am truly Blessed.
Beautiful April!! Living in the flow of your Soul and Heart will bring that river of joy Rumi describes!
Much Love
Some of us with strong personalities need to learn not to argue with our soulful self..😉😂🙏
And is THAT the truth Eris! 😉 Hugs and miracles to you! (My turn to spot YOU in the comments!) 😉
We love the support our community offers!
Much love
Eris you’re not alone it will become second nature as you continue to train your mind to hear your Soul.
You’ve got this!
Lots of Love
As a Muslim, I am advised to pray a third of the night, it is around 3 a.m. What we feel, that we feel close to the power that holds this universe that is Allah Ta’ala. Our closeness is felt when we pray and remember Him. So in this imminent situation, we always ask for my good wishes and for my loved ones. With these two gifts, we can be more confident to go and do what we want.
Yes Rico! when we are in flow with abundance of love radiating from your Soul the joy flows through us to our loved ones as well!
Much Love
It sound’s good.
We look forward to hearing how it feels as you deepening your connection to your Heart & Soul.
Lots of Love
Would love to hear it!!!
You’ve got this Barbara !
The songs make me powerful and full confidence,it’s amazing.
It does for us as well Malijani!
Thank you for sharing!
Much Love
When we laugh, we laugh together. My soul sings when I write a funny story and people laugh. Thank you for reminding me to keep writing.
Thanks for ur email🙏👍
You’re welcome Muhammad!
You’re welcome Kathryn we are all connected!
Lots of Love
Absolutely Kathryn!!! Thank you for sharing!
When I woke up this morning the first thing I did is listen to «Live from the soul». What a great way to start the day! As I get older I try to listen more and more to my soul, my inner feeling and when I do I feel wonderful. My Dad past away almost eleven months ago and from that departure I started a new company about comforting people with the loss of someone and I feel deep in my soul that that is my future and I feel good when I work on building it. At almost the same time, my husband of 24 years cheated on me. I asked him to go and I am ok with that decision but I have been crying every day for almost 6 months because of the betrayal. I am trying to find inside my soul a place for forgiveness because other wise I will never be free. I have not found something like for my Dad to make me feel better or move on. I do with my new business but something inside is broken and I am desperately trying to find my silver lining.How do you listen to your soul when something has broken? Thank you for reading me.
Thank you Dominik for sharing your experience and as you listen to your Soul, grief is a journey. Please be kind to yourself as it is your own personal process. Your Soul will determine if/when to forgive your ex.
Much love
Thank you Alison, we can’t wait to hear how training your mind to listen to your soul changes your experiences!
Lots of Love
I’d like to hear your song Alison. Is there a way to listen to it?
Best wishes. David
How can he not get out of himself if the social, political, economic environment in the local and global community is like today?
Being comfortable and happy alone will not completely make him comfortable.
That’s my response. Thank you to all of you🙏👍
Wow, my mind is like a squirrel, but when you were both talking, I couldn’t help paying attention. The energy was powerful and it felt as if you were speaking to me. I’m replaying purely for the vibes! Thanks!
Lovely message thank you from Mary Llewellyn. I know when I’m doing something from my soul. For many years I have been using the sway technique. If you don’t use it or haven’t heard of it I’d love to share it with you both. blessings from Mair to you both
Right on, Mary! We personally love using muscle testing as a great tool to tap into soul and intuition.
Hi, Thanks for all your advice – quite lovely and useful. However, I am interested to learn what Mary Llewellyn’s “sway technique” is. Please could she explain?
Love and best wishes for the series.
Me, too. I was wanting to know the same thing, Pat. I think it’s good to have various tools to call upon at different times.
Not 100% sure what Mary was referencing but pretty sure she’s talking about muscle testing, which we love. Google “muscle testing” and/or “sway technique” and you’ll find all kinds of videos and resources.
I’m not sure if this is what Mary refers to as the “sway technique,” but when I tune in to my inner self, my body will often begin to sway on its own.
HI Mary Llewellyn, I do know the voice of soul but being in relationship with a strongly controlling person (some call it passive aggressive I often see it is to “seem to be in agreement then procrastinate until the other(in this case “me”) gives up in frustration I too often feel frustrated and not respected. Could you tell me more about the sway technique as perhaps it may give me more of a supportive way of dealing with this. ( I believe couples therapy is most probably needed but joined WOM in hopes of more awareness and supportiveness in the mean time! So would appreciate learning how you use the swaying!! Thanks, Claudette
P.S. I can do muscle testing but thought this might be slightly different?
We look forward to hearing how it works for your Claudette, once you try “swaying” let us know.
Much Love
Sway technique? Please share it…
Places tend to pull me…in my 20s it was Alaska/Yukon. I stayed in Quebec/Ontario instead. But went to Alaska as a married woman and my husband had felt strongly about it. Now Hong Kong is pulling at me.
I pray that my quest for wanderlust never diminishes. I can think of nothing finer. The world is too big (and small) to ignore.
Lovely to hear that you follow where you’re feeling pulled, Babs. We agree that the world is a big (and small) place.
Thank you for the reminder! As I walked through a huge fear today in my new coaching business, and ( of course!) judged myself on how poorly I did, I listened to your message.
I thought, “Well I listened to my soul when I chose to transition to becoming a life coach!”
Your message helped re-align me with my soul.
Thank you!
Perfect, Jody. And isn’t it the best that our soul never judges us or makes us “wrong”?
Excellent reminder, thank you!
You’re so welcome!
I love Sue saying that you have train yourself to listen. I think we forget that and think it should just be there. Love your videos.
Right? That connection is like a muscle that we need to remember to use and strengthen.
Thank you so much ladies, I needed to hear that.
We always know that the right message gets delivered to the right people at the right time!
I’ve had a problem all my life with either listening to recommendations from my brother that don’t feel right for me or letting him discount my ideas and impulses for movement. Recently I told him, “No thanks,” to a magazine article he sent me that felt weird. Instantly I felt empowered. Sadly, he has now created distance between us.
Following how you feel (good or bad) is so empowering. Hugs to you, Beverley!
Thank you Marci & Dr Sue for another spot on reminder as this one is getting SO much easier since listening to my soul re starting our YOM back in Dec or Jan…my life is not the same and listening to my soul has become a more common practice!! I’m deeply appreciating our work ( should say play) together and am experiencing small and large miracles daily!! I experienced anther strong pull from my soul recently when I went for and applied to Marci’s HFNR Certified Training course and was blessed with an invitation to join & have been soaring in my life once again! Thank you so much for this most alive and present journey of my life!!
Yay! We love hearing about your miracles, Elizabeth! And thank you for wanting to spread happiness around the world with those around you. We’re soaring with you.
Yes! My Soul Knows! And my Soulful Self is in charge.
Your suggested Exercise is wonderful- helps to banish
those Fears….
Thank you Marci and Dr. Sue,
Anne Marie
Yes! Namaste to you and your Soulful Self.
I listened to my soul today and felt free. Thank you for the happiness you
Both put out with your video
Free! What a beautiful feeling. It’s available to one and all. 😉
Thanks for the reminder How easily we forget to listen.
We remind each other all the time!
I like to think listening to my soul is akin to trusting my gut and my instincts. I have experienced some strong intuition lately and need to remember to keep my energy within me rather than giving it all way because I refused to trust myself. Thank for you for the encouragement!
Sounds like you are definitely moving in the right direction! And it gets easier over time for sure.
Thank you for your support and belief in us, in me. I am having some massive miracles coming forth and it all feels so easy! Singing opportunities, teaching opportunities abroad! I was recently telling a friend that I want “more of this,” meaning professional singing opportunities at a higher rate. No sooner had I hung up the phone when I received (3) opportunities in a week! And other miracles, too that seem so random but I know they are not. It takes courage to live from the soul sometimes I get a little overwhelmed, but I try to stay in my body and breathe. What surprises me is that the time from organic soul desire to manifestation time has shortened, and sometimes is instantaneous. Whoa.
YES!!! You’re in the Miracle Zone!
Listening to your soul is empowering. When I choose to heed my inner voice I feel such confidence and peace. I find myself navigating difficult situations, responding not reacting, by pausing and listening to my gut, my soul.
So beautiful, Charlene. Thank you for sharing.
I hope my dream and aspirations come true and my happiness and love come true.
Thanks so much Marci and Dr Sue for your message on Listening To Your Soul and finding one’ true purpose in life. I am now in fact taking a bold step of moving out of my present surroundings in order to step into the totally unknown trusting the Universe to guide me towards my innermost desires to become a change agent for my community. I am praying that all this and much more positive outcomes are to come my way in surprisingly wonderful packages. I am at peace in the knowing that I will be having a greater sense of self worth than ever before. I am so grateful to the Universe for making me come across your teaching and support. Namaste
Namaste to you, Christine. You are right. Trust is also so important. Thrilled to hear you’re consciously setting your intentions.
Oh Hi, Marci, this is Bonnie Hoo (from down under) here, one of your participants in your YOM 2017. I am not sure if this is the appropriate place to do this, I was lucky enough to be able to get in touch with Debra and thanked her personally in her YTS Facebook. I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I feel for I believe that you and Debra, together with so many other Miracles sisters (N a few brothers) had turned my life around, in many ways subtle (as it is more inner than outer), but nonetheless it could be felt. Because of your Course and the persons you and Debra are, now I have a rather successful website called (I based my success purely on making lots of people laugh, that is my highest ambition!..and it is working, esp with many “can be rather serious” Doctors…). It is weird that I am writing this to you now as in my May’s blog posted out just last week, I mentioned you. There is no way I would have the courage to embark on this so public journey without you guys’ inspiration and encouragement and it is such comfort to know that Debra knows of my gratitude (and now you know) and other participants have been acknowledged as well. I still participate in two groups formed as a continuation of the friendships made back in 2017. Thank you for sending me videos as I miss you so much and I also luv your new co-partners/mentors. I think a student can never pay back a teacher(s) adequately for them kick-starting us but I trust that every time my blog readers LOL, they would know that nothing comes from nothing, if we trace hard enough, we would find the birthplace of an “idea”. I feel that you and Debra have been the best midwives, it wasn’t only an easy birth, Marci, it has been so fun, lots of LOLs and I believe I am the only weirdo who laughs at her own jokes or expenses. Sending you and the team lots of love, light and laughter.
Bonnie Hoo!!! Your comment is so touching. It was our honor to be your midwives. So happy to hear from you and all the miracles in your beautiful life. Blessings.
Hi All
Tuned in for a second time to Monday’s message. My small contribution is to express thanks to Marci and Sue. Was ‘hopeful’ when joining YYOM that the program would have some depth and meaning. Each week and month you two ladies deliver ‘gold for my soul’ and I am so grateful. Blessings to all💫
Oh, thank you, Jo! We love having your energy in the program. We are so blessed to be able to do this work.
I love this soulful reminder, the timing was perfect. May 7 (yesterday) I had to deal with my mom at her nursing home. I was a little grumbly, as I had a talk to give that night, and work to do, but kept asserting “over the overwhelm,” that this was the right place to be; I met with staff as needed, and felt my mom (age 95) and I got to have a “soul talk.” Later, my talk at a meditation center flowed with ease and grace.
I’ve been listening and doing the threshold exercise a lot. It’s VERY powerful–for issues that have stymied me all my life. Yes, gold for my soul, and goals somehow met. Thank you for the Weds. talks and miracle moments, like shiny surprises, that uplift my day. Kinda like Crackerjack box toys, in a healthy box. Sheila in NYC
Way to put things into practice, Sheila! And we are so glad to have you with us in the program. Many more surprises still to come… =)
I may be the one person that you are hearing from who has trusted my gut and it got me into trouble.
Would love to hear more about it, Pam. Any lessons learned? (We find that often when things don’t go our way, it’s because there’s a lesson we needed to learn…sometimes over and over again until we get it right.) But we’d love to hear your experience.
My husband and I are in the midst of preparing to move from British Columbia to Ontario, at the end of May. My soul is “jumping up and down” this morning, telling me to join “Your Year of Miracles”, once we get settled. I will. Whenever, I listen to your short videos I feel inspired. I want to learn more, so I will join the next session of YYOM. Thanks so much, Marci and Sue, for helping me to be my best self.
This was the perfect timing for me to receive this message! Thank you Marci and Sue – I am so glad I followed my soul to this program. I feel I have not been listening to my soul – and I desperately want to learn how! I am getting honest about doing work that does not bring me joy – and I need my soul to guide me. I’m still not exactly sure how to get to that guidance. I feel so supported by you and just seeing you makes me feel better!
Sounds like you are beautifully opening to listening to your soul, Corinne. Having the desire is part of starting. And then just trusting and being open. Each step you take brings you closer. Be patient and kind to yourself. We’re here for you.
Thank you so much for all of the wonderful wonderful tapes, books, summits etc that you beautiful ladies do. I am always listening and reading them. Right now I am listening to the audio of The Energy Codes and also Happy for No Reason. I am also on my seventh day of nine of getting rid of 27 things a day in my home, so will be seeing a miracle soon. Love you ladies so much.
Wow! So honored that you’re on this journey with us, Margaret. Kindred spirits! Hugs!
The big “Truth” for me is that hearing the Soul’s voice takes practice ! It takes building that specific “muscle”. What at first seems completely absent begins to strengthen over time until we don’t remember what it was like to be without it. I’m in the muscle-building phase and the more I practice the more I feel I can trust that the Voice I’m hearing IS my Soulful Self. Onward !!! (-;
Thank so much for that very timely reminder and encouragement! Just last week, I felt a great ‘pull’ from my soul of knowing and Joy towards this gala event happening in LA later this month! I have chosen to bravely ignore the beliefs and fears in my head saying I can’t do it, or it’s not responsible to go all that way and spend all that money just for that short time etc etc….., and follow my soul, the Joy anyway! I fly out from Edmonton, Canada March 20 wooo eeeee!!!
Congratulations! Have a glorious Gala!
Thank you for a powerful reminder! I love that subject-object exercise, and am becoming more and more attuned when I relinquish my power for whatever reason small or ‘big’ and am able to drop into my core so much easier and almost instantly as I notice that shift! I am so grateful to you both Marci and Dr Sue, and so privileged to be on this journey with you, thank you for being you and sharing so gracefully and generously <3 _/\_
Yes, we are ALL on this amazing journey together. And we love that we get to be here with you, Lea. Your amazing energy contributes to this unique collective and it honestly would not be the same without you.
“The soul has been given its own ears to hear things mind does not understand.”
I was going to give this quote at my group meeting …but it is so timely to give it to all today!
My soul’s voice has spoken loudly and clearly (even sometimes audibly) for many years. Do I always listen? Aye…there’s the rub!
Yes, that’s why we’re all here to remind each other about these five foundations! Believe us, we need the reminders too. =)
Oh yes, “…there’s the rub” indeed!!
Last year, on April 27th, I was healing from five years of significant heart health issues, and feeling excited as, at last , I had energy to work in the garden.
I was almost skipping down the drive when suddenly, I felt the urge to jump from the short retaining wall to the lawn and garden. I’m 74, loved running and jumping, and the knee injury plaguing me for 7 months, had finally healed.
A clear, quiet voice in my head warned, “Don’t do it.”
I thought, “Oh – it will be all right.” As a former gymnastics coach, I knew how to land properly. So I jumped.
However, my ‘healed knee/leg’, shattered.
Fast forward to today (almost a year later) – I am walking again with two steel plates and a ‘railroad trestle’ of supports criss crossing inside the broken leg. It is also crooked and I have to walk very carefully…but I am grateful to be walking at all!!
Listening to that inner ‘voice’ is crucial. I’m again, very excited to soon be gardening, but am committed to paying attention to my soul’s guidance in the future!
We wish you speedy and safe recovery, Linda!
Much love to you.
You two ladies are a GIFT to my SOUL. Thank you for sharing yourselves and your love with us! 💕🥰
Awww, thank you, Charlene! The feeling is so mutual.
Hello Marci,Dr. Sue and All YOM people,
Im grateful to hear of this foundation ,everything has been telling me to close my Massage practice and move onto another area of interest in my life, so Ive taken steps to get my Nurse Practitioner certification in another state.
Mean while ,Ive been asking the Universe,God ,Mother Earth, MY SOUL to show me the way ,then. unfortunately, the coronavirus and my business has slowed down. From this, I have given back to others in the building wiping down services with chorlox , doing teaching in regards to hand washing, calming peoples nerves and encouraging them.
TAKING ACTION: I called my land lord and told them ill only be leasing month to month and am now moving in the flow of the river!
I use t work in Addiction Medicine,many of the clients had a saying or slogan when they needed to move on”Let go or be Dragged!”
I have tears of Joy for my answers.
Also God has provided me a renter of a room in my home as added income 2 weeks ago! Just on the heels of the coronavirus outbreak!
I did not see the prior coming, yet have just trusted my gut feelings and trying to keep them within our groups and not outside people whom Ive shared with 2 close friends -who answered me so skeptical! I just silently gave them H’O oponapono. NOW,I understand how I used to give all my ideas and power away to others and be miserable when I followed their advice. GOT IT! Thank you,Ladies!
We got “god bumps” from reading this, Ellen. Truly grateful for the gift of your comment here. We are definitely in the Miracle Zone.
Thank you Marci and Sue for your priceless message. I was just thinking of some major events in my life when I listened to my Soul and the results were so gratifying: #1 I joined AA and now have 40 yrs. sobriety in which I’ve enjoyed much spiritual growth; #2 I moved from New York City to Los Angeles, CA where the traveling by car is so much easier for me than by bus or subway; #3 I went to college here in LA for a 6 yr program, received a Masters in Speech Pathology, worked in Special Education helping children learn to read, develop language skills, journal also meditate. #4 After 2nd year in college was trying to decide whether to stay and continue or return to NYC, when a bright light that filled the room woke me up at 2am in the morning and my decision was made for me. I stayed and finished college. So thank you so much for your message.
I’ll continue to listen to my Soul.
You are clearly rocking this one, Eileen…whoa! We are cheering for you big time. Thank you for sharing here.
Thank you for this message, I have seen clear moments when I have not hear my soul, and I regreted, I want to build my muscle to listen my soul, and only my SOUL, I want that coherence and is the most beautiful thing that I can do…I thing the activation for letting go has been helping me to realese what ever blockage and having more room to listen my soul, I don’t know why but doing the activation knocking me out, my body stay very relaxed after doing the meditation. Thank you Dr. Sue & Marci, much love to you all.
So much love to you too, Yazmin. You are so right about it being like building up a muscle. You’ll continue to get stronger and stronger with this the more you listen to your beautiful soul.
Listening to my Soul was something so natural in me until some years ago. I felt like a child creating my own magic world with so much joy and innoncence for there was no judgement, no doubts, no fears. My mom used to call me a dreamer for that. Of course she did not know better.
Thanks so much for this reminder Marci and Dr. Sue!
Even though I am trapped in fear at times, I am starting to listen to my Soul again, but is it so beautiful to just trust your Soul as I did before.
NOTE: #2 is the foundation I need to work on, tried to access this link several times but the page is not found, is it going to be sent in an email just as the Listening to Your Soul was? ………Click here to learn more about the second Foundation – Choosing Where You Put Your Energy and Attention
We love hearing that you have the courage to listen to your listen to your soul again. It’s so common that we’re told to stop dreaming, get your head out of the clouds, etc. But we know listening to the soul is where it’s at!
And sorry about the link not working for you. Try this one:
This is such good timing. I was scheduled for a root canal this morning. Of course with the virus so much is undetermined. When I arrived at dentist I felt uncomfortable about going through a two hour procedure…ugh. So listening to my gut I chose to not do it right now. I will continue with tumeric tincture, and let the nerve keep dying so I can address it at another time.
When I got home I saw the email from Marci and Sue and felt the power of knowing in my gut that I had done the right thing.
Blessed be.
Ginny Dean
Dear, Ginny…we’re sending loving energy in support of your good health and hope you’re doing well. And yes, listening to our gut has never steered us in the wrong direction. =)
Just recently I experienced „not listening to my feeling“. Afterwards I regretted so much! It was a chance to acquire something that I was looking for for a long time. This lesson was very painful! (But effective!)
I did not listen to the steady whispering of my soul not to risk what I had established and followed my pull toward adventure.
Did I pay for losing everything I worked for? I did and played the blaming game for a long time until I came to my senses, started to write down whatever happened in my life, got the stars I dreamed of and, found fulfillment feeling the inner happiness I lacked.
Thank you, Dr. Sue, thank you, Marci, thank you, Lisa: whenever I listen to the Monday-message I feel like I have a family. Giselle
I intended something and admist great chaos received it.
Something really changed for me this morning.
I deserve everything is what is coming through.
I deserve everything
Thank you that is something that I really needed to work on.
Great love from Vanessa
Ladies – YOU ARE AMAZING! Love hearing your words of wisdom, guidance and soulful inspiration! Keep it up, the world needs your loving energy and so do I!
God bless!
I have begun to learn to accept my inner feelings and to go with it at the moment that it happens. It’s so easy when I just go and trust and do what comes naturally! Thanks Dr. Sue and Marci in leading us through not making us tangle up in knots, listening, reading, searching everywhere for something that is in such close reach if we just tune inward!!!
Thanks a million, Maruca
You are most welcome, Maruca. Thank you for being on this journey with us.
So interesting!! The last few days I have been questioning one of my intentions…that of attracting a soulmate. I came to realize…as I listened to my soul..that was no longer an intention for me. Very liberating experience for me! Thank you Marci and Dr. Sue for your continued guidance!
Hi. Dr. Sue and Marci. I have been doing this for years incrementally. What I am noticing is that in my core there are deep wound that keep getting brought up. It is right now, and the hardest situations in my life have penetrated these deep wounds and continue to do that. It seems that my life has been about uncovering this core of soulself underneath lots of core wounding. Right now I am feeling the pain of that, but I also know it has been a wonderful process, and I am getting closer and closer to my core self, my soul.
I am so in alignment with your messages and the timing is divine. Thank you for your inspiration and wisdom. I am currently resurrecting a course I did years ago called, “Ignite your SoulPower: 28 days to healthy radiance” and making it an online course. Currently offering a free 5 day course to a facebook group called 50+ and Fabulous and the past 2 days your message was what was perfect for the topic of the day.
Now I am in the figuring out phase of how to make it an online course to monetize it and this message reminded me to tune in to my inner GPS and practice what I preach to find the answers.
(My recent miracle was getting my website published last Saturday and putting myself out there. It is a work in progress.)
I am extremely grateful to be a part of this tribe and learning from both of you!! Shine ON!!
So blessed — while reading comments and after listening to your message today, I feel that I am on the right path. Working in my life to allow God’s presence to be with all during this time. Exhausting sometimes, but exhilarating to allow justice and compassion to be my guides rather than strict “rules” that make no sense or leave any room for Spirit. Learning that letting go is my number one issue but feeling I can do this with help! Thank you.
What is the threshold practice? I have been going back an forth with my mind wanting to continue to do things the old way and my soul wanted to stay in the forth front. My soul as been taking a backseat to my mind. And today I decided I am I feel I can I love I speak my truth I see I am guided by wisdom above and below. My mind keep wanted to live the old ways and I kept saying to myself I am I feel I can I love I see and I am guided by wisdom above and below. I am letting my soul live in the driver seat today and everyday! Then I got this email link and learned it is a muscle to keep practicing for it to become stronger. Thank You for you wisdom and feedback;)
I’m listening to my soul and I’m freeing my spirit to unburden myself of pleasing others…. I’m reinventing myself with joy
Thank You for today’s message! Yesterday was my first Group meeting and I was so filled with joy when we ended that I finally felt I had made a good commitment with this program. Then today to hear you remind us we’re building new muscles (one more time) was so supportive to this adventure. I’ve been through so many levels of excitement through life to only find I hadn’t done enough “homework” and the energy would just fade and I’d be lost again judging how I make ill-informed/wrong choices over and over. There’s so much to “the story” so I’ll just end with another Thank You for helping to restore hope and Trust (my 2021 Theme) in me and connection to Soul.
I LOVE that…’freeing my spirit to unburden myself of pleasing others’…ME TOO!!! Thanks, Sherry
I thank you for the Miracle Moment. I believe I have some big decisions coming my direction with care for my Mom. It brings up so many emotions of Love but also Fear. I will listen through my Heart and know I am being lead in the right direction. I feel I should get that guest room ready and my mind for a life change. Bring the Energy back to myself and listen 🙂
I’ve been aware of my inner guidance for many years and it’s never been a question of whether or not to follow it. What I don’t understand is how to “build this muscle” for those times when there is no need to make a decision but also an awareness that I am not in touch with my “soul” — not living out of my essential self. I started practicing uniting my mind with my heart — is that the same as uniting it with my soul?
Thank you! Yay! Amazing! I’ve been working on this idea exclusively for about 5 days now. It’s super important to realize, for some individuals, when you give your power away for so long (for whatever reason), it’s going to take time, patience, and practice to really know what your “YES” and “NO” truly feel like in your body.
Also, setting intentions to release, forgive, and heal energetic cords that have been created from my porous energetic field has been so amazing.
I’m calling ALL of me back and I’m so grateful for my insane past, my present cocoon of healing, and my amazing future of abundance and service. ❤️✨
Love is you❤️ soul/spirit❤️ Love is Me I wonder her truth ❤️***
This magically aligns with my first intention “I am experiencing crystal clear clarity with calm soulful presence” . For me the issue has always been trusting this inner gps maybe I was inadvertently listening to my ego, believing it was my soulful self. My Health issues have created a lot of background white noise, I am looking forward to clearing that up
Marci and Dr. Sue,
Thank you for the First Foundation, “Listening to Your Soul” video. It couldn’t have come at a better, more needed moment. I have to admit that with all that is going on in life, in general, I am struggling to keep abreast of everything, including the YYOM program, which I so desperately need! I won’t give up trying!
I want to say, that I have just recently begun to recognize that little miracles are occurring. That gave me an enormous positive boost. (LOL, geeze, I feel so far behind). The lesson I feel?… “Don’t give up!”
I haven’t, as yet, begun to journal them as I feel my attention pulled to so many other “issues”, that we’re dealing with. Some are simple things, like not having a printer hooked-up, just learning a different computer operating system, etc. So frustrating, but doable! Others I continue to look at, as a turtle does… maybe slow goes it, but with perseverance, the mountains are surmountable, even if one slow step at a time.
As specifically regards “Listening to your soul”, I have heard that small voice that seems to come out of no where; and, yes, there have been times when I didn’t heed its message and – deeply – regretted it. I’m thankful to be reminded that it is so very important to “listen” to it.
Wow, I chose ‘Listening to my soul’ as my weekly intention before I received the email this morning. My soul must have chosen it!
I love this – but what about if you thought you were listening to your ‘soul’ and made some big mistakes? I’ve done that a few times now – both pretty big decisions – both ended not well….and I thought it was my inner being / soul guiding me to do these things. So now I am very hesitant & nervous to listen and follow, since I don’t want to make big mistakes again.
On Facebook group on 23rd February, I described my miracles moments and one of them was about our car accident on 20th February 2021. The miracle was that nothing bad happened to all three passengers and our car as well – all our Angels were on alert – and what I didnt mention there was I had an intuition at the crossroad to choice another road – my Soul is speaking with me sometimes, I know … But my husband was driving, I know he would not have believed me so I didn´t say anything….So I can be only very greatful I am doing this course, my mother in-law is praying every day and my husband was able to react well at the last moment….So the conclusion is I respect my Soul as for me quite often but don´t respect knowing people around me don´t believe in it….Thank you Marci and Dr. Sue for this nice remind and maybe you could speak about that more. I would like to know your opinion what to do when somebody believe in speaking with own Soul but people around no….
I’ve had the gift of “knowing” most of my life and every time I listened, my life has been changed amazingly. Since the car accident 2 years ago; however, it seemed to go silent UNTIL I was invited to attend the YOM 2021 Masterclass. Thank you Dr. Caroline Northrup. And thank you Marci and Dr Sue for such a powerful class and Foundational reminder. I’ve already begun my transformation. In Marcie’s meditation this month of self-love I was still at work. When the last pt. was out the door and it was locked, I sat down to (whatever you said, in a very unmeditative state) and was immediately the 7 year old child in 2nd grade sliding down physically in my chair trying to be invisible to the rest of the class. The emotions were all there and very raw. Thank you for creating the space for me to enjoy the miracle. Funny thing, one of my already written intentions is, “I am safe to be seen and heard clearly as I live my soul purpose.” I’ll always be grateful to you for the freedom to create miracles!
Thank you for the lovely messages that you give to us so freely from the heart.
As it happened just yesterday, I felt the need to stop thinking of my mind as something that was getting in the way and that I should start thinking of it as a friend to be trusted and valued. For me, this message ultimately confirms that it is true.
Thank you, William! Appreciate it.
Love this practice… Subject/Object and the visceral experience of disempowerment and empowerment… of feeling the Life Force diffuse, then feeling the Life Force fill my entire Being, and then sensing my own wholeness. Today, I am reminded that I can use this Power to Shift the Life Force inside any moment of my life. Thank you for bringing your Hearts and Souls to this exploration of Miracles. You both are SO LOVED. Blessings.
Today I received a Miracle from living from my soul. I have had a spiritual blog for the last 12 years. Several times I have worked on writing about the benefits and discoveries of the Heart Math Institute. Each time I got stuck and didn’t publish it.
Today I felt my Soul energy coming through me and I published the article.
I’m happy to feel that miracle.
Thank you so much.
I am loving this course and we have only just begun. I love the cheer. Love, Nina
Hi Nina, I was touched by your mentioning of now writing about heart math. I too have been interested in it but felt it might be overly complicated. However Marcie and Dr. Sue’s simple presentation has been So Helpful, calming and positive that I am using it ever day or as often as I realize it will be helpful a few times a day. I would love to see your spiritual blog and absorb more about it. Is there a way I can be contacted and given access to it? Congratulations on this Miracle from living from your soul. I am delighted you have published it!! With gratitude, love and Light, Claudette
Thank you Marci and Dr Sue for this great message!! I would like to consistently listen to my soul and take the mini right steps that lead me towards my purpose in this life. Yes, overcoming comfort and becoming uncomfortable is challenging to progress, but anyway, i will listen and listen to my soul calling that allows me to feel the peace at the end of every single day. I got the confirmation from you both that i am on the right track. I am truly grateful for everything and YOM. Being part of YOM is the best miracle in itself for me. Thank you YOM.
Dear Marci and Dr. Sue: This week I chose Living from my Soul as my foundation for the first time! So, your Miracle Moment exercise is a welcomed synchronistic boost! I had just finished a soulful dance improvisation with an intuitively led color imagery exploration which felt very powerful! I am reading your Energy Codes, Dr. Sue, and I look forward to Part 2 and the use of chakra color. I’m practicing the Central Channel breathing daily with Mula Bandha. And adding chakra color to my visualization today resulted in an expansive, joyful experience! Your suggested exercise about reclaiming splattered energy will require some practice to tend to the echo of disempowering feeling as I gather my energy back to Soul – (with self-forgiving intention perhaps?) Thanks to you both for the tools you’re sharing. Sending love and gratitude, Madelyn
I was headed for a “nose dive” into an old pattern of despair this morning around a family situation and then listened to this wonderful message. I immediately did the subject, object, subject practice and will continue to do so throughout my day (actually, throughout my life). It totally changes everything within me.
Thank you, Marci and Dr. Sue. You two are amazing and I really treasure your wisdom and the many ways you share it so generously with all of us. My life is so rich as a result of being in this program. Blessings.
I’ve had times when my inner guidance practically shouted at me to get my attention. For instance, I had a job with a great supervisor who announced that she was leaving to take another job. This inner voice very loudly said, “GET OUT NOW,” and I knew it meant to leave and get another job. I didn’t do it, the job became extremely difficult after my supervisor left, and I ended up spending more than seven more years there.
Loved receiving this Miracle moment, thank you, both, truly from the heart. <3
Listening to my Soul meant joining this wonderful group and I am delighted I did-so many times listening to my Soul has brought surprises and untold joy-that certain Knowing comes from an almost indescribable place and yet it’s certain and it comes in the form of a whisper, a nudge, a feeling, a thought so it can be missed if we are not open to it! Many times I have listened without knowing why and yet it has turned out for the best-from a benevolent Universe…
Thank You for Clarification of What Soulful Living is 👩❤️👩
I could feel the difference of the focus of my order own soul being strong and trusting and then giving it away, then taking it back…Wow. feeling of strength and peace and flow!
Like a river troubled waters i can see it flow.My nickname is Flo.I appreciate you ladies early this morning.You both make my day.A lot still water in my life.But,at end of the tunnel there is light.Like my spiritual mother brought light has philanthropist and professional nurse-Life savers/ caregiver.FLORENCE Nightingale-the lady with a Lamp
Hi Flo, Loved hearing your feel and take on a new flowing within. Please tell me where I can hear more re Florence Nightingale as the lady with a Lamp! And may Her Light (wit💖h the one in my heart ) shine on your river within so you can be lovingly held as you pass through any tunnels into your flowing into the Light of life itself! With loving regards, Claudette
Too many times i have heard my soul and not followed it. Now I am being told that i need to do shadow work, to heal an auto immune issue and physical reactions when I don’t follow my instincts.
Not sure how to do the shadow work, other ..than I have been looking at all the times this has happened and trying to forgive myself, part of my self love for February.
Any advice would be appreciated.
By listening to and following the leading of my soul, I joined this program and I am so glad to be part of this Year of Miracles family.
My soul is my best friend. BFF
I listened to my inner knowing and joined this group, when others had repelled me. I knew the right group would show itself. I am so grateful.
It is super hard for me to give up my power. I will do my best. I am challenged with an 18yr old graduating from highschool and attempting to get him onto the next phase of his life without making decisions for him. He gets good grades in school seems to have nice friends though I now hardly see any of them anymore. One of my intentions for this year was to be at peace with however and/or whatever my son manages to get up to this year…. obviously praying it is something healthy amd good for HIS soul. Struggling with anxiety over that and not really having any power over that but feeling like I need to push him. His dad, my husband, is a kind man but extremely ineffectual in guiding him. He is super chill amd I am AAA.
I practice Christian Meditation 2 times every day and I feel very good!!!
Hi, I really love your teachings, but I have to say that I HAVE followed my gut and done the thing that felt amazingly right in the moment, and then yes, lived to regret it hugely. I bought a home that felt to my core like it was the right move, and it has turned out to be a complete nightmare. I wish I had never bought it and have regretted it ever since.
I am rarely influenced by other people’s opinion. In other words I am usually living aligned with my highest truth meaning I am living from the soul. Thus I am constantly training my soul muscle.
Oh, yes. I was just laughing with my Sufi teacher on Sunday about how, even though I know better, I Still have a tendency to ask other people’s opinions when I’m making a big decision! Hahahaha! Most recently I asked one friend about spending some money I received, and then realized I had to make the decision myself, and remembered your guidance to be inner-directed. Yes!
Long ago, I was in a very unhealthy relationship, and my therapist at one point suggested that I write down that I was giving all my power to him. Ugh. Then I wrote about taking my power back; so much better of a choice! I think after that I was able to end the relationship for once and for all (we’d been back and forth several times). Such a good exercise! thanks!
I keep waiting for that inner knowing on where to live. I take house search steps doors are all closed. Can’t see what is next other than tomorrow
Hi Flo, Loved hearing your feel and take on a new flowing within. Please tell me where I can hear more re Florence Nightingale as the lady with a Lamp! And may Her Light (wit💖h the one in my heart ) shine on your river within so you can be lovingly held as you pass through any tunnels into your flowing into the Light of life itself! With loving regards, Claudette
Thank you Marci and D. Sue,
If one trusts one’s soul, everything will go well. It has happened so many times, and it is always good.
Thank you, Dr. Sue and Marci,
I enjoy your guidance, it always adds food for thought to my existence. I have almost always lived from my soul, unless I have gotten too involved with being human, which has interfered with my good. Whenever I listened good things have come my way or nice situations, or I have been saved from disastrous events. Once in a while I have made some mistakes because I did not follow the feeling of the truth of my soul. We counted the good decisions with my husband, and felt elevated even by the memory of these times. Sometimes I have had to fight to travel the distance, but it has always turned out right in the end. It is a powerful feeling that leads one on. Gratefully, Eda
Dear friends,
Forgot to mentioned that I have not always consulted with my inner self for what I felt my have been trivial pursuits, which they did not turn out to be.
I am all over the place. I just cannot focus.
I am feeling awful that I have not been with YOM for months due to my email problem. I did receive this email this a.m and listened to the breathing exercise. I have been ill the past two days so I’m trying to catch up with everything. I have not yet been with the group I was assigned due to my work schedule. I’m a mess.
Until today I stopped talking with my sister for five months because of difficulties. Starting to trust the universe I realized I could feel supported and learn something instead of hide under a dark cloud! A huge turnaround for me!out of the blue I called trusting my intention was supported by the benevolent universe! We made a plan to talk Friday. I felt healthy and calm! Thank you!❤️
Living from the soul included zenmeditation, yoga, I Ching, is what I did my fourth year of college and I met the love of my life! Unfortunately I had a terrible car accident and I ended the love we shared! I never met another match like this! I don’t think I ever trusted the universe again and I never really invited my soul self back into my world! Luckily there is still time for living in the miracle!
We feel honored that you are with self compassion slowly opening to the Miracle Zone.
Much love to you!
I love this. I have a little prayerful inner request that takes me down from my mind into my heart and soul.
I close my eyes and put my hand on my heart as I breathe and and say, “Enter me and center me”.
I always feel Joyful when I give. Just thinking about giving gives me that feeling and a sense of peace. I never regret giving. Only the feeling of the need to give more!!
Your message resonates with me very much!!You are my fans!!
Marci and Dr. Sue. Totally understand about living and listening to your soul. I have moments where I felt joy and knew it was the best place and time to be. I go through my Zumba class with a smile on my face and know this is one of those times. Then, after the class talking with the people who have been doing this for 15 years and getting their rewards for my efforts just affirms what I am feeling. This is also one of my intentions: Choosing where I put my energy and attention. Thank you for your video and affirmation.
My finding your year of miracles was a miracle in itself! It’s as if my soul called out for support and was heard. I don’t even know how it actually came about but when it did I listened very clearly to my soul calling me to look more closely. Despite having an exceptionally tight work schedule and doing two other trainings this year, unrelated to my current work, I knew that I would be supported through this team of light workers here in this platform. I have been listening to my soul calling me to change tack and help others in more than one way and that is now my journey. So very grateful. Claire