Today’s Miracle Moment Is About Trusting the Universe…
In Your Year of Miracles program, we have Five Foundations for Living in the Miracle Zone. These are the core principles to live by to feel in the flow with the Universe and experience greater synchronicities and more miracles in your daily life. Today, I’m going to talk about the first of these foundations, which is Trust In the Universe.
Trust in the Universe is to embrace that we live in a benevolent Universe where divine perfection is at work in every situation. With this perspective, we trust that we’re being taken care of on some level. One of our favorite quotes of all time is from Albert Einstein who said, “The most important question you can ask yourself is whether this is a benevolent Universe.” People who are happy and are living in the Miracle Zone answer, “Yes.” That doesn’t mean that life is always going their way, but it means that they believe that life has their back and is always supporting them.
A dear friend of mine, the brilliant and amazing Jack Canfield, talks about being an “inverse paranoid.” A paranoid thinks that everything’s out to get them. An “inverse paranoid” thinks that everything is out to support them.
If you feel challenged in trusting in the Universe and in having faith that everything is going to turn out okay, we invite you to do the following Central Channel Breath:
- Breathe through your nose, and imagine your breath starting about two feet above your head.
- At this point above your head, take a breath into your body right through the center of your brain, through your throat, into your heart, and into your belly.
- Breathe in and make your belly big.
- Exhale down through this center, right into the earth.
- Take a deep breath up from the earth, inhaling up into your belly, From your belly, exhale straight up and out above your head through this Central Channel.
As you continue to breathe in this way, this opens the Central Channel and it begins to animate your subtle anatomy—your energy field. This energy field has a higher vibrational frequency than your body does.
If you want to have greater faith and trust, you need to have a higher vibration of energy running through your system. Then it’s easier to trust and have faith. The energies of faith and trust are such high frequency energies that they don’t reside inside your body, but in the subtle energy field around your body, and specifically in an energy center just about two feet above your head. As you practice breathing in this way, as you begin to include the Central Channel Breath in your repertoire of tools that you have to work with in trusting the Universe, things will change for the better.
Over the next week, I invite you to practice the Central Channel Breath, and have trust and faith that the Universe is friendly—that benevolence is surrounding you.
In the comments section below, please share your experiences of practicing the Central Channel Breath and of being an “inverse paranoid” who is trusting in the Universe. I love hearing from you!
Breathe in from 2 inches or 2 feet above our head? I read both.
Hi, Lynn. Whoops! Didn’t mean to confuse you. 2 feet above your head is correct. Namaste.
I greet you, I thank you very much that we are in the unity of meditations
Since starting yom my soc sec
Check went up $100 and my car insurance went down $100. $200 win!!
Imagine! Am in my bed tucked in by two pillows on either side snuggled up. What soul full mo🌞
Thank you for the sharing of love and wisdom. I am open to receiving it all!! And, It feels so dang good!
My car insurance went down by 1/3. I started a side job or an extra day. I received $1100, free lease for a month.
How did you get 100 more with SS
Thank you, I love this. Everytime I do this breathing exercise, I feel more aligned in thoughts, feelings & body. There is a greater sense of ease and lightness. And for some reason that I don’t understand, I have a smile that remains for hours.
Hi Sandra,
Beautiful, when we open our hearts and trust the universe responds. Keep focusing on what you want. Remember, what we place our attention on grows.
You are in flow with all of the abundance the universe is sharing with you.
Thank you,love this breath in..out.. like to exercise my body .. Trust a lot universe Sharing love wisdom words
Glad you find this breathing technique helpful, Maria!
Short and informative. I loved it. Thought I’d be hung up for an hour or so. Wonderful 😊
Glad you found it informative, RaeDawn! Hope this helps you live more in the Miracle Zone. Lots of love!
I remember the moment in my life in The 80’s when I was reading Dr Scott Peck’s book “The Road Less Traveled” that I understood at a deep level that I live in a benevolent universe. I also recall the moment also in the 80’s that the word “consciousness” had huge import for me. Those were life changing moments that get increasing meaningful every day! Thank you, Marci and Dr Sue!
Thanks for sharing these miraculous moments of your life with us, Mary. More miracles to you!
Yes I follow what you say
Tnx Dan
You are so welcome Dan!
You’re welcome!
With this breathing practice I feel inmersed in light and flow, and could trust more in the Universe, willing to find my better self.
I try to watch all your videos or master classes and I feel so grateful for your help and knowledge.
They are always marvellous!
That’s wonderful, Nancy! More miracles to you.
Dr Sue, can you show us how to breathe as you described here in this video please. Thank you.
Hello Ruby,
Central Channel Breath:
Breathe through your nose, and imagine your breath starting about two feet above your head.
At this point above your head, take a breath into your body right through the center of your brain, through your throat, into your heart, and into your belly.
Breathe in and make your belly big.
Exhale down through this center, right into the earth.
Take a deep breath up from the earth, inhaling up into your belly, From your belly, exhale straight up and out above your head through this Central Channel.
As you continue to breathe in this way, this opens the Central Channel and it begins to animate your subtle anatomy—your energy field. This energy field has a higher vibrational frequency than your body does.
Much Love and Miracles,
Connecting with the spiritual energy fields above my head and below my feet through the breathing exercise changed everything for me. For the first time in my life I feel at home in the universe. I’m so grateful to Dr. Sue and Marci for sharing so much healing love.
You’re welcome Wendy! We love our community and connecting to the foundations keep us grounded, open and available to the abundance it shares with us!
Lots of love!
Thank you Marci and associates. Trying this for the first time today.
You’re welcome Sundettila!
The breathing through the body from above down to earth and visa versa ,,, is the most important Key that came as an inspiration in 2014 ,,,later on I learned more of this from holistisk teachers of mine like Marianne Behn from Norway, my spiritual energy teacher for more than three years and Dr Sue Morter by her different online Healing courses and the BEST tecnique practitioner class
I rally do recomend this breathing wich makes me have more energy , being grounded and aware at the same time
Thank you so much , lots of love ✨️💞✨️Marcie & Dr Sue
Thanks for sharing your journey with us, Mona!
Marcy & Dr. She. May I if what’s the best time to do it and it is better lying down/sitting?
I don’t understand or get it at all would love to learn
Hi Chichi – go to the website and revisit the USHER principles they are the foundation for our work.
Lots of love to you!
I really thanking you for what im recieving God bless
Sundettila, you’re welcome!!
Much Love
Marci and Dr. Sue,
I’ve had some financial challenges come my way but I’m standing in faith, visualizing the balance what was owed is now zero, thanking God for it happening but the missing piece of the puzzle to help keep the negative thought process and possible anxiety and depression sneak in has been going back to my yogic breath which brings me back to center where I’m at ease and allows me to remain being trusting everything will work out in my favor and better than I imagined. When I do my breathing I AM lighter, more grounded and feel SO much better! Thanks so much for the reminder and creating this course as it has been so helpful. God bless you both! 🙋♀️🙏🏻💜
Thank you Sundettila We are all connected!
I woke up this morning with this exact concept on my mind. I reached out to the universe and prayed for EVERY interconnection and interaction be BLESSED. Thank you for confirming-continued divine coincidence at work.
Hi Yolanda… I like this idea of praying for all interconnections and interactions to be blessed
That’s amazing, Yolanda! Divine timing indeed. Much love!
Central Channel Breath is the REAL INSIDE DEAL for enlivening energy all over my body ..and raising my consciousness with my mind, heart and gut integrated! it feels so good to enliven energy circuits during and after this Breathwork !! Making it a daily practice has been the ticket to empowerment – that is .. believing in my own power and my place in the benevolent universe
Having done this practice, staying away from judgement, was my work. Knowing it’s on my time or The Universes or there is no was was weeks before I saw the message that showed out loud that The Universe is GOOD, that I could feel I’m being cared for, and the situationS were in Divine Perfection.
Much metta and love to all
Hi Maria,
Beautifully said! We are here to support you and it is true, the Universe always has our back!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Your Year Of Miracles!
Beautiful Maria, when we believe in ourselves and the Universe Miracles appear!
Yes Maria Trusting in the Benevolence of the Universe!
Thank you for reminding me to believe in myself and about the breathing exercises.
The universe always sends me help when I most need it.
It’s the reminder we all need many times a day, Colleen! So, we’re happy to share it with you all, along with the breathing exercise to surrender yourself to the miraculous ways of the Universe.
I just love you two!! I meet you both coming and going. Marci in tributes to authors in books & Dr. Sue in Body Electric webinar. I’m so grateful having you both in my life.
I’ve had so many miracles (big & small) happening I’m just simply amazed.
Thank you for all that you do & all that you are.
Lynn Emerson from Saskatchewan, Canada
Namaste Lynn, when we are open and in tune with ourselves and the Universe, Miracles appear!
I feel light and relax, as I concentrate on breathing.Makes me feel relaxed if it’s just for a few minutes. Thank you for introducing me to this.
Hi there!
I have became an “inverse paranoid” and i’m happier and in peace. Things happen for a reason which I discover later and I say, that’s why this happened! Thank youuuu” trusting the Universe really works! I just trust and thank the Universe ❤🥰
You’re welcome Mercedes!
Marci and Dr. Sue,
I’ve had some financial challenges come my way but I’m standing in faith, visualizing the balance what was owed is now zero, thanking God for it happening but the missing piece of the puzzle to help keep the negative thought process and possible anxiety and depression sneak in has been going back to my yogic breath which brings me back to center where I’m at ease and allows me to remain being trusting everything will work out in my favor and better than I imagined. When I do my breathing I AM lighter, more grounded and feel SO much better! Thanks so much for the reminder and creating this course as it has been so helpful. God bless you both! 🙋♀️🙏🏻💜
One additional comment that I found so interesting was the name inverse paranoid. I’ve never heard this before so thank you and it is true when we are not grounded we do become paranoid thinking people are out to get us. I find this so interesting.
Most of my life I’ve always been an extremely confident person knowing I can do whatever I set my mind to but over the years as life happened I began doubting myself which then, as you say the paranoia sets in.
Thank you for bringing this to light and reminding us we are in control of our thoughts and our thoughts lead us to our destiny!
It’s so fascinating and interesting how it all works. Thank you for helping me bring my shoulders back where they belong and feel lighter and more at ease. This is such a blessing! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! 🙋♀️🙏🏻💜
You’re welcome Katrina!
You’re welcome Katrina!
we are here to support our community!
Thank you so much. I will trust in the universe. And I will believe in the al the good of life I live in the miracle soñé
Beautiful Paulina!
Thank you for sharing,
Your year Of Miracles
I like this type of breathing very much. It is the first time I ever heard about it. It seems like a small thing, but I find it very helpful.
I think the same way too about negative events & situations sometimes. I have heard, the best is to make the most of my own opportunities, and my own life and keep my own vibrations high. Stop thinking negative thoughts + dwelling on negative situations. Can notice them + let them go. Also to keep doing the right thing. When I have peace, love, and happiness in myself, then it is easier to send positive energy out to other people + the Universe in general.
Reciprocity. One of my obstacles is, sometimes when I hear or see something negative, it brings me down and I stay there too long + dwell + ruminate on it. I try to look for solutions and try to understand what is happening and why. I have wasted too much time this way.
It is very helpful to see these videos by Marci + Sue.
If people are jumping off a cliff – don’t jump off the cliff with them, raise my own energy + vibrations, go find some berries to eat + some people who are dancing, listening to music + engaging in useful, productive, life-sustaining activities. Then send over a video to the group of people jumping off a cliff + include in the video, the people dancing, the music and productive, life-saving activities.
Can send them positive energy and imagine better outcomes for them.
If I dwell on their negativity and difficulties too long, I become less able to do anything. I become less motivated, productive and my own goals and plans can go off course. If I do not know how to swim, then I can end up drowning if I jump into the water to save a drowning person.
So true Lydia! What we focus our attention on grows. AS you said allowing the negatives to float through us and reconnect to your heart and soul.
Lots of love!
Thank you, this just popped up on my screen, it was sent to me in April this year and I ment to get involved with you guys, but time flew buy life around me just flew by a few family crisis. Here we are end of October and it just popped up out of oblivion and touched me with its intent and all I can say is, it found me when I need it. Just gave me a poke when I was beginning to doubt and my internal belief system was sagging. So grateful to get it and bring me back on track.
Hi Joy,
We’re so glad to know that the message resonated with you when you needed it the most. Much love to you.
I’m going to start the central channel breath this morning, hoping it will help me start to become one with the universe. I’m so outta wack and have been all my life. I don’t want to be this way anymore and need guideness so if anyone has any suggestions I’m listening. Thank you
I’m based in Nairobi Kenya East Africa and just started following the practice you’re instructing
Welcome to the Your Year of Miracles community, Justus! Hope you have a miraculous year ahead. Lots of love!
Dear brother
Its great as its i do in yoga
I like to say thanks shukriya to u
M.Shah Nawaz
Does this method also work while laying down?
Thankyou for sharing this with us.
I believe the universe is supporting us to rediscover and empower our voices, and to ground more fully in our potential via practices such as the Conscious Breath.
I hear what can I do about it? Shrug then walk away!
Yesterday I walked into one of my favourite stores here in UK to find they’d converted more of the counter to automatic: there weve just 2 live assistants to serve in the old fashioned way.
We were however being shepherding towards the automatic directed by a male boss and several assistants, assuring me they were ‘here’ to help. Interestingly not many people were taking them up on the offer.
Wheres the miracle? I’d already been aware of a huge swathe of energy building inside me, conscious breath helped ground and steady me as I then put my point across to the boss.
Thank you for reminding me. I’d forgotten how powerful this Central breathing is. Love and gratitude Judith
We love doing central channel breathing daily. Makes such a difference.
Amazingly effective immediately, even just a little goes a long way. Many thanks!
Great things do come from small and simple things! 💖💝
Thank you for sharing good morning God Bless you all
I’ve been nudged to play this daily, and each day this technique has something else to share. Today is no exception. Isn’t it interesting, words aren’t ready to be experienced fully until I’m ready to hear them fully, and then and only then is the circle complete. That’s when the magic truly begins. I’m truly grateful.
This is such a wonderful realization. 🤍
I love channel breathing really feels so good, love you guys 💕
thanks for the apt insights truly ~ Kare Anderson
Our pleasure. 💖
I get lightheaded and a bit dizzy after the first two of three deep breaths following this technique… I guess it’s a matter of getting used to this?
Hello Patricia,
If it continues, please check with your healthcare provider to ensure there isn’t something else happening.
Yes Breath in from 2 inches or 2 feet above my head read both!
How do you do the breathing technique? Exactly. Can Dr.Sue show us? I can take deep breaths and relax my body but am i doing it right?
Yes indeed!!
je vais avoir le bon miracle de l’argent et de la richesse.
J’ai cru comprendre que la forme de la formulation d’intention importe. Poser les choses dans le futur n’est pas aussi approprié ni efficace que de se projeter dans le futur et énoncer les choses au PRESENT. De plus, la “règle” est de formuler la chose de sorte qu’elle soit attrayante émotionnellement donc incluant une énergie émotionnelle de haute vibration. J’espère que cela aide…
Oui en effet!!
Hi Dr Sue, with the central channel breathing, I am breathing in from two feet above my head through my nose with a deep belly breath. Is the exhale also done through the nose, or through the mouth? I am using both ways. I tend to breath out through my mouth when I am doing letting go exercises. I think this is different than surrendering. Is it best to exhale through the nose? Also I have been starting with the central channel breathing and adding the moola bandha after about two cycles, kind of easing into it. Please explain how you do this breathing and why! Thank you 🙏 . Deep gratitude to you and Marci! I got a “download” that this breathing will help me with resistance and blocks to receiving miracles!! Woohoo!
I prefer breathing in and out the mouth ,, using MB during breathing makes you – helps you to be grounded
Parjanya, I remember Dr Sue explaining that Central Channel Breathing in and out through the nose is recommended, and she explains why, although I cannot remember the ‘why’!!!
Don’t remember what Dr. Sue has said, but breathing through the nose activates the vagus nerve, which calms the body and creates equilibrium in your nervous system.
Thank you Joie! Breathing through the nose is soooooo important and foundational to health and well-being, and activating the Vagus Nerve is empowering.
A citation
Beautiful Parjanya, Continue to lean in and trust your body’s wisdom!
Much Love and Miracles
In hearing you speak on this, I get a sense this is something I should’ve, “by nature” already been aware of!! It just makes sense!! Along with the daily diligence of brain training. My vision is much like physical exercise, but I’m only working the brain, if that makes sense? Thank you lady’s for sharing!! I look forward to what you two beautiful lady’s bring!!!
You’re so welcome! So happy to have you with us.
You’re welcome Giselle, continue to lean into the wisdom of your body and mind.
Much Love,
Your year Of Miracles
Hello, today I started following Tai Chi in the community center and guess what we learned today? YES, the breath that Dr. Sue just suggested we do every day. Thank you both for this Miracle Moment🤗
Wonderful, Rita!
I missed my group session w/no open reschedule time slots left. Sitting w/grandkids🥰 there is so much available to me in this program for which I am so grateful for thank you thank you thank you Marci and Dr. Sue. You are blessings in my life. Thru you I am letting go of the old version of Myra & embracing the Divine New Version of Me!! So much love & joy!!
Beautiful Myra!
Greetings–This was in perfect timing! In December, I had a hole in my retina that was repaired. Now, I have a detached retina in the same eye. I made a very large copy of this so that I can refer to it often for the next 10 days. Surgery is tomorrow.
Thank you always for your guidance and love!
You will be in my prayers! I went through that many years ago.
Take care. Laurie
Hello Diane,
We are sending healing thoughts and love your way!
I now realize how important breathing excercises are. My body feels more aligned .
Great realization, Joy! 💖
I feel energized
I want to pray for me and debt order cancelation and success and blessing and healing and financial breakthrough and delivery and miracle money to be R20billionies dollars
Thank you Dr. Sue and Marci. CCB and YOM have transformed my life already since joining YOM 2023! I feel the best when doing Dr. Sue’s Body Awake Yoga practice because the breath with movement is transformative for me. Many miracles take place when I trust in the Universe. Thank you for this reminder!
Hello Tami, Wonderful!! we are so happy you are leaning into the Body Awake Yoga practice!
Much Love,
Your Year Of Miracles
I really need to live this way, in nature I believe that.. I don’t understand what is going on, ummm
The breathing is so profound
Thank you Julie!
Hi you two beautiful ladies
I appreciate how you explain breathing. I have a chaira cd Ifdo everyday. I deep breath with it but now I will add the correct breathing. Thank you so much. God Bless you both for the wonderful work you are doing. I can see by the replies that it is helping so many people.
Thank you Jann !
Much Love,
Your Year Of Miracles
Please help me for success….
Hello Mostafizur,
Below please find our free e-book. There are great additional resources in there as well!
Much love and blessing
I have a question for the two of you. Why should I trust in the Universe when the Universe has put so much pain and trauma in my life that I have barely survived emotionally?
That’s a good question, Carrie. Some people say that before we’re born, we choose the next life to get born into, and plan how to use it. I have felt so wounded by my life that I thought lately that I must have volunteered to give the trainee “spirit helpers” – if they exist – a really tough case to hone their skills on!
I’m so sorry it’s been so tough for you, and glad that you have survived – if only “barely”. Maybe we can give the Universe a second chance? Big love to you.
Hello Lynn,
Please focus on the breath coming from above your head and into your body, trusting your intuition to visualize or imagine it. Breathing in the Benevolence of the Universe above and into your body and exhaling back into the earth below.
Repeat by breathing in the energy from the earth below and exhaling to the energy above your head.
Much Love
Hi very fantastic
Breathing in through your nose and out from your stomach is very relaxing.
Yes Katrina!!
Lots of love!
The inverse paranoïd….
I love this. Thanks
Right On Sour Maj Zonneveld!
Much love to you!
Loved this. Always good to be reminded to TRUST. Be open. Breathe through the channels. Thank you 🙏🏼 Dr. Sue and Marci
Te Amo Con Tutto Coré
So glad you find this reminder helpful. Much love!
I connect with CCB first thing each day, do gratitudes and my day flows. My posture straightens and feelings of being grounded and connected universally.
After 2 yrs of a Year of Miracles, I miss you three lovely ladies. Feel like family. Missing you this year as finances changed,( still manifesting for more abundance. )
Through the Ccb awareness has increased for all the support received in many ways from our benevolent universe. LOVE and Light to All
Thank you for being part of the Your Year of Miracles community, Joanne! We hope you can join us next year. More miracles and love to you.
When I switch from worry to faith, everything changes immediately. Focusing on the breath, I embody trust, feel supported, and more alive!
So true, Judith! It’s important that we focus on the switch and take in the moment.
Thanks sooooo very much I truly trust the universe and will start immediately God bless
Much love to you, Salome!
I’ve being practicing the breathing .Not quite there yet.
Have a hope that January money poorness is over and the february give me money luck to beging with. I trust in the universe as god of the christ protestant. Kelly Fox is a good professional I try to take the second path. The guide for me who is that human being?
For me it is important to belive in god and be spiritual.
I am always a straight women 100 %. And I am always just intrested of men who are fully straight 100%. And that is close to my age and are not toxic individuals personslities.
I had have different dress colors in church tried new colors Every christmas since year 2021 and I am straight. I will never change that I am straight.
The positive changes for me?
This year I want to wake up happy everyday and take me to a job that makes me happy.
The first positive changes.
I want a job that serves me.
I want money to be in my bankaccount.
I want good polite trusting honest empath or emphatic friends to call or sms or meet in face to face in the reality and talk about life.
I want a boyfriend from another country and that he is faithful to me and love me and respect me. He is from Norway or Denmark that dont have Children and are not married. And are close to my age.
That want to have family life with me and want to have Children and two cats with me and live a good healthy life.
Without cheating and without jelaosy.
Without trauma and without much argue. Argue like normal couple are doing. Go at adventures and buy things you need. Dont spoil the future Children to much.
Teach the future Children to not become toxic individuals and be good to other humans and have good handle with their economy not have problems as I had have very much.
Good mental health and good friends.
That is some of the parts of my life goals.
Who is my driven guide for me or my driven mentor to help me to strive and get my main goals?
Hello I am the pope in America
All churches one did the rebuild
At tashma hall too Hamada is style
You know me John
Hello I am the pope in America
All churches one did the rebuild
At tashma hall too Hamada is style
You know me John
Yes, “you teach women” what about guys. We are souls in this universe too. If we all want to live in an equal world, you need to be inclusive. I thought this was for everyone, it clearly hasn’t been.
I have not heard anything in these messages that would not apply to men as well as women. Maybe you should look at why you feel the need to feel excluded.
Thank you. This came at at the most perfect time for me today. 🙏
Yay! We love it when that happens…
Me too! Thank you so very much!
Thanks for sharing a value base wisdom in easy way.
So true. This message was perfectly timed. I have been struggling with decisions lately. I will incorporate more Central Channel Breathing into my day. Thank you both!
You’re all so welcome! So happy to have you with us.
Well I can see why the guy might feel excluded. It´s women shown on the video talking specifically about women …
Of course the messages could just as well apply to men but it´s obvious to me as a woman that us ladies are the prime target. No need at all for your provocative remark – none of us have a need to feel excluded but so many of are excluded in so many subtle ways all the time …
Thank you both for your presence and smiles that are so uplifting. I breath in your words but just cannot manage the breathing part from the earth to the sky ?
I find myself stressed trying. Could you please give me mesures in cm please? That might help for I am in Belgium. I love you both and the miracles year program YOM. Hugs from Belgium 😘
Hi Marina, 1 foot (=12 inches) is 30 cm (1 inch is 2,5 cm). So breathe in from about 60 cm above your head, etc. Good luck!
Thank you so much for your presence and smiles that are uplifing
Much love to you, William!
Thank you LH, self reflection is a beautiful way to shift into the Miracle Zone!
I am a man and I didn’t feel excluded at all after this video. 🙂
Me too, Bart! In fact, one of the things I think as a male that we are often reminded to do is to “get in touch” with the feminine side. So I like to think when she says “we women” I am included–I share qualities of the feminine. I love the Divine Mother and therefore I love and respect all women and mothers out there. Without them, I (and all other males) would not be here (and vice versa for you DS). So yes include your soulful self in woMEN.
Thank you for THIS Miracle Moment.
Well said!! N what a great energy you omit!!! Right on!! Thumbs up to you!!
Very useful info
Beautifully said William. Thank you.
A gorgeous share of perspective William, cudos!!
Thank you William!
I’m replying to DS. I believe you should open your heart and your eyes. There isn’t anywhere that these lovely women have expressed who their teachings are geared towards.
I wanted to thank you for these Miracle Moments. They have been a real boost to my daily practice of meditation. I appreciate your time and effort to put this together for us. Namaste
We’re so happy to hear you’ve received value from these videos, Leslie! That means so much. =)
I have loved every one of these miracle moments. You have reminded me that collectively we are all One and we live in a benevolent universe. I am so grateful that I learned about my energy body and how to connect to the Central Channel with my breathing. I was introduced to Dr. Sue about ten years ago when she facilitated a women’s retreat at Mile Hi Church. The two day retreat was powerful beyond measure. Thank you for your book and for these miracle moments!
So happy to hear this, Cherie.
Thank you very much this video means a lot to me trusting 🙏🥰👍🏻
💖💖💖 Thank you, Jeanette!
Namaste Leslie!!
Much Love
I often struggle with my life’s professional purpose. I have an Ed.D. but my current work is not allowing me to embrace my full potential to serve others. I want to be in a professional position to have a greater positive impact, but have been met with obstacles. I feel as though my professional life is passing by without me. I know I chose this life and all that comes along with it. At times, I wish I had more guidance.
The breathing exercise will help me to balance and connect with the Universe. Thank you.
Lisa, we’ve been in the same position in our “former lives” – actually in this lifetime. LOL The more you open up to trust, the more insights can be revealed. Please check out the rest of our Five Foundations to see if those can help as well. Be well.
Oh Lisa, you are not alone I am having the very same experience! This message to trust the universe has come at the perfect time to bolster my resolve to stay on the path of my soul….Thank you!
Can also try out this:While breathing imagine a patch of pure white light entering through head and spreading all across the organs.Feel positivity and the abundance of the through out your body.
1. I no longer have a Website just Email and back on Facebook.
I am now facing a lot of of Physical, Mental and Spiritual issues.and definitely out of balance. I was on Standard Medicare only and going through all the current Politcal & Health issues of today and this new way of doing business and life as a whole.
3 WEEKS AGO I went to the ER for Exrays and they found I had 3 broken ribs top right a tumor under my right shoulder, Nodules on my Lung and a Tumor lower Left between waist & groin. Had a Biopsy done on my Birthday, Feb 3rd and results this Friday and appt after with Oncoligist. Also, this year was to be my Miracle year as well as finding a help mate to walk with me in my Ministry. I know what you are saying. I know I will be Healed, I can finish my Autobiography this year and 6 months ago I met my Husband to be and my Soul mate. So, soon, I will be a Writer and Wife.
I made my intent and focus to that very thing. So, yes this is my year of Miracles. I thank everyone here for sharing. I forgot about my Breathing 2 feet above during my morning yoga and workout.
Hello Lisa, yes!! lean into your intuition and look at what you learn with each obstacle, as you continue to grow.
Much Love,
Your Year Of Miracles
Please don’t forget about us men we need support too x
Hello, Peter! We love supporting and having men in our community! That’s the beauty of the Five Foundations…they work for everyone regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, geographic location, education, financial status, or upbringing. We are all just energetic beings here on this planet together. Isn’t it wonderful?
I was grateful to hear the contents of the program from Dr. Sue and Marci as they have been found to resonate with me more than the other life coaches on the Internet. Don’t know why, but I do know it to be true for me. But, I am a male too and the response to Peter gave me an uplift. Yes, we are women and men on this planet spinning out in space, but it is wonderful to hear you gals acknowledge both sexes..I like it.
Good for you Jerry.
We support you. That’s what the Miracle zone is about. Supporting each other.
The breathing through the body from above down to earth and visa versa ,,, is the most important Key that came as an inspiration in 2014 ,,,later on I learned more of this from holistisk teachers of mine like Marianne Behn from Norway, my spiritual energy teacher for more than three years and Dr Sue Morter by her different online Healing courses and the BEST tecnique practitioner class
I rally do recomend this breathing wich makes me have more energy , being grounded and aware at the same time
Thank you so much , lots of love ✨️💞✨️Marcie & Dr Sue
Yes thank you for the reminder! XOOX I need to do this more often and wake up with this beautiful grounding of Loving Light into my body and awareness. <3
Thank you for these wonderful and uplifting tips to live a better life!!
I appreciate you both!
Thank you so much, Tita!
I love the “inverse paranoia” and Marci it’s good to keep in mind your statement, that there is Divine perfection in every situation. I receive that. And although I’ve already been doing the meditations from YOM, I will also be more conscious of making this particular breathing exercise more of a habit all day long. Thank you both so much for all that you’re giving & guiding us into this miraculous year thus far, for I am becoming the real “me” who was meant to be!!
We so love hearing this, Lisa. The world needs to the real you!
If I breath in, my belly gets flat, not big. Please help!
Ekaterina, be sure to relax your belly when you’re taking in the breath and visualize the air flowing down into your belly.
Where are the meditations available?
I agree!!
Thank you William!!!
Lots of love to you!
Greetings Ms.Marci Shimoff and Dr.Sue Morter! I hope and pray that all is well. First, I want to take the time to thank both of you for all of the amazing, incredible, and profound work that you are doing. Your calling to empower others and help them discover the way of living an abundant life is truly moving and sacred.
Thank you for your wonderful video as well, it is very insightful! The universe is ever expanding and is truly full of life. Everything is calculated in a precise manner, that if one aspect of the universe were out of place, everything would cease to exist! This then leads me to wonder where does the universe itself come from? There is a source as you say Ms.Shimoff and Dr.Morter, of the divine. I believe that God’s Spirit created the heavens and the earth, providing all of us an abundant universe.
This sacred truth of God’s creation was manifested in and through His Son, Jesus Christ. I thank and praise God for this abundant universe, and for the beautiful people like you Ms.Shimoff and Dr.Morter, whom the Lord uses to make this world a better place. Wishing you both the absolute best always. The work you do is truly immense and immeasurable in it’s value and worth.
With Love and Gratitude,
Feeling so much love and light from you Matthew. What a blessing to be in this world with you.
Hi Marci and Sue, As a Jack Canfield coach, I’ve taught the inverse paranoid concept before. However, I needed a reminder after facing a couple challenges in the past two years. Thank you for these very powerful blogs.
Lewis, you’re so very welcome. We all need reminders from time to time and glad we could be there for you.
There’s a wonderful book entitled “Pronoia”, that supports the theme of our being in a friendly world. Author is Ron Brezsny.
“Pronoia is the antidote to paranoia: how the whole world is conspiring to shower you with blessings.”
Started my journey as a children s book illustrator and writer which is one of my intentions for this year, i am happy and grateful receiving this message today …which came in perfect timing , to trust that i can fully trust, thank youband love to you, Sue and Marci, our group and in waves to all of us in this live life play of ” love is all there is”.
Thanks ladies for this beautiful inspiring message of faith and freedom. In my journey through out life I feel like I need to embrace what the unirse provide me with and just just trust that everything will be ok. Thank you for remaining me that I have the freedom to chose to be in the light or in the darkness. This Central Channel Breathing practice will give me the opportunity to access that light more often.
Wonderful, Flor! We’re definitely on the same page as you when it comes to claiming freedom.
Thank you for this today. I feel that it was meant for me today. I will practice this more. Namaste.
Namaste. =)
Greeting you all,
Thanks much for sharing this wisdom!
Honestly breathing indeed is necessity in human nature.
You’re so welcome, Ben!
Thanks for the message!
Our pleasure. 🤍
What a simple and powerful tool for raising our vibration! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!
So happy to have you with us.
Glad to be here
We love having you here, Joseph
Your words are so supportive, guiding and loving. Thank you immensely!
You’re welcome. This is what we feel guided to do.
I love this wisdom that by breathing from above and below we include these areas of our aura as parts of us. I had never “seen” the picture with this clarity before. Thank you so much. I love the notion of inviting these energy pieces and portals into being parts of who I am. You two have given and given so very much that words cannot even express.
Your comment touched our hearts. Thank you so much, Sharyn.
Thank you Marci and Sue for your wonderful sharing, your positive influence and being here igniting humanity. Yes we definitely live in a benevolent universe, even during times of difficulty there is always a higher reason to take us all to a higher level. 🌹
You’re so welcome, Barbara. Glad to be on this journey with you.
So grateful for these 5 sessions of illumination of the Foundations! I am so blessed to be here!
Beautiful! So happy to have you here.
Even though I wasn’t able to join Year of Miracles in 2020 (I did in 2019), I still receive these beautiful blessings from you. 90% of the time, I’m feeling happy and in the center of the light. Then, with synchronicity, on the day or week that things are a little off-center for me, in rolls a Miracle Moment or similar uplifting, hopeful gift from you both. I want to say a big Thank You! Your words and energy can shift my field instantaneously. Sending big hugs!
Hugs to you too, Cheryl. We are so happy we can continue to inspire you and hope you can come back to our YOM family next year.
Thank you!🙏
This came to me in perfect, divine time…I was having a bad day…..
More proof that the universe is here to support you!
I am blessed to call you two my miracle mentors. I am forever trusting in universe. I believe in magic and miracles and in return I am rewarded with a joyous & prosperous thoughts and gifts! Love, Joy and Peace to all my miracle sisters.
Thank you so much! We love hearing about how you’re living in the Miracle Zone, Kira. And we love that you’re receiving gifts. We love gifts. 😉
Thank you Marci and Dr. Sue. I love you both. In life at times I become exhausted assisting others. Thank you for bringing me back to my refueling station! Thank you for reminding me and guiding me to and through my recharge, rejuvenation process. And, I realize through YOM and HFNR that this recharge is absolutely necessary. Thank you and much love to you both and to all. GOD’S HEALING HAND AND BLESSINGS BE UPON EACH OF YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES NOW, THROUGHOUT THIS TIME AND RICHLY FOR GENERATIONS TO COME, SO MUCH LOVE AND PEACE ~
You are an absolute blessing, Wrenna!
I have had severe anxiety for the last 4 years. I have been afraid to go anywhere and having a very hard time feeling love. Can you offer me advice?
Thank you
Not sure if this will help — fear is very sneaky!! However, you could perhaps consider that very possibly you don’t have to go anywhere unless you’d like to. You can stay where you are and enjoy your immediate surroundings. Have you a roof and a safe place to live? Thousands do not. So you have a head start there: a place to enjoy and treasure. If you have a window, even with a tiny view, have a look out and enjoy a flower, a tree, a sunset, rain coming down to cleanse the environment and nourish the earth, and you safely and cosily enjoying the outlook. If you are able bodied on the whole, again you are already ahead of many others. Have you friends/ family to talk to? Have a chat and see how they are and what they are doing. Basically, start with what is next to you and build on that with a view to going out when or if you feel so disposed. Rejoice in your precious, wonderful freedom!! Good luck.
Thank you Philippa for supporting our community!
Much Love,
Your Year Of Miracles
Hello Karen,
Notice where you feel the “anxiety” in your body? Utilize the Central Channel breathing to lean into what your body is trying to tell you. Once you breath your reset the ANS and you will then have access to logic, and reason.
Then you can make an informed decision and respond rather than react in the moment.
We can’t wait to hear how it goes and what you discover!
Much Love,
Your Year Of Miracles
Thank you both so much…this breathing technique brings me so much peacefulness and a strong sense of being both grounded in my true self yet connected to the larger universal energy outside of self at the same time.
I have been practicing and in my practice, a beautiful gold thread of energy appears. It anchors me from the 10th chakra to the heavens, weaving through each energy center…beautiful…
We’re so happy to hear this. 🤍
Thank you Marci and Dr.Sue
This course and your work is simply a gift from God in my life.
I have written a book “Eggs on the Wall —- for the Love of Family”
Last week I spoke internationally and received feedback which was beyond my dreams. My message is timely as the book details caregiving for my parents, woman’s rights, animal rights and LTC homes.
I credit your course, my firm faith which is giving me the courage to trust God, the Universe for Divine right action re the success of my book to help others all over the world, and to live each day knowing God is in charge in spite of the lack of evidence.
Sending you love and tons of blessings always and massive appreciation.
Hugs and love from Donna Jean in Canada
Congratulations Donna Jean!
We’re so happy to hear this!!
Started my journey as a children s book illustrator and writer which is one of my intentions for this year, i am happy and grateful receiving this message today …which came in perfect timing , to trust that i can fully trust, thank youband love to you, Sue and Marci, our group and in waves to all of us in this live life play of ” love is all there is”.
Absolutely Nicole!
Hi Marci
This way of breathing is taught in many other meditations. The key is Benevolent Universe. I’ve done this for years but never thought to add Benevolent Universe into the breathing. Thank you. This makes all the difference ❤️.
Hi Marci and Dr Sue. How many times a day do we practice the breathing exercise. Thankyou.
Hello Aroha,
The practice is there to continue to stay in balance, feel free to use it any time your start to notice anxious thoughts or discomfort in your body!
In a busy day I may utilize the breath work 3 or 4 times.
Remember it’s there for you when ever you need it!
Lean into the wisdom your body is sharing with you!
Your Year Of Miracles
We are so happy to help!
What a wonderful practice!
Thank you Terence Patrick!
That was so lovely, just what I needed and to be really anchored in Mula Banda breathing, so clear. You both give so much warmth and good-humored kindness, I am very grateful to be part of the Y.O.M family. And I like the challenges of the miracle group too. Thank you so much!
Thank you Anne M. O’Sullivan for sharing your experience!!
The challenges are growth opportunities, happy learning!
Your Year Of Miracles!
Hello everyone!
I want to tell you that I found you and involved in your course without knowing too much English, -many times I was lost-, and using all the money I had left for the rest of the month.
That’s the greatest decision I have taken these last 9 years.
Thank you a lot for being there.
Sometimes I set aside routines, minus the warmth your teaching brought to my life.
With love, thank you, again.
You’re amazing Arabella!
Thank you for trusting in yourself and the Universe!
Thank you!
You are welcome Crystal Chase!
I have learned so much from you both. Much needed help. Thankyou from my heart.
Thank you for being a part of our Community!
Much Love,
Your Year Of Miracles
I am not sure when this moment was first posted here, but I welcome reminders of the power of central channel breathing, to take me out of my “small” self and into a greater, radiant consciousness that I am part of. It has been hard to fully trust as I see events unfold around me, that the universe is benevolent. There’s much that is beyond comprehension, so I take it on “trust.” It will be handy this week as I prepare for an event Pandemic Prism, writers share prose, poems, and prayers, at my workplace. It started as an idea and has expanded beyond my normal wheelhouse. I think that’s what trust does, takes us beyond our self-imposed limitations. Thank you for these juicy moments! Sheila
Hello Shelia,
We love hearing that our posts are a great reminder! We look forward to hearing how the event went.
We couldn’t have said it better, trust absolutely moves us beyond our self-imposed beliefs!
Much Love,
Your Year Of Miracles
I start my day with visualizing that I am over the edge of a stage and let myself fall into the arms of the Universe – trust, welcome all teaching, all events, life is happening for me. Universe has my back, always!
Absolutely Agatha, Life indeed is happening for you!
Thanks so much for your reminder! I love listening to you and learning from you. What a wonderful practice! For the last two weeks I’ve been regularly practicing central channel breathing and holding the anchor points. It already feels quite familiar and so grounded. I also love this version focusing on a benevolent universe. So rewarding!
Greeting you all,
Thanks much for sharing this wisdom!
Honestly breathing indeed is necessity in human nature.
Thank you Silke for sharing your experience!
We love hearing from our community!
This has been an amazing morning practicing the central breathing! My life has been upside down because of mold and lead poisoning which I have had for years! I finally tried the cleanse and my body has been full of poison so I could no longer think. I had to stop the cleanse. So this morning I tried the central breath and I feel like it is the first breath I have made in years! Through these years of living in this house I have gradually absorbed poisons and finally my daughter and five children and husband moved in because of their own hard times. And are helping me clean up encapsulating the lead. I feel I have been smitten and lost my connection with soul. I have more cleansing to do but in taking a break I have opened myself to breathing again! I have been in pain because of back issues etc so it has been a long journey but yes I have opened up to central breathing this morning and read many wonderful inspiring comments. Thank you so much Marcy and Sue.
Thank you for everything. I look forward to receiving all the emails, wisdom, energy, enthusiasm and love all rolled up into a giant kick in the derrière. I am taking action, With Gratitude.
Wonderful!! We look forward to connecting with you as well!
I certainly am an inverse paranoid. I already do this breathing exercise since a year daily.🥰💫🌟⭐️🙏
we are so happy it works for you!
The central channel breathing helped to bring about the miracle of one of my intentions already! ‘I live in complete Peace in my beautiful home’. I posted about it on the YOM FB site and had a wonderful response from our community! Thanks so much!! 🌹❤️🙏🏽
Thank you Steph exciting that your intentions are already creating miracles!!
I love this! My question is: How many times do I need breathe up and down the central channel? Do I do this a little quicker than some slower breathing techniques? Thank you😊
Thank you so much for such a sweet reminder! Since I joined YOM in 2021, I have been practicing central channel and sunning meditation. I had a near death experience four months into the program and these techniques have been life changing! The Universe does have my back! I can see clearly now that all along, The Great Spirit has been guiding and equipping me. Forever grateful for all that Marci, Dr. Sue and Lisa give us on this powerful program! Love to all 💖 Namasté
Namaste Aida! We Love having you in our Community!
Much Love,
Your year Of Miracles
You two are wonderful. Thank you!
Thank you Kerr!
Yes I believe that we live in a benevolent Universe and this program is helping me reach inside even further so I can learn and grow within myself so I can serve others.
Beautiful Kara Moss!!!
The most extraordinary alignment of events have begun since I started practicing this breathing and joining YOM. The deepest and most profound change has been my true self pushing up and out over the limiting believes I’ve been carrying around I wasn’t even aware of….clear through til last night when I did some deep sleep hypnosis and I awoke closer to my true self in this human form than I believe I’ve ever been (other than birth and my first NDE). For years I’ve used the word “PROnoia” to remind myself “everything is working FOR me/us”
And I believe that now this morning that are clicking and connected in ways I KNOW have already changed the course of everything.
What an extraordinary and exciting turn of events! Thank you!!
And so it is. 💝🙏
Beautifully said Morgan! Indeed the Universe is working for us!
Thank you so much! I appreciate this confirmation more than words can say. It came at the perfect time and I am filled with gratitude.
My heart is full and flowing. Much love to all💗
You are welcome Tuli.
Much Love to you as well!
Hi Marci and Dr. Sue! I believe Central Channel breathing is doing its particular magic. I’ve been feeling a greater connection to the realm above, It’s a sublime experience! I’ve not worked in a significant way with the energy field. It’s a fascinating topic and I’m looking forward to learning lots more. I’m reading The Energy Codes, thanks to my coach Judith – and of course to you Dr. Sue! I have to say that I began YOM virtually on a whim with hopes, dreams and some trust issues in tow. I’m watching myself get acclimated, feeling remarkable internal shifts that have given me a peek into the potential of opening to the Divine flow! That and loads of synchronicities are opening my heart to magical wisdom of YOM. Deep thanks to Marci and Dr. Sue for sharing your generous gifts!
Thank you Madelyn Farr!!
We are truly One with the Universe as we continue opening the Divine flow within!
I love this ! It makes it come more alive.
It’s so much info and I love it but can you tell me what I should , could, must do everyday no matter what as you are big miracles manifesters ( my word ); please.
Thank you Marci and Thank you Dr Sue.
May I ask a silly question , when we are doing the Central Channel Breath and Mula Bandha , do we sit down or lie down but do we also do it as we are walking about as Dr Sue said, “somewhere do it all day” ?
Please send me , MY BIG MIRACLES , THE ENERGY ! This way, please. Thank you thank you thank you Universe and you beautiful ladies.
Hello Lourdes,
Yes, you can utilize the channel breathing techniques in many different ways through out your day,
Sometimes I like to sit or lay down if it is at the end of the day as part of my winding down before going to sleep.
Let us know how you are using it.
Much Love,
Your Year Of Miracles
I have followed Thich Nhat Hahn for years. Breathing in I know I am breathing in. Breating out I know I am breathing out. After this there are several more breathings, deep breath in, long slow out, etc. I don’t like to confuse disciplines by doing to many. How does this breathing relate to the one I currently do?
Hello Jannelle,
Great question! It depends on how you are feeling and what your body intuitively is telling you. They are similar and ultimately, trust yourself and let go, your body will show you the way forward as you lean in.
Much Love,
Your Year Of Miracles
Before watching the video, I was quite tired. As soon as I did central
channel breathing 4-5 times, I started feeling lighter and full of energy! It is much easier to be open and trust in such a state! Absolutely amazing! Thank you so much beautiful ladies!
You’re welcome Aleksandra!
I AM breathing and my heart is singing:
“I know that you know that I love you.
What I want you to know is that I know,
you love me too”.
Work is transforming the invisible beauty to touchable love in this world, and that is one of the things you are doing so elegantly! Thank you!
Thank you for sharing Liisa, this is music to our ears!
Much Love
Ahhh, I am dancing with Trust! I just Loved this Miracle Moment!
Dr. Nancy Wiley, Yes, when we trust in the Universe we accept Divine perfection!
I so love this. Trusting in the Universe is the most powerful practice. It has carried me through so much of life. I appreciate both of you and your message. I spend some time today sitting by the ocean and breathing. Aaaaaa. It is so helpful to know there is a whole community breathing together, connecting in the trust and love.
Thank you for always reminding me that I am not the dower alone, but the Universe is my partner! Much Love,
I meant to write DOER, when we let go of the Doer we have the universe as our partner!
WOW! I am so grateful for so many good ideas from you and others. I will add Channel breathing to my breathing, which I do regularly and while waiting for Google results. Trusting the benevolence is what I’m practicing. However, a small voice says, “What about people in poverty-stricken areas, disasters?” I found two generous checks I had misplaced, since finding YOM. Will we be able to save any of this amazing Saturday?
Hi, I am doing this breathing. Feel very energized. I had so bad experiences in my life but still trust in the Universe, not in every moment. I am not sure that always believe Universe supports me, but things are as they are. My attitude became: “Nothing really matters”. Thank you, love from my soul.
Thank you, thank you Marci & Dr. Sue. This came at the perfect time for me… the Central Channel Breathing. I will be practicing it several times a day. Love the inverse paranoid.
Thank you both so much! Sue, when doing this breathing you say breath down into the earth. What if you are in a multi-story building? Does this work best if your feet are on the actual ground outside?
I love the emphasize of the Soul it was really Great, the Soul knows what we also imagine, Wow Thank You Am so Grateful
I am in the process of divorcing an abusive husband, and my mediation is next month. I am so anxious, but I am working very hard to trust the universe. I hope next month I can post how this trust brought me through this extremely dark battle into victory for me and my girls!
I LOVE THIS!! THANK you so much for explaining how to use the Central Channel breathing to ease into the MB.
Once again exactly what I needed to hear today.
As I am going “back” and listening to what I missed while I was offline for a time.
Ahhh, my absolute favorite topic….Trust! To me, Trust is the foundation from which all spiritual growth occurs for without it, what are we building our spiritual practice on? It starts out based on faith, but soon, once you see Source directly and feel, sense or know It, you KNOW that it is benevolent, loving, generous, forgiving and abundant! And with that as your essence, how could you possibly not be glowing and gloriously happy!!! Lets spread this sacred knowledge on, even if we do it subtly and silently. Just trust that this energy vibration is shared with ALL!
Yes Dr. Nancy Wiley well said!!
Much Love
Thank you for the powerful tool!
You’re welcome Anna, trusting in the Universe as it always has our backs!
Much Love
It is an excellent evocation dictator to the righ path for the resurrection free from all struggle , obstruction .
All are for mankind.
Yes Dipankar!!!
This Miracle Moment really does help us to open ourselves up to embracing miracles at all times and to reach out to others.
The breathing exercise is literally out of this world! When I began to incorporate breathing exercises into my daily routine, my whole life got better.
Thank you.
Yes Mary… as you are Central Channel Breathing you are raising your vibrational frequency!
We LOVE it as well!!
In recent years my Trust in the Universe had diminished quite a bit. Then I joined Your Year of Miracles and focusing on it for the past month. I have been also been practicing central channel breathing and it is profound. I feel a sense of wholeness inside myself and a sense of connection I had lost. Miracles are starting to happen!
Thank you Joie for sharing your experience!!
Much Love
Pronoia! That’s me 🙂 the Universe is all ways conspiring for my Joy and Love Evolution
I am grateful to learn channel breathing. I have already felt a Trust in my Higher Power that I have been trying to gain for several years. I sense the peacefulness and the presence coming into my body and grounding me in the in truth and power. My anxiety level has gone down exponentially! My Miracles Theme and Intentions are coming alive! Thank you Dr Sue and Marci!
You are so welcome Joan!!
Thank you for sharing your experience!!
Much Love
Hello and thank you ♥️
I’ve had miracles happening that I didn’t even realize were miracles.
It’s different times when something happened and I just went “Whoa, cool, look at that! I didn’t see that coming,” and I hadn’t done anything. 🙂 It’s just like the universe opening up as I connect.
Yes Kathy indeed!!
When we are open to miracles they appear, trusting in the benevolence of the Universe.
Much Love
I love this Channel Breathing! Thank you for the reminder today, Sue and Marci! I’ve been practicing it since YOM began, and do feel lighter and more peaceful when I use the practice. <3
You’re welcome!
Much Love
Thank you so much for my miracle moment and this opportunity here to share how I made it possible to pull in those higher frequencies while having such negative ones where I live in between myself and the ground (earth).I actually live three levels away from the earth I have neighbors(strangers) on first level mom on second. instead of thinking of pulling up I thought of stepping onto those energies in my own space that I may even put out while stepping in the movement of the infinity symbol sideways; it felt invigorating. I love how this text came during an emotional breakdown turned breakthrough because of it ( y’all’s email today. And I now have a way to breath in faith and trust by thinking outside the box while in my home. I can’t wait to try pulling up from the earth tomorrow when I go outside. Today is overcast and rainy not good for the exercise in my opinion. I thank you ladies for sharing your gifts with all of us and teach us to trust or own energy and build greater trust in the universe. You ladies have not been wrong from jump. I pray I can commit to memory and hold myself accountable to the 5 foundations of this program….alone I am great together I feel awesome…..
Beautiful said Willena, when we surrender to the Divine energies of the Universe miracles appear!
We like to imagine a place in nature when we can’t be outside open to all of your senses.
Much Love!
Thank you so much Marci and Dr. Sue. Very helpful and uplifting. I love the quote at the end. And what you said about central channel breathing, and the higher energy required for trust being outside of our physical bodies, is fascinating, Dr. Sue. Thank you for that.
Thanks again and much love to you, as well. –Charlotte
Hi Charlotte,
Thank you for sharing your kind words and thoughts!
Your Year of Miracles
That’s awesome, Quadira. Thanks for posting that–it’s encouraging. Keep up the good work.
Thank you Charlotte for continuing to support our community!
I LOVE what you said about how this breathing technique helps show/teach our subconscious mind who we really are. Beautiful. Thank you.
You’re welcome Linda!
Dear Dr. Sue and Marci,
Your kind and generous submissions to me are most comforting and appreciated. It is so wonderful to know your presence in our World doing so much good for humanity. Much love and blessing, Ester Akersloot
You’re welcome Ester Akersloot!
I love to be an “inverse paranoid” and practicing Central Channel Breathing supports this amazing state. You’re 2 beautiful souls Marcy & Dr. Sue. Namaste
Excellent Carola Central Channel Breathing is vital for our well being!
Loving this connection to Source through this breathing. Not sure if I’m doing it 100% right, but it feels good to me 🙂
Paula Roscoe, if it feels good you are absolutely doing it right!
Marci & Dr Sue – I love listening to you both and you always seem to talk about a topic in the perfect timing for me….just what I needed to hear. I’ve been using the breathing technique all week & positive changes are happening often. I’m blown away. Thank you for including comprehensive notes in the emails – I jot things down as I’m listening to recordings – this assists with anything I miss. Thank you so much 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Hi Jan,
The Universe is amazing and when we need that inspiration, it always shows up as we continue to trust in ourselves and know that the Universe has our back!
Much Love,
Your Year Of Miracles
I always felt like an inverse paranoid. However, with the Central Chanel this feeling is even more amplified.
Right On Jean-Paul it indeed is invigorating using the Central Chanel breathing technique!
Lots of love!
Thank you for the email, by just ONLY reading the EMAIL it’s a miracle it’s self.. God bless, we belive…
i appriciate God bless….
Much Love!!
You’re welcome MPHO!
Much love to you!
During the time I’m with you ( starting last year ), I already became” inverse, paranoid”🤗.!
Quite often I catch myself of being absolutely confident about what ever happens with me, my family and people around me has some deep, meaningful positive reason behind it. Even when I don’t understand it . Thank you for teaching how to listen with a year of the soul.. what are you doing is priceless?🙏🌈☀️💕
Thank you Karine for sharing your experience with being a “reverse paranoid”.
Much Love
Thank you so much for living the USHER principles Karine!
Much love to you!
Thanks you for all your support my journey life i really trust you i appreciate you too much
Much love and abundance to you!
Thank you all your support my journey life i really trust you i appreciate too much
Dear Marci and Dr. Sue. I always have admired empowered women, but you are the top of the top. I am huge fan of both of you. I want to be the best student the rest of my life of all your teachings.
I want to start feeling the freedom and the spaciousness of my being! This breath is amazing I start to feel some bubbles in my head!
thank you 1000000 times.
With gratitude and love
Thank you for sharing, Adriana! That’s wonderful. Keep it up.
Loads of love and miracles to you!
I LOVE this topic! I find trust is the foundation from which ALL other spiritual principles are built. To try this state of being on, one must first extend trust out to the Divine. Once you do, you find that the Divine was always there waiting for you to use your free will for this very purpose! Doing this then starts a glorious dance with the Divine whereby you no longer have to extend trust out in faith, but you develop your very own one on one relationship with Source. This is when life becomes exquisite!
Wow. Thank you for sharing. This is so true
I just love this. It makes so much sense, Breathing from above and below. It makes me feel whole. Thank you both for this new breathing tool. I combine it in my daily routines. Love, Angela
Thank you, for send me this!
It’s a surprise hearing from you.
More miracles to you, Colleen!
More miracles to you, John!
Estoy empezando con estas prácticas, y la respiración del canal central inicia a ser fluida.Muchas gracias por todo lo que comparten!!! Y más que esperar en milagros de la vida, espero comprender que la vida misma es un milagro. Muchas gracias de nuevo!
I love this breathing exercise connecting with the field above and below! For years I have practiced Magnified Healing , a healing exercise channeled by Gisele King and Kathryn Anderson. It is a very powerful exercise to do and similar to what you have introduced here. Thank you for sharing and reminding us that there is a much more in our existence than what meets the physical eye. Beautiful!
Thank you for sharing, Susan! Glad you find this reminder helpful.
You have inspired me deeply and I’m excited to learn more from you. I’m also excited to see how the universe brings my vision into reality as I learn to live in the miracle zone day by day.
I thank you so much for having introduced me to the benevolent universe.
So glad to know that this foundation of Your Year of Miracles resonates with you, Henry.
More miracles to you!
It always makes me feel so relaxed and centered.
So glad to know that, Dian! Much love to you.
A couple of years ago, suddenly I got convinced that I am one with the universe.
And that I totally can trust the universe, joining me and be guided by. For me, his name is Krishna. I listen and act with all the coherency and intuition I discovered. This feels so safe and good.
That’s wonderful, Gerd! I wish you more miracles in this journey to living more in the Miracle Zone each day.
It’s been a great pleasure by reading this email, may the lord Jesus crist protect us,to keep faith patient and believing to the UNIVERSE.. AMEN..
I like to do central channel breathing in a seated position, sometimes in my recliner with back straight, but feet up. In this position do I visualized my breath going into the earth from my sacrum or from my outstretched feet?
Does this method work when laying down?
The recorded message was terrific! Thank you so much for explaining the idea of integration of our bodily, corporeal energy with the larger energy of the more than human world of air, soil and earth. I’ve recently been having enlightening discoveries of this crucial reciprocity in other areas of my life and it is thrilling to learn of its rational through Central Channel breathing and the foundation of Trusting in the Universe. Your post today has helped me put a number of pieces together and I am so grateful for it!
In human earth school, we all need to embrace the concept that the universe provides us with everything that we need. We all have our breathe and are so lucky to be on the journey called life. Trust fully and all will be ok.