Today’s Miracle Moment Is About Choosing Where You Put Your Energy And Attention…

In Your Year of Miracles program, we have the Five Foundations for Living in the Miracle Zone. Especially in these unique and challenging times, we lean on these Foundations every single day!

Today, we’re going to talk about the fourth of these Five Foundations, which is: Choosing Where You Put Your Energy and Attention.

We each have the ability to consciously direct our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions towards what we want more of and what we want to expand in our life. This is so important because whatever you put your attention on will grow stronger in your life.

Rather than focusing on whatever isn’t working in your life, you can put your attention on whatever supports you in living a more miraculous life.

This can be a challenge since we live in an externally oriented world where it’s easy to get pulled towards bright shiny objects, noisy circumstances, or the stress of the day. As the external world pulls on your energy, it may seem hard to consciously choose where to focus your attention.

One way to consciously choose where you focus your attention is to collect your energy into your core and continually bring it back there throughout your day.

When you practice gathering your energy back onto yourself, you strengthen your ability to know and remember that you have the power to choose. Then, you can make decisions from a place of groundedness that you can’t access when your energy is dispersed.

So, practice putting your attention on your core, and that sense of self will magnify. You’ll be able to remember who you are regardless of what’s going on around you. Then, you’ll find that with every choice you make, things will fall into place in service of your highest good.

This is a great way to keep yourself grounded throughout the day and remember that you have the power to choose where you put your thoughts, words, feelings, and actions. That powerful and blessed attention of yours will, in great part, determine the outcomes that you experience in your life. So we recommend that you put your attention on whatever will help you live more in the Miracle Zone!

Click here to learn more about the first Foundation  – Trust In the Universe
Click here to learn more about the second Foundation – Live from the Soul
Click here to learn more about the third Foundation – Lead with an Open Heart

Please share your experiences below of the practice of bringing your attention back to your core and powerfully choosing from there. We’d love to hear from you.

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