Today’s Miracle Moment Is About Leading with an Open Heart

How do you experience one miracle after another in life? A great place to start is by practicing the Five Foundations for Living in the Miracle Zone. These five foundations can support you to live a life where you’re more in the “flow” and experiencing synchronicities and miracles on a regular basis.  

Today, we’re talking about the third foundation we teach in Your Year of Miracles program, which is to Lead with an Open Heart. 

Leading with an open heart is to lovingly practice gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, and kindness and to give and receive in joy and balance. These are the qualities of the heart and of love itself. 

When we think of the people we know who are truly living in the Miracle Zone, there’s no question that they live open-heartedly. That doesn’t mean that they don’t have challenges in life or that everything always goes their way. It means that whatever happens to them, they still allow their heart to lead them through life and come back to these qualities of compassion, forgiveness, kindness, and gratitude.

How can you start leading your life with an open heart?

You can more easily lead with an open heart by “making the short but most important trip from your head to your heart.” 

If you’re filled with judgment, fear, or anxiety, then most likely — you’re stuck in your head. 

Imagine bringing your attention down from your head to your heart. Then, bring your focus beneath your heart to anchor and tether your energy there. Take a deep breath in your belly. Deep belly breaths help you to stay out of your head and in your body — and your heart. 

To lead with an open heart that’s loving, kind, generous, and caring to others, the most important thing you can possibly do is be loving, kind, generous, and caring with yourself. When you’re compassionate and forgiving of yourself, your life will be easier and more in the flow. You can also more easily engage with others in an open-hearted way.

Leading with an open heart is also about being equally comfortable in giving and receiving in balance. Often people tend to feel comfortable in one of those two modes. (And for many women especially, they are often more comfortable in the giving mode.) You can balance these out by noticing which area tends to be more difficult for you and practicing either receiving or giving more. And discover how that naturally helps your heart to open more!

Over the next week, we invite you to make the most important trip that you can make in your life…

… the trip from your head to your heart. See how life feels and how life responds to you when you practice leading with an open heart — with compassion, kindness, and gratitude both for yourself and for others. 

If you’d like to learn more about the first and second of the Five Foundations to Living in the Miracle Zone, click below:

Click here to learn more about the first Foundation — Trust in the Universe

Click here to learn more about the first Foundation – Live from the Soul

Please share your experience below of putting your attention on living with an open heart. We’d love to hear from you


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