Living In The Miracle Zone Podcast

Living in the Miracle Zone, hosted by #1 NY Times bestselling author Marci Shimoff, is a weekly podcast bringing you miraculous stories from interviews with some of the world’s most recognizable names, from everyday people, and from Marci herself. As a featured teacher in The Secret, founder of Your Year of Miracles, and the author of Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul, Marci is a top leader in the area of personal transformation.

Over a decade ago, Marci woke up one day and realized she was living a truly miraculous life.

She knew it hadn’t happened by chance, but that there were certain keys to making a miraculous life possible. She’s now shared these keys with more than a million people around the world, and today she shares them with you.

Let Marci and her guests offer their most groundbreaking miracle tools to help you create a flow of miracles in every area of your life: self-love, wealth, relationships, health, purpose, and more.

It’s possible to transform your life from the mundane to the miraculous. Let’s dive in and change your world…one miracle at a time. Welcome to the Miracle Zone!

Nothing is off limits.

(Except for wishy-washy, millimeter-deep, half-answered how to’s. Nobody has time for that fluffy stuff.)

Living in The Miracle Zone Podcast with Marci Shimoff

Catch Up on the Recent Episodes

Episode 9: Your Breath as Miracle Medicine with Ashanna Solaris

Episode 9: Your Breath as Miracle Medicine with Ashanna Solaris

In this episode of Living in the Miracle Zone, I had the joy of talking with my beautiful friend and colleague Ashanna Solaris. Ashanna is the co-founder and pioneer of the profound practice of Clarity Breathwork, which is a gentle, nurturing, feminine approach to...

Episode 8: How To Receive Signs From The Universe with Marci Shimoff

Episode 8: How To Receive Signs From The Universe with Marci Shimoff

Was it a coincidence? Or was it a sign? The Universe is constantly communicating with us as we navigate this journey called life. Whether we hear the perfect song at just the right time, get the answer to a question from a passing license plate, or have a random but...

Episode 1: The Magic of The Miracle Zone with Mike Dooley

Episode 1: The Magic of The Miracle Zone with Mike Dooley

 In this episode, we sit down with my beloved friend Mike Dooley, NY Times bestselling author, speaker, entrepreneur and author of Notes from the Universe. In order to unlock his dream life in the Miracle Zone, Mike had to start over. . . . Single and not finding...


What’s YOUR Miracle Superpower?

Find out your unique ability to bring more miracles into your life

Meet the Host

Marci Shimoff

#1 New York Times Best-Selling Author & Renowned Happiness Expert

Marci is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, a world-renowned transformational teacher and an expert on happiness, success, and unconditional love. Her books include the international bestsellers Love for No Reason and Happy for No Reason.

She is also the woman’s face of the biggest self-help book phenomenon in history, as co-author of six books in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. With total book sales of more than 15 million copies worldwide in 33 languages, Marci is one of the best-selling female nonfiction authors of all time.

Marci is also a featured teacher in the international film and book sensation, The Secret, and is the host of the national PBS TV show called “Happy for No Reason.” President and co-founder of the Esteem Group, she delivers keynote addresses and seminars on happiness, empowerment, and peak performance to Fortune 500 companies, professional and non-profit organizations, and women’s associations. Dedicated to helping people live more empowered and joy-filled lives, Marci’s current passion is mentoring people to create miracles in their lives.