Today’s Miracle Moment Is About Leading with an Open Heart…
How do you experience one miracle after another in life? A great place to start is by practicing the Five Foundations for Living in the Miracle Zone. These five foundations can support you to live a life where you’re more in the “flow” and experiencing synchronicities and miracles on a regular basis.
Today, we’re talking about the third foundation we teach in Your Year of Miracles program, which is to Lead with an Open Heart.
Leading with an open heart is to lovingly practice gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, and kindness and to give and receive in joy and balance. These are the qualities of the heart and of love itself.
When we think of the people we know who are truly living in the Miracle Zone, there’s no question that they live open-heartedly. That doesn’t mean that they don’t have challenges in life or that everything always goes their way. It means that whatever happens to them, they still allow their heart to lead them through life and come back to these qualities of compassion, forgiveness, kindness, and gratitude.
How can you start leading your life with an open heart?
You can more easily lead with an open heart by “making the short but most important trip from your head to your heart.”
If you’re filled with judgment, fear, or anxiety, then most likely — you’re stuck in your head.
Imagine bringing your attention down from your head to your heart. Then, bring your focus beneath your heart to anchor and tether your energy there. Take a deep breath in your belly. Deep belly breaths help you to stay out of your head and in your body — and your heart.
To lead with an open heart that’s loving, kind, generous, and caring to others, the most important thing you can possibly do is be loving, kind, generous, and caring with yourself. When you’re compassionate and forgiving of yourself, your life will be easier and more in the flow. You can also more easily engage with others in an open-hearted way.
Leading with an open heart is also about being equally comfortable in giving and receiving in balance. Often people tend to feel comfortable in one of those two modes. (And for many women especially, they are often more comfortable in the giving mode.) You can balance these out by noticing which area tends to be more difficult for you and practicing either receiving or giving more. And discover how that naturally helps your heart to open more!
Over the next week, we invite you to make the most important trip that you can make in your life…
… the trip from your head to your heart. See how life feels and how life responds to you when you practice leading with an open heart — with compassion, kindness, and gratitude both for yourself and for others.
If you’d like to learn more about the first and second of the Five Foundations to Living in the Miracle Zone, click below:
Click here to learn more about the first Foundation — Trust in the Universe
Click here to learn more about the first Foundation – Live from the Soul
I’m not sure where/when I first heard it, but over the years I have told others that “receiving” is a type of “giving”. When you allow others to help you, you give them the gift of their own selflessness, among other things. “Giving” is a two way street, a two part process in which both parties are equal participants.
Wow.. that is definitely eye opening thanks 🙏
I’m so grateful for the Dr’s who are going to remove my kidney. May God have his hands on them. Thank you bother for sharing year of miracles.
I love living in the miracle zone!!
I’m learning to take care of myself, and say no….this is a work in progress.
I am learning to receive as much as give. Thank you!
Blessings all 💕
Wonderful! We are all a work in progress by the way 😉 The important thing is how you continue to show up for yourself and others. Blessings to you, Heather.
Thank you so much for this morning 😙 I really needed that and appreciate everything you are teaching us we can get together and keep our momentum together and we will change this world thank you and God bless you both I love you also have a mission here and have woke up as they say it’s working
I needed this, this morning. I was in my head. Good reminder to breathe deeply.
Thank you for being so generous
What you say makes sense and is very helpful
Thanks for supporting me in my journey
Listening to your you makes me smile and brings hope. Thank you for sharing genuine life tools that are anchored to God’s principles.
You’re welcome Eris!
Much Love
Thank you.
Nice, Lorraine ❣️
Loved this ❤️
Nice, Lorraine ❣️
Living with an open heart is probably one of the most important keys of being in the miracle zone. It means dropping your defenses and giving without hesitation and really coming from your heart. Let’s start opening all these beautiful hearts ♥️
Right on Alice!!
Much Love
Keep it up 😘❤️
Im so happy now that I am among those in the miracle zone.
Henry Moloi.
Welcome to the Miracle Zone, Henry!
Much love.
Love it!
Happy tuesday
So Grateful for the opportunity to respond via email!!!
Yet another wonderful teaching and message.
We love it as well!!
Much love!
I have always lived with an open heart. This is nothing new to me. I agree with everything you say. I do not need to forgive myself for anything. I always practice self care. Being a guidance Counsellor for 20 years with experience.
Thank you for your teachings. It was what I needed to hear. I broke my wrist 10 days ago and have been pleasantly surprised by offers of help from people. I now need to be willing to accept help when offered and not be so stubborn. Thank you xx
Thank you Mary for the work you do!
Self care indeed is a foundation to well being.
Much love!
It’s a miracle I just read this because I am running out of coffee and healing from dental surgery. One of my intentions is to experience a healthy relationship. I just started dating a man and it’s going well. He has been calling me everyday to see if I need anything and I was just contemplating asking him to bring me coffee. I have a difficult time asking for things so this is a big step for me. Your comment just gave me confirmation it is the right thing to do
Yes Dianne, asking for what you need in all relationships is so important!
Much love and continued healing to you!
Listening to your you makes me smile and brings hope. Thank you for sharing genuine life tools that are anchored to God’s principles.
Many blessings to you!
Good for you Dianne. It
sounds like you are loving yourself and your new friend in a healthy relationship. Wishing you a speedy and grace filled recovery or better.
Yes leading with an open heart requires training and careful listening.Giving and receiving.This is practiced by professionals and parents.But it requires training.
Happy to have received my professional training over the last 20 years.Many women are in need of support for their health at this time.
Yes indeed Mary!
Much love!
Let’s go back to what this world needs more often love love love love jhonny G thanks
Living with an open heart is the most important thing to be practiced in one’s life. But sadly , it is seen rarely . We must convey the message as we can. The world needs it!!
YES! And the more we live by example, the more others are impacted in the world. Thank you for being here with us and carrying the torch of love and hope.
I started living life with an open heart…then ” life happened” and my heart was broken into pieces and I started living life with what I thought was an open heart, but in essence, it was pretty much closed off. I knew that I needed something to change. So I started going back to church , and was baptized in 2017. I also stumbled across a certification course to become a Health and Life coach. I signed up and started my own healing journey, and received my dual certification. I learned a lot about behavioral habits and how to change them. In church, I was learning to have a relationship with God. He was filling me with love and making me new. I also learned about forgiveness for others, but most of all, for myself. But I still was struggling with the thought playing over and over in my head that I was “never enough.” So I took another course called the Clarity catalyst. This course helped me get to the route cause of that feeling. I had resigned from the State Police academy because I blacked out from a heart murmur ( which was a disqualifier to get in in the first place) during phys ed. I also was starting to not feel aligned with this. Well, I met my mother in the living room of our house and she told me that I was an embarrassment to the family. Shortly thereafter, she died, and we had no resolution. She has been gone for 30 years now. That wreaked havoc on me, and as a result, I had many failed relationships. I wasn’t loving me, or forgiving her or me. I have finally forgiven us both, along with all of my failed relationships, and I am now living with an open heart again. …with some healthy boundaries set in place….It’s so freeing!!
Thanks for sharing your heart with us! Our journeys are all so unique by the grace of God. Your relationship with God sparked hope for me – to start anew and yes we have lots of behavioral habits…
I created a course called Open your heart and realized I was teaching what I deeply needed to learn. So that is my journey and you are teaching us just what I am learning! Thank you so much! I feel I am being invited to a flow that is the answer to my prayers!
Beautiful Lynnda, thank you for being a part of our community!
Much love
Wow Kathryn what a beautiful story !
Thank you for sharing and we are so honored to have you in our community!
Much love!
When someone gives you a gift or compliment, they are acknowledging that to them you have value. When you refuse it or say it is nothing, it can feel like you don’t value them–like they aren’t worth the time it takes to acknowledge or even notice them. A simple “Thank You” gives the gift and the person value. Don’t think I expressed that as well as could be, but basically — dissing the gift = dissing the person which is the opposite of the expression of humility it is often thought and meant to be.
Thank you Anne for your clarification and yes, expressing gratitude is one of the highest form of enlightenment.
Much love!
Right on Lorraine!!!
Much love!
hi my name is chriselda Broughton I’ve just watched your video for the first time it was good intentions for myself I continue to keep watching.
I am so happy to make that trip from my head to my soul .
I am to much in my head thinking.
Love love love this. Thank you again. 💜💚
Thank you for all the great support. I am thrilled to read about your theme “living with an open heart” as our WWSF 75% leadership Forum has as its subtitle: “Leading from the heart to serve humanity”. We see such synergy with all you do and the more the better. Thank you from the heart!
You’re so welcome! And thank YOU for the work you’re doing in the world.
Thank you Marci and Dr. Sue, for checking in with me and encouraging me to live with an open heart. I love these moments in the program. They are touch points and they remind me of the possibilities. I am so grateful that I live in a benevolent universe.
Love that these Miracle Moments keep you inspired, Barbara! We’re grateful that you’re part of our YOM community. Keep at it. More miracles to you!
Thanks a lot!
You’re welcome Nestor!
Much love!
One practice I have been told to become a more open recipient is to imagine your chakras open along your spine, and open the chakras for both giving and receiving.
Thank you I really enjoyed listening to you both. I do my best to live with an open heart. One day at a time. ❤️
Thank you Marci and Dr. Sue!
Always a pleasure to receive inspirational messages.
Ooo, I like that imagery, Barbara! Thank you, I think that will help me even more.
Beuatiful Barbara thank you for sharing!!
Much love
“Be generous in prosperity and thankful in adversity” Baha’i writings.
Beautiful reminder gentle …gentle is strong
We love it!!
Thanks for the message!
You’re welcome Tony!
Much love!
I’m so glad that the heart is the loved of the world. Thank you for this wisdom that I so love. Namaste
We’re feeling the love, Donna. xo
I feel so lucky to have received this message from you two beautiful and inspiring souls. I feel grounded in my heart and I love this yummy feeling. May we call continue to reside in our heart and experience the world In this way. It’s our personal adventure. And it doesn’t have to be hard.
Yes! And now more than ever is the time to stay grounded in our hearts. Sending you lots of love, Veronica.
🥰Live / 😆 laugh/ ‘ 💕 Love… 🙏 for your encouraging message 🙌
When you are in your head there are always buts… if you live in your heartspace there is only love 💗
Ahhhh, loving this!
Beautifully said. Thank you, Laurie.
From ACIM (A Course in Miracles):
“Love is the answer, no matter what the question.”
Thank you guys for this love message
Thank you for being here, Lisa.
Hi! I recieved a text this morning from a dear friend. She wanted to let me know that she was thinking about me. This is her text. “You came across my heart and soul and mind today so I wanted to reach out and tell you that I love you. I’m so glad that you are in my life. Whenever I think about you and the way that you love me it really warms my heart. I love you Melissa.” Her msg was a wonderful way to start my day!
I am GRATEFUL for the gift of love and loving. I’m getting better about being able to take it in, to receive. It has been a huge process for sure, the exchange of giving and receiving! My friends text “super charged” my morning! And then I open this message in my email on the Foundation: Living from an open ❤! Not a coincidence, I’m positive!
Much love and gratitude to ALL the YOM’s team, especially Marci, Dr. Sue and Lisa and all the lovely participants🙏
Beautiful first step Melissa!
You’ve got this,
Much love!
So far, living with an open heart unfolded in several interesting encounters. I initiated a volunteer book event project in my community and had to get over feeling like I wasn’t up for the job after I met with some initial resistance. I allowed myself to open my heart to the viewpoint of the person who had done it before and stand in his shoes. Soon we had a meeting and reached consensus quickly as to who would do what. We were on the same page, the page of the heart. It made all the difference.
Thank you for this powerful reminder.
What a beautiful illustration of this! You are so powerful with this. Thank you for sharing and inspiring us.
Thank you Sheila for attesting to the power of having an open heart!!
Much love!
Thankyou for your loving kindness, guidance and inspiration Dr.Sue & Marci, Namaste. I totally agree with what someone mentioned earlier…living from our heart space is not the easiest but it is certainly the Best space to live from…such a truth. Over the years, I’ve adopted the expression “Let go let God”…and allowing the “how” to be figured out by the universe… and oh what a release from burdens♥️thankyou all for your openness.
Thanks for sharing your journey with regards to this foundation with us, Paula! Like you were inspired here, I feel others will take your comment as inspiration too. More miracles to you!
Beautiful message! Thank you Marcy end Dr Sue!
Namaste, Elenice.
I resonate with this. For years I tried to ‘figure out’ what I should be doing and was so full of fear. Once I decided that it’s not my job to ‘figure it out’ that it will be revealed to me and followed my heart – clarity came to me effortlessly. Now I live in a state of flow. This community has been a big part of that process. Thank you Dr. Sue and Marci!
Oh goodness, Daniela. That is exactly it! Thank you so much for sharing and for being part of our community.
A quote from Rumi about the heart, “You and I will be together till The Universe dissolves”…much love, Namaste..🙏❤
Beautifully put, Daniela. Just needed to hear that. Thanks 🙏
And thanks to Dr. Sue and Marci for providing the forum for such loving insights.
Just today I reminded myself and my sister to be open to receive. we have been givers all our life and in these times it is difficult to receive. So thanks for the reminder that it is just as blessed to receive as to give.And to go from the head to the heart and Breathe.
The theme for Your Year of Miracles this year is Receiving. It can be much easier for some of us to give than receive. Being open to receiving is a wonderful start.
Prayers work. Faith creates Miracles.
My heart is breaking. My sister has a very aggressive brain tumor. As I listen to Jamie about God doubt, I realized that part of me was shutting down due to God doubt & the tears began to flow. It is not always gonna be easy to live from your heart space, but it is always the best space to live from💗
Awe are sending our love to you and your sister Paula!
Thank you for today’s great message about learning to become comfortable with both giving and receiving.
Yes, as we said, most of us are more comfortable with either giving or receiving its truly a gift to live in comfort from both !
thank you, beautifully articulated, heard, received…. the first kindness received. A reminder of the texture of feeling, getting into the senses – it’s yielding, soft, flowing- experiencing this is the first step out of the head to the heart. Directing the kindness inwards is so helpful as the vessel fills, more and more can pour out to others too!!! thank you, this lesson has depth and resonance.
Yes Maurita self love and living from an open heart is very nourishing!!
Much love
Dearest sista’s of my very happy heart..I have had loving feedback for a few years celebrating me as a warm big-hearted woman…having you as divine mentors is taking love & power to an entirely new level…no, another stratosphere ❣️. Marci, your caring heart simply flows with so much warmth & from a seemingly endless spring. Thank you for modeling how to be a loving listener. Dr. Sue, I have prior to YOM tried to tone down my power, dumb down my intelligence & essentially dim my light…no longer!
Energy codes & your modeling of soft power with clarity & a formerly unseen level of committed service has given me – actually assertively demanded of me to live in my Soulful self 🙏🌹 Gratitude is way to tiny a word ❣️ Blessings!
We love our community thank you for sharing and stepping softly into your power!
Much love
Many thanks Marci and Dr. Sue, You both have such a warm heart. I love the inspiration and it will keep me going forward in all walks of life. Your message sends many golden nuggets and blessings.
All the best and much love. Diane Massion
We are so grateful to have you in our community Diane!!
Much love!
Oh, this was probably THE message I needed to hear and take in today. Giving was something I was “born into”, but having placed my 86 yr old husband in a home last week created a space in which I am feeling a little lost. Maybe I now need to learn to notice , live from and receive with my own heart and accept it as right and good. Thank you for reminding us of breathing and anchoring! 🙏
Absolutely Gudrun!! Sending our love your way during this tough transition. Remember to be loving and compassionate to yourself as you continue to adjust.
Much love!!
As I’ve worked with people living with cancer, myself being a thriver, many thought they would be a burden if they asked for help. My response has been: when you ask for help, you give someone the opportunity to do a good deed.
Thank you for this message and for Dr. Sue’s profoundly deep Monday Miracle message. I am deeply grateful to you both. ❤️
We are so grateful to have your in our community!!
Much love!
I loved this true message of being in one’s heart space. It reminds me of my everyday practice of METTA (The Buddhists Loving Kindness) First to myself I give compassion and than to those closes to me and than to all sentient beings.
It helps me to be grounded in myself with acceptance and gratitude and gives me a wider world view of all humanity.
Beautiful Laura !!
Much love!
Thank you, Marci, Dr. Sue and Lisa for all of your knowledge, motivation, transparency and encouragement. You’re all beautiful beings with the spark of joy shining with light & love. So refreshing after the challenging year that we all had.
I’m very grateful and appreciate for all that you do for the universe! 🙏🏻❤️
Thank you Jewels it is our pleasure to continue to empower this community through the 5 foundations!!!
When I got out of my head and into my heart is when the shifts happened. Then I have made progress in achieving my goals.
Yes, remaining with an open heart helps us to remain in the energy of love!!
I had a problem receiving gifts happy to see the eyes of people you give something they really love and I must have mentioned it to my next- door neighbor, the only contact where I live.
She died unexpectedly and her son gave me a parcel: “Giselle, my mother wanted to give it to you and looked forward to see you accepting it.” I unpacked two white towels with a border she had cross-stitched with blue yarn a beautiful work that must have taken many hours. I decorated one in my bathroom and cry when I say: “Thank you, Evelyn, you taught me a lesson. I miss you and love you dearly.”
How beautiful Giselle!! Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience with us!!
Sending lots of love your way!
Thank you for a beautiful message!
Thanks for your lovely message !
Lying in bed with fever, a friend will come soon to bring me some food. Recently I brought her some food, when she had Covid. I feel she enjoys it to give something back – ‘it’s a pleasure’, she wrote – and I enjoy to receive 🙂
Thank you Pia and we are so happy to hear!!
Much love!
May this action bring peace to all living beings
May our thoughts and meditations contribute to the harmony of the universe
May our hearts and minds be open to the present
Beautiful Richard!!
Much love!
Wow very nice 👍 great
Thank you. I woke feeling groggy today and now I have forgiven myself for judging me for the way I feel. Living in the miracle zone feeling blessed by your words today, I joyously practice receiving vs giving. I rest, play and create. This came to me as I rested: I didn’t come here to be smart, I came to live with an open heart and play my part as Creatorship.
Well said Emma!!
Much love!!
Definitely The most precious advice specially for me today. Love you Marci and Dr Sue . How wonderful you are ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Right on Maria!!
We love our community! Thank you for sharing!!
Much love!
Many thanks for this eye opening message. I always thought that I lived from an open heart as I love to give to others, especially those closed to me which I lavish with love. However I have a problem with receiving and even a compliment makes me uncomfortable. Today with this message I had the insight that I fear being vulnerable or showing my vulnerable side. Due to this I am not living with an open heart for myself. What a life changing message today. Much love to Marci, Dr Sue and Lisa for this program.
Great self awareness Suzannah!!
We look forward to hearing more as you continue to allow yourself to receive!!
It’s all about balance and remaining grounded in your open heart!!
Much love!
I think clearing the mind of all negative thoughts and forgiving is the main and major thing someone can do. These things can effects not just one’s mind but the body and spirit as a whole. All my life I was hurt, judged, blamed, yelled at, gossiped, but mostly dragged me down to the soul of my feet that destroyed me both mentally and physically. Even though I’m a believer and pray all the time, I felt the prayers won’t help me if I don’t help myself. I started forgiving all who hurt me and eliminate everything that was bad in my life (yes people too). I started opening up more and ignored all bad that was going on around me. The main thing is I stood up for myself and I started feeling like myself again. For decades I was lost and was just waiting when all will end. It would never end, but did and all because I decided to end it and forgive and that started with me. I first forgive myself and then others and just take it one step each day forward. I’m not saying my life is peachy, but I’m feeling like first time in decades I’m alive and on the right track. My grandma always told me “help yourself because no one else will” and I did!
Absolutely Erika !! Forgiveness opens us to live from our hearts we are so happy you shared your experience with us!!
Much love!
I have a heart full of gratitude for your wisdom and love. Prior to a recent surgery, I listened to your meditation for Miracle Empowerment. I listened to it twice a day everyday for 2 weeks prior to surgery. I believe it made a HUGE difference in my heart space. Follow the operation, I have been filled with clarity, calmness, love and so much appreciation. I understand the Power of Now and to savour each day for the blessings that I receive
Thank you so much to both of you for the enhancing difference you are making in so many lives. God bless you both and your work abundantly.
Thank you so much Anne and as you know, where you place your energy it grows!
We are so happy to hear you’re healing in a calm present place!
Much Love!
I want to share that you are all such joyful, beautiful souls, that I have encountered. I am grateful to be in Your Year of Miracles. This is a blessing and thank you
Dearest, Connie. Thank you so much for being on this journey with us. We are receiving your lovely compliment.
Practice, practice, practice. How obvious it is when I’m NOT doing this – when I’m coming from a place of being guarded / fear.
Mahalo to both of you ~ Marci & Dr. Sue ~ I am so very grateful to be part of this Year of Miracles. My life is changing! My heart is opening! I am a work in progress – and that’s a beautiful thing to be living!!
We are ALL works in progress, Jennifer! And it’s so nice to have reminders, isn’t it?
Dear Sue and Marci, thank you for this lovely video living with a open heart gives u also the opportunity to notice people in need and to be kind and it is truly a blessing I think from above in our hearts but must be kindled and kept up with a smile sometimes life can be hard on all people and living in that zone. I believe with my Lord God as number one and the rest comes naturally all gifts he given us all but it depends on you if you willing to open your heart to others and truly care. With I could attend one of your sessions one day and believe someday I will be able. Thanks for the lovely positive messages you both carry over so dearly and truly from your hearts.
We love your beautiful heart, Linda!
WOW! This is the second message about caring for self I have received today. I grew up with many selfish people around me and the last thing I wanted to do was be selfish so I did the exact opposite and became a great doormat. These last decades have been spent unlearning that behavior. Before I finished this message I got the 3ed message. Do you think the Universe is trying to tell me something???
I was always a great “giver” and need to be reminded that receiving is part of the equation, that I AM worthy of it and deserve it. Thank you for the reminder <3
Yes indeed Roberta it is about balance and being able to receive as well as give!!
The Universe always has our back!
Much love!!
I believe in having an open heart. When I was newly divorced (and 3+ years after the divorce process) my heart was vulnerable, shattered, untrusting. I knew though that if I ever wanted to really find true love then I would have to open my heart and learn to trust again. I created meme’s (w/ affirmations) for myself that showed an open, loving, trusting heart. I worked on many things to become stronger. Learning to open my heart was challenging BUT worth it. I am full of so much inner peace and love now. Once you learn to let go and receive. It’s absolute emotional freedom. xoxo
Well said Sasha it’s so true living from an open heart gives us so much freedom and inner peace!
Much love!
I grew up always giving of myself due to the fact I lost my mom to colon cancer at the age of 10 years old. At that time I had to grow up and help my father with the younger siblings youngest one being 14 months old. Since I always gave off myself always putting everyone before me. Even through my first and second marriage. I always gave and felt guilty taken until my second husband passed I started thinking about my life that I had spend just taking care of people all my life and just wanted someone to start taking care of me and thinking about my self love. I feel it’s important to give but at the same time except what is given to us so that same time we don’t cut that person’s blessings. I am a kind loving person and for that reason people have taken advantage of that. Right now I am in the process of healing my heart but sometimes it’s hard to bring it from your head to heart. I am taking baby steps to heal my heart!
Absolutely Juanita, small steps celebrate each time you bring your awareness into your heart!
Much love !
Thank you, sending so much love ❤️
We feel the love Sohana!!
Thank you!
I love your message. Diaphragm breathing is the key….
Yes Jan!!!
Staying grounded by breathing into the stomach allows the love to flow!!
Much love!
Thank you that made sense to me I am more about giving. I need to learn on how to receive.
As we shared, most of us are more comfortable with either giving or receiving. The magic happens when we learn to balance both.
Much love!!
Yes thankyou something I think everyone needs right now. Thankyous for opening my eyes I needed this.
You are so welcome Debra!!
Much love!
When I open my heart and lead from there, everything is right in the world. My daughter and her son ( my precious grandson) are facing serious health challenges right now, but if I try to control it from my mind I am inharmonious to the healing power of my love. I connect to my heart and love my way through any and all challenges. All is in Divine Order!
Hello,the information is wonderful.kindly send me the first and second I missed it.i need to change my way of life.
Hi Baxter, You can review directly from your membership login page.
All of the recordings are listed there from January through today.
Much love!
Thank you both for the reminder. I don’t have much trouble giving, but I have not always been a graceful receiver, With loving thoughts of you.
We can’t wait to hear how being open to receiving goes for you Eda!
Lots of love!
Thank you Marci and Dr. Sue,
for reminding me that living from an open heart also means to be able to receive. it has been hard for me to receive or even ask, especially when I knew
that the gift to me would exceed the value of what I would be able to return.
It has become easier. but at times uncomfortable. Something to work on.
Loving thoughts of the two of you
Hi Eda,
We’re glad this message resonates with you and helps you get through the uncomfortable times. Leading with an open heart guides us to our miraculous life.
Much love!
Yes! I love this! And know and feel that in giving we also receive at the same moment! We receive all the good feelings that we feel in the act of giving! It’s such a gift! ❤️
So good to see you both for what is a much needed boost, thank you
Mari and Dr Sue. Sorry but I could not help but notice two comments, one from each of you. Dr Sue in her opening remarks spoke to all the women (on the program) and Marci also did it in her closing remarks. OK, so is this program for women exclusively or may men who are interested, audit it too?
Hello, Jim! No apologies necessary and thank you for being brave and asking the question. Our teachings apply to ANYONE. And in our Your Year of Miracles program, although the majority of members are women, we have amazing men who join us every year and add so much to our community. All are welcome!
You are correct. Giving was much, much easier for me. Today I practice the gift of receiving and I am getting better at it.
Someone once told me: you know how good you feel when you give to others….when you do not allow yourself to receive, you are depriving others of that “good” feeling.
I call this to mind often and it helps me open that place up in me.
I pass it on in the event that it might help others to receive as well.
Love to all <3
thank you very much!
I love this episode. I don’t remember when was the last time I commented on any post or blog. But today I was waiting for this talk about leading with an open heart. I realized new insights. Thanks a lot . Much Love Marci and Dr.Sue
Thank you for showing up and being open. And we’re so grateful that you took the time to comment!
Amen 🙏
Let the blessings in!!And so it is.
Such beautiful heartspace wisdom that you are sharing. Thank you for affirming the need to live with kindness for ourselves, and to anchor in the body. This is so key now – the belly is the receiving place of the universal heart. Through the lower part of our mind-body field we experience embodied awakening. Namaste, Helen
We’re so glad to know that this teaching resonates with you, Helen. More miracles to you!
Thank you for leading with an open heart and giving. I am greatful for your continued support and love. Just know that I will be doing the same. I have made a commitment to myself to give daily no matter how small it is.
Way to go, Colleen. We hope you lead with an open heart daily and slowing lead yourself to the Miracle Zone!
Leading with an open heart is such a warm and wonderful way of spending my
day with both of you showing the way.
Listening to my soul sometimes gets difficult, but I’m getting better at it if I can quiet my ego.
Taking responsibility for myself, now that is tough, because I seem to fall into the blame game more often than I would like to, it takes a lot of work, but I’m sure it can be overcome, too. Thank you for the jar idea to collect blame money. Thank you for everything.
Hi Eda,
We know that it can be difficult sometimes but following the Five Foundations of our Your Year Of Miracles program can be a small step in the direction of miraculous living. Much love to you!
It can often be a tug of war, but the more, we tune into our heart, the more we are authentic and creative for ourselves and for the service of others. Our mind often has contradictions, but our heart is pure honest divinity expressed in our soul and body. Thank you for your insights, Marci and Dr. Sue. You are both a blessing in my life and all those lives you touch.
Beautiful takeaway, Danny! So true that our heart leads us in the journey our higher self wants to take. Thank you for the kind words. More miracles to you!
I was born with my hand on my heart. I love my brain and analytical ability. Breathing into my warm wide open heart allows me to radiate love within nourishing my body, spirit and soul.
I tell myself I love you Maynard when I go to sleep. Upon awakening, I tell myself I love you Maynard now let’s embrace the day with positive energy in a state of awe and wonder surrounded by beauty in the natural world.
I go to my Home Yoga Studio every day, and radiate love from my heart to everyone. My practice is to take a walk after yoga amidst the redwood trees and radiate love to everyone I meet with a warm friendly smile.
My yoga studio is a lovely community of conscious souls and a sacred refuge.
Together as one we can co-create a heart-based more peaceful world where everyone can flourish.
Love the self-love affirmation practice, Maynard! Thanks for sharing it and your yoga practice with us. You have a beautiful routine going on. Keep it up. Much love!
Thank you for the reminder. Living with an open heart is my goal everyday. It has taken me years for my heart to be this open and I am very grateful that I can now lead with an open heart. I can live with an open heart and I can give with an open heart. 💝Blessings to you all.
I’m so glad that this foundation is your everyday goal, Janice! That’s amazing. Much love!
Self compassion is not selfish. I viscerally know this now after years of not knowing through overgiving , not being willing to receive and being taken advantage of many times over. To give wholeheartedly to another requires it. To live in gratitude requires it and to be present to receive requires it. It also actually feels really good to receive love from yourself to yourself (eventually!..some lessons are not as intuitive for me as others) and to give and receive love unreservedly to others- this one I am very familiar with. Love is everything and everything is love. In metta. Claire
That’s such a unique way to look at this foundation, Claire! I appreciate you sharing this takeaway with us. I bet it’ll help others too.
Sending you all the good energy the Universe has to offer!
Beautiful! Leading with an open heart is the focus I chose yesterday in my group session for the next two weeks. I was pleasantly surprised when I opened my inbox and found this message about that very thing, and it gave me some very clear direction on moving from my head to my heart through deep breathing, and opening myself more to receive in balance with giving. Just what I needed to hear this very day. Thank you! 💝
Love the divine timing at play here, Jill! Hope this foundation helps you in your miraculous journey. Much love!
Hello Marci, Sue and Everyone! Thank you for all your wisdom and love. Here are lyrics to a song I wrote more than 30 years ago. You inspired me to share
A Gift from the Heart during this month of Falling in Love with yourself.
What is it you want my friend, what is it you need? I’ll share my feast, I won’t close my door. I won’t keep score, my love is free. There is no price, no smart device. It’s a gift from the heart for the joy of it and the beauty.
You know it’s all there my friend, whatever you need. You share in my dreams, our hearts open wide. You touch my hand, the world is ours! For you alone are free to sore! It’s a gift from the heart for the joy of it and the beauty.
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful song. It encapsulates the message of the foundation in a very unique way. More miracles to you!
Hi Marci,
Joining YOM is such a gift and thank you for your inspiration and brilliance. Sometime soon I would like to share the lyrics from 3 more songs. They are all gifts from the angels. One of my intentions is to record them again in several languages. Enjoy every moment in India! We all look forward to hearing your thoughts on March 12!
Much Love,
Thank you so much for the beautiful message, Assunta! I had a wonderful trip to India and got to experience the Maha Kumbh Mela. It was an incredible experience. I hope your 3 songs are coming together well. Supercharging your intention of recording them in several languages. That would be awesome. More miracles to you!