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You will also receive our ebook, “Manifest A Life of Miracles: 4 Steps to Living in the Miracle Zone” to get you started.

You may not realize it, but there’s an incredible opportunity in front of you today…
The chance to live a life filled with miracles.
- Have been working hard, but just can’t seem to create the abundance you see in the lives of others around you…
- Long for deep and fulfilling relationships with your partner or your friends or with “the one” who hasn’t shown up yet and you feel isolated and empty…
- Continue to experience health challenges, fatigue, or stress, despite having made changes to your diet, lifestyle habits, and exercise routine…
- Have been searching for your true life’s purpose, but it always seems to be outside your reach…
- Simply feel hopeless because the happiness you’ve longed for continues to elude you…
- Or maybe you feel like your life is good but you want to take it to miraculous…
When you make the decision to embrace miracles and stop making those mistakes that keep your miraculous life away, everything can change… Your life really can shift in an instant.

It’s not an accident that you’re reading this right now…
Your soul led you here.
You are primed for a miraculous life. And at any moment in time, you can choose your next step. You can choose to continue down the path you’re on or you can set your life up for miracles.
What will you choose, right now, in this moment?
You’re always just one choice away from a completely different life. We hope you choose miracles. While you can’t create miracles, you CAN create the conditions for miracles to flow in your life.
Living in that flow is what we call Living in the Miracle Zone. You’re so ready!
“Your life will become miraculous.”
Of all the teachers we have access to in our on-line world, one extraordinary woman stands out amongst the crowd. In her year-long Miracles Program, master mentor Marci Shimoff, leads the way to continual magic and miracles. I’ve seen first hand how the depth of her knowledge, the wealth of her wisdom, the vastness of her love, the breadth of her humor, and the contagiousness of her joy can and will inspire you to also become a master miracle maker! From the truest place in my heart, I encourage you to take advantage of her offerings. Your life will become miraculous.
“Their miracles community is exceptionally powerful and supportive of each other.”
I’ve known and admired Marci for many years both as a leader in the transformational world and as a dear friend. When I was a guest mentor for Your Year of Miracles it was clear to me why people love her so much as a teacher. She’s created a fantastic program and their miracles community is exceptionally powerful and supportive of each other. It was exciting for me to hear the miracles these women shared! The energy, love, and results Marci generates through this program are genuine and abundant. I look forward to being a guest mentor again next year.
“They will support you in creating a level of life success you probably can’t even imagine for yourself.”
In my experience, Marci and Lisa are unparalleled in their ability to effectively convey deep and insightful knowledge and facilitate real growth. They are rare and precious gems among mentors who will transform your life, and support you in creating a level of life success you probably can’t even imagine for yourself.
What’s Your Biggest Challenge?
Meet the Founder
Marci Shimoff
#1 New York Times Best-Selling Author & Renowned Happiness Expert
Marci is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, a world-renowned transformational teacher and an expert on happiness, success, and unconditional love. Her books include the international bestsellers Love for No Reason and Happy for No Reason.
She is also the woman’s face of the biggest self-help book phenomenon in history, as co-author of six books in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. With total book sales of more than 15 million copies worldwide in 33 languages, Marci is one of the best-selling female nonfiction authors of all time.
Marci is also a featured teacher in the international film and book sensation, The Secret, and is the host of the national PBS TV show called “Happy for No Reason.” President and co-founder of the Esteem Group, she delivers keynote addresses and seminars on happiness, empowerment, and peak performance to Fortune 500 companies, professional and non-profit organizations, and women’s associations. Dedicated to helping people live more empowered and joy-filled lives, Marci’s current passion is mentoring people to create miracles in their lives.

Meet the Miracle Mentors

Your Year of Miracles was created for you and features five world-class experts to help you live your miraculous life.
Our Vision
This Is Why We’re So Passionate About Your Year of Miracles
- Feeling like their breakthrough was hanging forever…just out of reach
- Being run by unconscious behaviors that were keeping miracles away
- Suffering from self-criticism and lacking self-love
- Craving deeper, more meaningful relationships
- Emotional or mental roadblocks keeping them “stuck”
One day in 2013, I (Marci) realized that not only did I know how to help people create happiness and success, I also discovered a formula for how to make create the conditions for miracles to naturally occur — and this was what I really wanted to share with the world.

I wondered, “Who else do I know who truly lives a miraculous life who would be as excited about sharing her secrets as I am?”
The answer was clear. I invited five of my dear friends and colleagues to join me in sharing this formula with you: New York Times bestselling author and co-teacher in the movie The Secret, Lisa Nicholas, New York Times bestselling author, featured teacher in The Secret, and creator of the wildly popular “Notes from the Universe, Mike Dooley, founder of the Soul of Money Institute and author of the bestselling book, The Soul of Money, Lynne Twist, World-renowned Master of Bioenergetic Medicine and Quantum Field Visionary,Dr. Sue Morter, and Acclaimed Transformational TV and Radio Host and Teacher, Lisa Garr.
Lisa, Mike, Sue, Lynne, Lisa Garr and I always said that one day we would come together and teach our most powerful tools and techniques—and finally that day arrived.
By following our formula, thousands of people have experienced miracles in every area of their lives: health, relationships, money, business and more.
The Your Year Of Miracles program is one of the most deeply fulfilling things we have ever done. If you have people in your life telling you that miracles aren’t possible, stop listening to them. We know that miracles are possible because not only have we created our own miraculous lives, we’ve seen the results in our over 11,000 Your Year of Miracles graduates.