Today’s Miracle Moment Is About What We Can Learn From Simone Biles’ Comeback

I don’t know about you, but I loved following the summer Olympics this year. I was already a huge fan of the amazing Simone Biles, but even more so now.

If you aren’t aware of her story, Simone is the most decorated American Olympic gymnast of all time, and she has 11 Olympic medals including seven golds. People call her the GOAT, which stands for “Greatest of All Time.”

Back in the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, Simone experienced the “twisties,” which happen when a gymnast temporarily loses awareness of where they are while performing twists in the air.

This is super disorienting, dangerous, and terrifying. They can’t control their bodies or where they land, and it could lead to serious injuries. So Simone made the difficult decision to withdraw from the Japan Olympics. And she publicly shared that she was doing it for her mental and physical health.

Her decision inspired other athletes to publicly share their own challenges with mental health and it sparked new conversations in the sports and gymnastics community about the importance of mental health. Simone also got a lot of backlash and harsh criticism, but she didn’t let that drag her down. She took 3 years to do emotional healing and self-love work before she came back to the 2024 Paris Olympics. She shared that therapy was a crucial part of her regimen, and so was speaking on her trauma and releasing it, rather than pushing it down.

When Simone decided she wanted to return to the Olympics, she had to start back at square one.

One day, she went back to the gym, and she jumped on the trampoline just once and then left. Another day, she jumped just a couple of times and then left. Another time, she did one vault into those squishy bricks and then she was out for two weeks.

So, the Greatest Of All Time got back to the Olympics through taking small baby steps, AND prioritizing her well-being – even when the stakes were extremely high and a LOT of people had negative opinions about it. We can all definitely learn from that.

During the 2024 Paris Olympics, Simone SHINED. She won the women’s artistic individual all-around gold, the women’s vault gold, and the team all-around gold. Then, for the floor exercises, Simone had a good routine, but she stepped out of bounds twice, so she lost the first place spot to the Brazilian, Rebeca Andrade. Simone got the silver medal, and her team member, Jordan Chiles, got the bronze. And when they received their medals, Simone and Jordan bowed down to Rebeca, acknowledging that she won the gold.  What a class act.

It was so moving to watch Simone’s humbleness. At the end of the day, she came back to gymnastics because it was her joy. She wanted to live her purpose and do what she’s here to do. And she exuded that energy in every moment that she was there.

So let’s all learn from Simone Biles.

Give yourself permission to rest deeply, heal deeply, and do whatever you need to do to take care of your needs – even if it’s not what the world wants or expects of you.. And when you’re ready, and you feel your purpose calling to you, commit to it – not for anyone else except for yourself. Do it with joy and a humble heart, and your miracles will unfold.

So I’ll leave you with this quote from Simone Biles! “At the end of the day, if I can say I had fun, it was a good day.” Share in the comments what inspiration you took away from witnessing Simone Biles’ Olympic journey! I send you my love! Have a beautiful week full of miracles.

Please share with us below what inspires you most about Simone Biles’ journey.

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