Today’s Miracle Moment Is About The Miraculous Power of Receiving

It’s absolutely fabulous to receive: whether it’s love, financial prosperity, kindness, appreciation or gifts, each can be a wonderful blessing to our lives. Having the power to receive means we have the ability to fill up and enjoy greater love, connection and prosperity.

However, many of us grew up hearing the message that it’s better to give than to receive. While it’s incredibly rewarding to give, it’s possible we’ve overlooked the hidden downsides of prioritizing giving over receiving. We may have unknowingly created blocks to our ability to receive based on a perception that it’s somehow selfish or wrong.

Far too many people end up depleted, exhausted, and unfulfilled without realizing they haven’t learned how to fill themselves up. They haven’t learned to receive and this pushes away the abundant gifts that come flowing in from living in the Miracle Zone.

If that feels familiar, you’re in the right place! In this Miracle Moment I’ll share a wonderful process you can try to practice joyful receiving.

Now, it’s surprisingly common for folks to feel uncomfortable receiving. For instance, do you silently squirm inside when someone offers a kind word or a present—or do you allow yourself to deeply receive the gift of kindness, caring, and connection?

Here are some reason you might feel uncomfortable receiving:

  • Distancing Intimacy: When we fear intimacy we may disallow ourselves from receiving a gift or compliment, thereby depriving ourselves of opening up to a deeper connection.
  • Fear of Vulnerability: Receiving invites us to welcome a vulnerable part of ourselves. Can we allow ourselves to surrender to the good feeling of receiving a gift?
  • Feeling Selfish: Through family, society, or religion you may have come to believe that it’s selfish to receive. We may have lost touch with our inherent worthiness and the right to relish in life’s pleasures. We might have forgotten that when we receive with gratitude and delight, we are gifting the giver; who’s true desire is to bring us joy.
  • A Feeling of Guilt or Pressure to Reciprocate: Some people have difficulty receiving because they believe they’ll then be indebted to the giver. We reject a gift to defend against a self-imposed obligation to reciprocate. If this is you, see if you can release yourself from your expectation to reciprocate and instead, simply receive. Rather than projecting into the future about what comes next, allow yourself to enjoy the present moment and greet the generosity with true appreciation.

There are many ways we can block ourselves off from the pleasure of receiving. That’s why it’s important to bring awareness to these areas so we can begin to soften them and expand our hearts into joyful receptivity.

So here’s an exercise that I invite you to try out to practice joyful receiving…

  1. Become Aware: The next time someone offers you a compliment, a present, or looks lovingly into your eyes, notice how you feel inside. What’s happening in your body? Is your breathing relaxed and your belly soft or are you tensing up? 
  2. Open Your Heart: Breathe into your heart and see if you can soften into a place of allowing. Can you simply be with any sense of caring and connection you feel in your heart?
  3. Remain Present: Bringing awareness to the pleasant and delightful experience of receiving might allow you to be more present in that moment. Allow yourself to stay in your heart instead of your head.
  4. Offer Gratitude: See if you can respond with genuine gratitude as you deeply receive the gift. Remember your appreciation is a gift you can share with the giver. 

Learning to receive is a healthy step in experiencing a fullness and richness in life. It’s a confirmation of your own worthiness and a deepening of self-love that leads to a higher vibration in the Miracle Zone.

I want to end this Miracle Moment with a wonderful quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson who said “Sometimes we receive the power to say yes to life. Then peace enters us and makes us whole.

Here’s to saying yes to life and yes to the miraculous power of receiving. I’d love to hear from you! What is your experience with receiving gifts? How might you shift yourself into receiving with more joy? I wish you many moments of relishing in the gifts of life and experiencing all of the abundance that the Miracle Zone has to offer.

Please share with us below what your experience is with playing with joyful receiving.

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