Today’s Miracle Moment Is About the Miracles We Receive Through Giving.
Great miracles can come into our lives through the power of giving.
Many spiritual traditions have shared the power of giving in order to free ourselves from suffering and to experience greater happiness.
In Sanskrit, there’s a tradition of selfless service called “seva,” which means giving as an act of devotion to the Divine. You can give seva through “Karma Yoga,” which is giving through acts of service, like cooking for others or cleaning a common space. Another way that you can give selfless service is through your attention — you can listen to someone else’s needs or offer them your support.
The Buddhist teacher, Thich Nhat Han, has told a story about a vegetable in Vietnam called “he” (pronounced “hey”). It looks like a scallion and it is part of the onion family. In order for these vegetables to grow, you need to cut them at the base of the stalk. The more you cut them, the bigger they grow — and the less you cut them, the less they grow. Thich Nhat Han says that it’s the same for the practice of giving:
The more you give, the more you grow, and the richer you become in happiness and well-being.
It’s also been scientifically proven that giving creates more happiness. Researchers with the Science of Generosity Initiative did a study on a group of US adults to find out what changes they experienced in life after giving.
The study showed that acts of generosity resulted in more happiness, good health, a sense of purpose and personal growth.
And it’s not just about the act of giving — it’s about our intention and energy, too. If we give with an expectation of receiving, or with any resentment, it’s dropping the vibrational frequency of our gift. When we do this, we won’t experience the joy and abundance that comes with true giving from the heart.
When we give from a place of love and generosity, that’s what comes back to us.
It shifts us out of feeling scarcity into connecting with the abundance of the Universe and infinite possibilities — all of which we’re meant to be experiencing in this life.
This week, we invite you to find ways to give to those around you. Maybe it’s giving your presence to someone and listening to them in a deep way. Maybe it’s giving a compliment or encouragement. Maybe it’s giving to your community. All that matters is that your giving comes from your heart.
Beautiful!!! I am fully present, loving and supportive a friend going through addiction withdrawal and anxiety. Declaring his healing and breakthrough and celebrating the wonderful miracles unfolding in his life. Giving thanks and so it is!
You spelled it out perfectly
Be present at celebration, Be present to others. Give a new friend a teapot.
I will be fully present, listen actively , surround difficult relationships with love, light and compassion.
I am a cancer coach. I have helped others for 14 years. My husband and I have both been diagnosed with cancer last year. While I continue to help others, I make sure to focus on him.
“Helping one person might not change the whole world, but it could change the world for one person.” By Helen Barry
God bless you š
Check out Dr Joe Dispenza. He has a lot of fresh and free information and meditations on YouTube. May the Universe bless you with magnificent learning in your journey back to wholeness. š
“Jesus is the greatest giver”
My peace give you; not as the world gives do l give you.
(Join 14:27)
Most assured-ly no sacrifice of giving to the world of any kind as ever greater than these!
Miracle workers, do you all receive?
Sherry, how do you become a cancer coach? I, too have been diagnosed with cancer and would like to give back to others also fighting. Perhaps thereās a link you can post. Thanks.
I give daily to helping neighbors and listening deeply to my husband in a stressful volunteer job as President of a Home Owners Association! I also am giving to myself with exercise, gardening and transferring to an alkaline diet.
I will be taking my invalid daughter out for a birthday meal and be giving presents. I also visit my grandson in hospital who has had operation over the last six weeks and I take goodies and clean clothes daily, l am always giving to my family.
Giving loving support, room and board to a dear friend in need.
And, I’ve hired a help mate to pack and get me ready to move, with tons of donations and food for the food bank.
I feel so blessed to be able to offer support.
Thank you Miracles,
And, so it is!
That’s the greatest thing to do, give with all your heart and love, you will Recieve more and for others give its a gift from God, just like me if i haven’t given meybe for a month I feel like am not myself.
Thank you Marci and Sue once again for bringing us this “inner journey”!
I doing distant Reiki daily for a friend with a long-term ankle injury.
I’ve made a cheesecake for a friend’s birthday which is Friday.
Preparing a gift for my sister’s birthday which is Thursday. Also supporting a cousin who passed.
I am giving my body what it needs and asks for daily.
I’m so grateful for all my Miracle’s!
It makes a difference! Grateful when I give… listening to a friend this week and comparing our “cancer” journerys. I hope I gave encouragement as a survivor over 10 years now. Giving prayers to a national prayer line; and globally on line, I write for dozens of people. When praying for others, I feel the juice of Spirit… and receive so much by giving. Thank you for these gentle reminders.
As you sow so shall you receive
In the Bible it says if you will sow sparingly you will receive sparingly is you sow bountfully you will receive bountfully GOD loves a cheerful giver
GOD Loves a cheerful giver
That made me simile. Thanks… š
I appreciate the reminder to give of our time and resources. I will enjoy giving today for the highest good of all.
You are a good person, and a truly good Samaritan.
I reach out to family and friends as for the suffering, that one face regarding being in need of a kidney transplant. That one is not alone in this journey. I’m always hear if that are in need for some one to talk to. Also if they need someone to talk with regarding having become a heard transplant survivor.
Thanks for the message and your smiles. I feel so encouraged after listening. I give my time and energy continuously to my family with chauffeuring grandchildren (6) to soccer, dance, gymnastics and school pickup. I also make some meals for them. Your talk helps me to stay positive about the constant need .
My 38 year old son has edema of the feet and knees. A couple days ago I took him to ER and after 5 hour wait they took about 8oz of fluid from his knees. He is back home, on antibiotics and is still in so much pain he can only bare weight if absolutely necessary. He does not have gout. They are still trying to figure out what is wrong and what to do. His health care provider won’t be able to get him in for another 10 days. So don’t know if we should wait longer or get him to the ER again. Anyway, of course I go to his house several times a day to help him out. I normally wouldn’t think of my time with him as giving as I would do so no matter what. However, I do see it as giving and acknowledge myself to be able to help him.
Check his heart
Today I will be there listening to a friend and taking her shopping. Instead of thinking poor me for doing so much for others I will think about giving from my heart. Thank you Marcy and Sue
I love giving!
Today I was able to give someone a massage, and listen to them release what was on their mind. I also made a meal for others.
I spend most of my time helping others who are dealing with grief and loss providing them comfort, support, love, and happiness. I love doing this with so many people and being supported by a nonprofit so that people don’t have to pay for help when they have so much to deal with. I am grateful to find others to help every day!
Thank you for sharing I can feel my heart opening to being even more loving towards my and others. You are so loved and appreciated sending waves of love to you and yours š¤²ā¤ššš§”šš¤ššš
To offer you this selfless service “seva” love every day
To start today
With compassion
Kindness to self
Moving and being active
Household chores
Preparing for todayās journey
Compassion for a co-worker
Forgiveness given
Slights avoided
I hear you
I see you
You are safe
You are loved
You are valued
For your contribution
The energy you give
The light you bring
To the darkness
We will walk together
We are not alone
To start today with understanding
That this space I hold
Is not isolated or partitioned
We start the day with compassion
Today a new day
The same differently
Diane Everett
Giving free treatments, giving of my time holding the field for “all” standing in love. “Love todays miracle moment”. It’s the first one I’ve seen. Thank you for sharing, it helps sooooooo much!!!
BE to others as you desire them to BE to you!
I used to do cat rescue. I still have 16 permanent cats to feed, take care of and clean up after as well as shopping for their food and supplies and taking them to the vet. This is my seva which I have been doing since 2008 when I used to go out on the street and feed colony cats and trap and rescue the ones who were in danger. However Iām always short of money even though I spend several hours a day doing animal seva. Maybe I need to be more present.