We are programmed to believe that transformation comes from doing more, yet true change comes from undoing—removing the layers of fear and conditioning that hide our true selves. Like a sculptor revealing the angel within the stone, we can release our innate beauty by reclaiming our energy and self-love.
In this episode of Living in the Miracle Zone, Anita Moorjani explains how daily choices impact our life force and teaches us to build energy equity by shifting our mindset. She also shares powerful insights on how to prioritize self-love, the importance of boosting self-love, and how to reset our unworthiness programming.
Anita Moorjani is a bestselling author, speaker, and spiritual teacher whose near-death experience (NDE) profoundly transformed her life. A Stage 4 lymphoma deteriorated her body until her organs shut down, and one night, doctors declared that would be her last. Yet, she defied all odds, returning from a deep coma. Her miraculous recovery, which science cannot fully explain, ignited her mission to inspire millions to embrace love, authenticity, and fearless living.
Tune in and discover:
- Anita’s transformation from being afraid of everything to standing strong against the darkest, ruthless enemy
- Living between two worlds—love and fear. A day in the life of a near-death experience survivor
- Why most of us struggle to feel, experience, and practice self-love
- Learning to free the angel within us—like the sculptor releasing the angel in the stone
- How to build energy equity and why it’s crucial to boost self-love
- What most people got wrong about transformation from within
- Anita’s recipe for creating a miraculous life
Connect with Anita:
- Visit her website
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