Episode 21: The Awakened Way to the Miraculous with Suzanne Giesemann

Today we dive into true transformation, bittersweet awakening, and never-ending miracles with a woman I have admired for many years, Suzanne Giesemann. 

Suzanne is an author, spiritual teacher, and medium recognized on Mind Body Spirit Magazine’s list of “100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People”. A former US Navy commander who served as an aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, she now practices 21st-century spirituality, which merges the latest scientific understanding about consciousness with ancient spiritual wisdom. 

Suzanne channels this wisdom into sharing what she calls, the Awakened Way – a path to knowing who you are and why you’re here. She’s got a huge following on YouTube with more than 10 million views. In her addictive videos, she helps kindred souls shift to living a consciously connected and divinely guided life. 

I honestly felt my own profound shifts from her great wisdom recently when I was a guest on her fabulous podcast, Messages of Hope. Suzanne was also featured  in our Your Year of Miracles program as a guest expert, and she had me at “Hello”.

With her latest book The Awakened Way: Making the Shift to a Divinely Guided Life, Suzanne reaches to help millions of others go from an emptiness that can’t be filled to a fullness that can’t be contained.

In this episode, Suzanne speaks courageously and beautifully about how the tragic death of her daughter, Susan, inspired her insight that we are not only human but also souls, and the joy of reconnecting to Susan in the spirit world. She shares her insights into the reality of the spirit world as a higher consciousness beyond the popular woo-woo and lays out the stepping stones to access this higher consciousness which is always there to guide you. 

Most importantly, Suzanne gives practical guidance for those struggling on their path to accessing the higher consciousness and entering the state of just being, which is unconditional love.

“You’re part of one big web of connections, not just with each other here, but with the non-physical world. And once you start recognizing that, then the miracles that you show everybody about become commonplace.”

Suzanne Giesemann

In this episode:

  • Making the Shift to Soul Awareness: The dramatic event that caused Suzanne to know that we are more than just a body and that there is more beyond life as we know it. (04:25)
  • The M-Word: Suzanne shares how, even though she had no prior experience with meditation, she expanded her intuition to psychic mediumship including the ability to know what people are thinking and connect with souls who have passed. (07:55)
  • The Three Lessons of the Awakened Way: Suzanne stresses the importance of these beliefs: You’re not only human; you’re part of one big web of connections with the physical and the non-physical world; love is the healing and creative force that’s bringing us all together. (10:21)
  • The 3 E’s of Living the Awakened Way and how you can move from feeling disengaged from life to experiencing each day where you’re actively engaging with higher consciousness. (12:24) 
  • The Genie In The Bottle: Suzanne clarifies the ideas of personal and universal guides and higher self as manifestations of one sea of consciousness and also shares stories about her own personal guides. (14:19)
  • Seeing with the Eyes of The Soul: The importance of knowing and feeling over thinking and practical advice to still the chaos of our minds and senses and access the information that truly helps us. Plus, Suzanne shares the dramatic story about a boy who was struck by lightning. (17:11)
  • Finding the Courage to Bear Witness: Suzanne opens up about how her personal experience of the spirit world and those who have thanked her for saving their lives give her the boldness and courage to continue on her path and spread her message and how she has learned not to engage with skeptics but to love them. (23:09)
  • What Will People Think of Me? Suzanne shares the SIP meditation technique. Sit In Peace for just three minutes and ask a question to dissolve the ego and return to a state of just being where you are loved. (24:47)
  • Tips on Communicating with Your Guides: How to really know when a thought is yours or your guide’s and how to persevere on the Way when all you’re getting is laundry lists and recurring conversations. (28:19)
  • Living the Awakened Way: Suzanne shares how, despite never having been busier, following the Awakened Way gifts her peace and perspective in all aspects of her life. (30:24)
  • Following the Awakened Way in a World of Suffering. Suzanne shares how you can bring soul awareness into your life and transform your attitude to death and suffering. (33:33)
  • Suzanne’s Final Message: “You are already whole and complete. There is nothing wrong with your soul. Bring soul awareness into your current story. And you will know that and know why you are so very loved” (36:07)

Favorite quotes from the episode:

  • “Life is a process. It never ends. We’re all work in progress.” – Suzanne Giesemann
  • “Do not despair. You are never alone. And you are not only human. It’s only when you think you are only human that you give in to fear and helplessness and hopelessness. But as you expand your consciousness…you realize that this earthly experience is exactly that, an experience and that ultimately all is well.” – Suzanne Giesemann
  • “When you come to truly know we do not die, death is a tragedy here within this story…Yet it happens to all of us, some kind of death in the family eventually. But once you come to know, we go on and we will meet again and we can converse with them now it truly changes everything.” – Suzanne Giesemann
  • “There must be a better way. There is – the Awakened Way” – Suzanne Giesemann

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