Today’s Miracle Moment Is About Trusting In Divine Timing

Have you ever felt that you’re behind in life? Whether it’s in the area of career, relationships, family, or some other kind of personal achievement, do you have a nagging feeling that you’re not quite where you’re supposed to be? 

Well, today, I want to share a profound and comforting concept with you, inspired by the teachings of the wonderful anthropologist and educator, Angeles Arrien, who was one of my biggest personal mentors and influences.

It’s the idea that in life, “You’re right on time.” This simple yet powerful belief can help you to embrace where you are right now in your life’s journey, giving you greater peace of mind. And this also helps you get into greater energetic alignment with the miracles that you’re calling in. 

I know personally, I had this nagging feeling of being behind in life throughout my twenties and thirties when it seemed that everyone I knew was finding their match and pairing up and starting families. While I knew I didn’t want to have children, I did want to find my soulmate and life partner. But in the process of calling that in, I went through one disappointing experience after another and had a lot of heartache and tears. I just couldn’t find my guy!

I couldn’t figure out why this area of life was so stuck for me. In my early 40’s, I met my now husband, Sergio, and even then, I still had to go on a bigger journey. We got together, we went through challenges, and we broke up. It wasn’t until years later, when I gave him a call and said, “I think there’s something here and we should try this again.” We did, and we’ve now been together for 25 years.

When I look back at my journey of romantic relationships, I can see that in all of those years, I was still growing into the woman I needed to be. Even though a part of me felt really ready for my soul mate, I didn’t realize that I needed the time it took to be ready to fully commit to a life partner. So now, when I look back, I’m so grateful for the lessons learned, not to mention that I’m grateful it didn’t work out with any of those other guys and that I ended up with Sergio.  

Angeles Arrien taught that every experience, every moment, is divinely timed, and the most powerful thing we can do is to trust the timing of our lives and believe that we’re always right where we need to be. 

In whatever area of life you feel behind in, what if everything is happening exactly according to schedule? What if you’re learning the lessons you need to, you’re becoming who you need to be, and life is directing your path to what’s truly right for you?

When you take on this perspective, you can release the anxiousness and the habit of comparing yourself to others. And this also puts you in a better energy for manifesting. You’re able to take actions forward with greater ease and be a stronger energetic match for higher vibration miracles you’re calling in. 

Angeles Arrien also said, “Be open to outcome, not attached to outcome.” When we understand that we’re right on time, we open ourselves to more joy, more acceptance, and an incredible sense of peace.

Now, let’s take this idea of trusting your divine timing from the mental or emotional place to really feeling it in the body.

In today’s video, I take you through a short process called the Inner Ease Technique, and this is adapted from Gregg Braden.

So if there’s any remaining concern or worry about where you are with an area of life, this meditation is going to help you to come into greater coherence and harmony. From this place of coherence, it’s easier to trust in the universe and trust in your divine timing.

I want to end this Miracle Moment with a wonderful quote from Lao Tzu who said “Nature does not hurry, yet everyting is accomplished.

Here’s to saying yes to life and yes to the miraculous gift of divine timing. I’d love to hear from you! What is your experience with recognizing the flow of divine timing in your life? I wish you great joy in knowing that you’re right on time and that the Universe is always working in your favor.

Please share with us below what your experience is with trusting in divine timing.

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