Join Us For Our Course

Living in the Miracle Zone

We know it’s been a challenging year for nearly every single person on the planet…

No matter what kind of year it has been for you, we’d love to gather with you to generate some high vibrational energy.

So we’re inviting you to join us for Living in the Miracle Zone! (We think now is a good time to turn the word “challenge” into something fun.)

Stay tuned. Enrollment currently closed.


Join us and…


  • Discover the Five Foundations for Living in The Miracle Zone.
  • Uncover the hidden ways you might be unconsciously pushing miracles away from you
  • Begin creating the conditions for miracles to flow into your life right now


Here’s how the Course works:


  • Each day for 5 days, we’ll email you a short video (6 minutes or less)
  • Just watch that video and incorporate an easy practice into your day
  • Sit back and draw your attention to the miracles that start flowing into your life

If you feel like you could use a miracle or two (or three or four) this year, set your intention for miracles and stay tuned on more information on how to join us.