Today’s Miracle Moment Is About How to Keep the Faith That Miracles Are Coming…
Are there some miracles you’ve been wishing for for a long time? Or have you found yourself giving up some hope that miracles are coming? Well here’s a story about how you should always keep the faith that miracles are on the way.
Two days after Christmas last year, two fishermen in Northern Indiana were out scouting for fishing holes. They were about to pack up and head home, when they saw something shiny in the distance underneath an interstate bridge. Their curiosity got them, and they walked toward the shiny object and slowly figured out what they were seeing was a mangled truck. They got closer to the truck and one of the men went right up to the driver’s side door and pulled the airbag back and found a man right there in the seat! They assumed that he must be dead, but the fisherman put his hand on the man’s shoulder, and the man swung around and woke up!
The man said that he had been stuck there since the previous Wednesday, which at that point, was 6 days before that. He hadn’t been able to reach his phone because of the way he was stuck in the mangled truck, so all he could do was yell and cry out for help, but no one heard him.
The weather during this time had gone down 29 degrees Fahrenheit, making his chances very rare of surviving. And he survived by only drinking rainwater. He told the fishermen who found him that he had nearly given up all hope, because no one was there, and all he could hear was the sound of the water.
Can you imagine those 6 days, which must have felt like 6 years – not knowing if you’d survive? The local police sergeant shared that, with how low the temperatures were dropping on that 6th night, he didn’t think the man would have made it if it weren’t for the two fishermen who discovered him right on time. How’s that for a Christmas miracle?
Here are three things to remember from that story to help you keep the faith that miracles are coming.
First, is that the Divine works through each of us and we’re all a part of one another’s miracle stories.
You play a part in not only your miracles, but the miracles of everyone around you. You can participate wholeheartedly by listening to your nudges and following your intuition. Maybe you get a nudge to do something kind for someone you don’t know, or to call a distant family member out of the blue. Or maybe you feel a nudge to drive a different way to work or to go to a place you don’t usually go. By following your divine curiosity, you participate in the grand miracles unfoldment that you are an important part of, whether you know it or not.
Next is that Delays are Not Denials.
Just because the miracle you’re intending hasn’t shown up yet, doesn’t mean that there isn’t divine timing for it to show up. Keep holding the vision of the miracle you’re intending, and knowing that it’s possible for you. You can also lean on the intention of “This or something better.” There may be something even better than the miracle you have in mind that’s in store for you – be open to it.
Finally, third is that every “Now moment” has the possibility for miracles.
If you’ve spent a lot of years doing inner work and personal growth work, and you’ve experienced some great miracles, but some still feel out of reach, you might have lost the enthusiasm and the faith that you had at the beginning of your journey. You need to reinvigorate our faith in the miraculous. Notice the miracles, big or small, that you experience every day. And when you see someone else with a miracle, you can lean on a phrase that my friend and co-founder of Your Year of Miracles Debra Poneman taught us, which is, “And that’s for me!” Start seeing everything as evidence of the miracles that are coming for you.
To give you even more of a boost, let’s do something we do in our Your Year of Miracles calls for our members that I call supercharging…
- I invite you to bring to mind a miracle or miracle that you may have given up faith on. It can be any area of life. What area needs some extra supercharging?
- Now that you have it in mind, we call in all of the angels, archangels, ascended masters, and all of our divine support team to surround us with their pure miracles energy.
- We hold up the miracles that are in the mind of each person here who’s watching or listening to this. We imagine golden rays of love encircling you and your miracles. We see you living out your miracle and experiencing greater joy, peace, gratitude, happiness, and abundance.
- We supercharge your miracles with deep divine love and divine energy. We hold your miracles and your intentions with love in our hearts, and we see them manifested in perfect timing, or something better. And so it is.
Every moment has the possibility for miracles. Keep the faith and see the miracles that are all around you right now. Let me know in the comments what resonated the most from the message for you and how it felt to receive that supercharging.
I’ll leave you with this quote from Fannie Flagg:
“Don’t give up before the miracle happens.”
May you have a week full of curiosity, faith, and miracles – big and small. I send you love!
I have no faith anymore. I didn’t hear an messages of support or get any respite when with an addict husband. Everyone said I’d be better off when we separated – 20 years down the line I am on my own, no home, just heard my car cannot be repaired. No celestial support and no support on earth either. Feel like giving up. What is the point. I don’t experience or expect miracles.
One moment at a time Kate. Be kind to yourself. Don’t give up, you are loved.
Kate, there must be some spark of hope left alive in you, or you would not have read or posted. I will say a prayer for you and ask for divine grace and mercy to enter your life, in ways that are large and small. I encourage you to be on the alert for blessings, yours or others to reawaken your recognition of the divine spirit that lives inside of all of us. Blessings and Light to you, Lorrie
Your messages of support may not have been obvious
to you in the past but perhaps they will be now. You are still searching and have not given up – otherwise you would not have posted. Sending you a message of support in this moment! You mater Kate! Sending you positive thoughts and vibrations. Meant for you and no one else in the whole world!
Hi Kate,
I hope you feel the loving energy people are sending to you through the comments here. Please don’t give up and take it one moment at a time. These moments have shaped your life, so bring love to them and yourself. Self love is an incredible tool, but needs practice. Keep going! We’re all cheering you on.
Much love!
Dear Kate,
Thank you for your openness. I recently had mirracule which let me observe that typically I am good in limiting mirracules because I do think only to a specific way it shall come in my way. being completly open and in an observer state to catch the moment it appears. There are things which are directly connected with money – but some even cars my change owners with other solutions like payment with taking over a task in your zone of expertice and it need not to be too hard like drive me once a week to get my shopping with this car ….
I wish you a lot of trust, openness and joy which gets you in connection as well with strangers.
Can I help you Kate? I was in the same boat as you for decades, absent
an addictive husband, i had many adversarials in my life to keep me anxious, frustrated and hopeless. Please put me in touch with you. I’ve had miracles.
Thank you Marci. That was very applicable to what I was feeling in the last couple of days. I have had a release from my negative feelings as a result of the compassion and understanding I have received from YOM and you. Moving on from this point is now giving me a better life. I signed up for the Accelerated Program in an effort to deal with this. In my communication with Marti I have asked her what more I can expect so now I wait to hear from her.
Thank you for being such an amazing part of the YOM family, Colleen! Kudos to taking the steps to support yourself more in this miraculous journey. Through our Accelerated Program, we will hold the intention that 2025 marks a year profound change and unlimited miracles for you. Keep it up!
What a special miracle it was to hear this story and to share your miracle message. So grateful for you and this community!
So glad you found this story and the message insightful, Sherry! Thanks for being part of the YOM community. Much love!
Kate Ward, you are worthy of every miracle life has to offer.
Practice believing in your worthiness and value of just being you.
Keep looking inward until you discover your own magnificence. I am 100% sure you are magnificent.
The universe is constantly providing miracles. Our work is to become a receiver, and we can’t receive until we feel at least a little bit worthy.
Start by practicing self compassion every day – several times per day.
I’m sending you a big hug and asking you not to give up on yourself.
thank you so much
You’re most welcome, Holli!
I have had a terrible year full of stress bad things and ill health. I still believe and need to hold on to my miracle as I have lived with it for over 29 years.
Reading this story has given me renewed hope for my miracle to happen. God bless
So sorry to hear this, Jill! Glad the story renewed your faith that miracles are coming your way. Sending love and all the good energy there is in the Universe to support you.
Beautiful pratice! Thank you Marci for the supercharge, really felt it and I now the miracles will keep coming. Peace & blessings, Cenell 🙂
Hi Cenell,
Love that you saw the benefits of the supercharging practice! Come back to it whenever you need the boost.
Much love!
Please stop encouraging me to dream about pie in the sky miracles. While my parents might have given me the permission to live in my own condo, they have copies of the keys, and they maintain 24/7 supervision of my electronics.
Thank you Marci and the YOMies. Hope lives eternal when we realize that we’re each others’ Miracle. The Uni-Verse never gives us more than we can handle because all things are lessons Source would have us learn ACIM).
Beautifully worded, Nina! Thanks for being a valuable part of the YOM family. Happy holiday and wish you a new year full of miracles.
Thank you so much Marci . You have such an aura of sweetness around you. I do see miracles, but I think it’s easy to just dismiss them as coincidences. Thank you for reminding me that miracles are all around us in every moment of the day.
Thank you so much for those kind words, Devina! Happy Holidays and have a miraculous new year.
Thank you, you gave me hope
Hi Gina,
So glad you found this when you needed it the most. Come back to it whenever you need. More miracles to you!
Thank you for these simple reminders of the truth of our existence Marci. That we are loved , and can open ourselves in any moment to feeling that love. And gain greater perspective on our challenges and life circumstances. During the process I went from feeling frustrated that we came home from a month long trip to find our house cold and our furnace broken–to being grateful that a technician could come out on New Years day and diagnose the problem, to being grateful that we have the means to fix it, and pondering the many happy moments and miracles of the past month that we were able to enjoy!
Such a simple but immediate perspective shift Thank you for your encouragement and love