Today’s Miracle Moment Is About Shifting Into Being a Miracle Thinker

A Miracle Thinker sees life as being full of possibilities. They have the perspective that we live in a benevolent Universe, and that Life is for us, not against us. And this is so important to living in the Miracle Zone. 

Now, most people are not Miracle Thinkers by default. In fact, 80% of the average person’s thoughts in a day are negative. This is because of the negativity bias that we inherited from our caveman ancestors. For them, it was more critical for survival to avoid a dangerous situation than it was for them to pursue a positive or helpful one. They had to constantly be on guard for danger, so our minds and nervous systems have been evolutionarily wired that way.

In our current day and time, we don’t have the same extreme need for the negativity bias like our ancestors had. We don’t have to go out and hunt a dangerous animal in order to feed our family – we can have our favorite restaurant deliver food to our door. And we aren’t living out in the elements – we can take hot showers and baths and wrap ourselves up in cozy blankets. 

But we’re still wired to seek out the negative, and this can show up in big and small ways.

In our relationships, we can take things personally and assume the worst about someone who might just be having a bad day. In our career, we can hold back from going for our big dreams of writing a book or starting a business because our thoughts go to the worst-case scenario.

All of this stops you from living the truly miraculous life that’s available to you. 

The good news is that you can shift out of the default mode and create new neural pathways in your brain to become a Miracle Thinker! One way you can do that is through consciously looking out for the good. Another way to say this, is to look for the gift in every situation. 

Here are just a few of the amazing benefits of being a Miracle Thinker:

  • When you have the perspective that you live in a benevolent Universe, then you can start to see how everything that happens in your life, even the challenges, is for your greatest good and greatest benefit.
  • You trust that there are always possibilities for miracles in each moment.
  • And because what you put your attention on grows stronger in your life, the more you focus on how Life is for you, the more that becomes the reality of your day-to-day experience.  

Be sure to put yourself in a quiet place and watch the video above where I guide you through a short process and visualization that will help you to shift into being a Miracle Thinker.

Afterwards, you may want to stay in this energy for a while of connecting with your Wiser Self. You may want to journal on what you received during this visualization.

This week, I invite you to practice consciously redirecting yourself to be a Miracle Thinker. Take that empowered action that your Wiser self shared with you. Know that all of this is helping you to live more in the Miracle Zone. 

Please share in the comments below about your experience becoming a Miracle Thinker. I love hearing from you!

And I’ll leave you with this quote from Plato, “Reality is created by the mind. We can change our reality by changing our mind.” 

May you have a beautiful week full of miracles. I send you love!

Music Credit: Jim Oliver “Bloom Natural”

Please share with us below what your experience is with being a Miracle Thinker.

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