In today’s solo episode, I share how my recent visit to Ram Dass’s home inspired me to dive deeper into how we can heal our most wounded parts through love and understanding.
Visiting Ram Dass’s home in Maui was miraculous, happening about a month before the fires swept across parts of the island. If you’ve ever been to Maui, you know how very special it is. Before Ram Dass passed away, we had an opportunity to get together for an interview and talk about love. So, for today’s episode, I’ll share a short clip of the insightful wisdom from this most treasured conversation with you today.
In addition, I’ll share 3 steps you can use to heal your deepest, most wounded parts. And I’ll tell you a story about one of my “wounded parts” around comparison.
Every single one of us has wounded parts. These parts tell you you’re not good enough, that no one understands what you’ve been through, or that you’re not worthy of life’s goodies. The wounded parts of you crave what the great spiritual teacher, psychologist, and writer Ram Dass described as your loving awareness. When you bring your loving awareness to those wounded parts, they shift–you then live from a more heart-centered reality which brings you into the Miracle Zone!
Ram Dass had a saying, “The most important journey we ever take is the 18-inch journey from the head to the heart.” Back in the late ’90s, Ram Dass had a stroke. While it was a physically devasting event, he said the experience actually forced him to live from the heart.
So today, in memory and honor of Ram Dass, I guide you through a process to take that 18-inch journey from the head to the heart. It’s called the Alchemy of the Heart Process, and through it, we practice bringing our loving awareness to the wounded parts of ourselves.
Ram Dass’s favorite mantra was “I am loving awareness.” This mantra reminds you that you are not the body. You are not the hurt or the pain. You are not the challenge or the circumstances. You are the loving awareness.
Join me today as we connect with this loving awareness to heal the deepest wounds, find the miracle in your healing, and let it fill your heart, creating a truly miraculous life.
“I think you have to move your identity from your ego, which is up here [the head], down to your soul, which is about the middle of your heart. And when you are in your soul, you will see everything as love and as lovable.” – Ram Dass
What I talked about:
- The miracle of my recent visit to Ram Dass’s home in Maui (1:35)
- Ram Dass’s teaching on bringing loving awareness to the wounded parts of ourselves (3:55)
- My experience with comparison as a wounded part (6:39)
- Three steps you can use to help identify and heal wounded parts (7:57)
- My guided meditation to facilitate an Alchemy of the Heart Process (12:40)
- An invitation to ground the wisdom of the meditation (19:49)
Favorite quotes from the episode:
- We know a wounded part because of the pain that it brings up in us. They’re always based on some judgment or lie.
- “With all of our wounds, the best thing to do is to bless them, open to them, learn from them, love them, because they’re like thorns that poke us because they’re looking for our loving attention in order to be healed.” – Marci Shimoff
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