Episode 8: How To Receive Signs From The Universe with Marci Shimoff

Was it a coincidence? Or was it a sign? The Universe is constantly communicating with us as we navigate this journey called life. Whether we hear the perfect song at just the right time, get the answer to a question from a passing license plate, or have a random but meaningful encounter with a wise stranger, the Universe is always speaking to us through imagery and symbolism.  

There are no coincidences once we set the intention to live our lives in alignment with the flow of the Universe.

When we wholeheartedly believe that the Universe is always speaking to us, all kinds of signs, symbols, and circumstances show up to offer us the information or guidance we most need most at the time.  

In today’s episode, I bring you a meditation for connecting to your Higher wisdom and asking for the sign you need most. Whether you’ve got a question about an important business decision, a new relationship, a move you’ve been thinking about, or anything in your life–big or small–you can connect with clarity, direction, and answers through signs. As you become more and more receptive, you’ll open to an abundance of confirmations and miraculous messages.

I also share the magical experience that gave me the idea and led to me writing the Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul books, which became  #1 New York Times bestsellers. And I’ve included a story about an amazing message from my father shortly after his passing.

There are no coincidences, only synchronicities. And the Miracle Zone is always rich with the most awe-inspiring instances of synchronicity. You know you’re living in the Miracle Zone when you continually notice and open to receiving signs from the Universe.

Join me as I discuss the purpose of signs and how to look for them. The Universe is guiding our way, if we pay attention.  

“When we pay attention to and follow the signs that show up for us, we move into the miracle zone and become more aligned with what our soul came here to do.”
– Marci Shimoff

What I talked about:

  • The purpose of signs (1:21)
  • Asking a question and waiting to receive (2:17) 
  • The ultimate confirmation and magical experience that inspired this episode (4:45) 
  • When to ask for a sign (7:43)
  • A Guided Meditation to connect with your Higher Self (8:30)  
  • Grounding the wisdom of the meditation (15:31)

Favorite quotes from the episode:

  • “The Universe is always speaking to us. It speaks in imagery; it speaks through symbology. And when we open up to receive signs, they’ll help us get on our most aligned path.” – Marci Shimoff 
  • “Be on the lookout for signs in all forms. A sign could come in the form of a song on the radio, a number on the clock, a bluebird flying past you, or a license plate that’s right in front of you. Pay attention.” – Marci Shimoff  

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