“Are You Ready To Finally Release Your Money Blocks and Receive Miracles?”
“Are You Tired of Worrying About Money Right Now?”
This has been an incredibly stressful time, especially around money, for millions of people on the planet.
How many times have you reached for your wallet to pay for something gripped by the worry in the back of your mind that you might not have enough space on your credit card or money in your bank account to cover the cost?
Have you ever compared yourself to others in your life who always seem to have an abundance of money flowing into their lives and you wonder what you’ve done wrong or like you’re not good enough or feel like you’re cursed?
Do you ever get to a good place with money only to find yourself backsliding into debt once again or you just can’t seem to avoid unexpected expenses? To the point that even when things are “good” instead of being grateful and enjoying the good times, you worry about when the next financial emergency is going to appear…
Have you ever felt like you were born under an unlucky sign or that fortune just doesn’t smile upon you? That abundance and wealth is for “other people” and not you?
What if money was never an issue for you again?
If you feel like you’ve got serious issues with money or like you just struggle with it from time to time, you’re not alone.
When we did a recent survey of our community, the biggest concern on everyone’s mind was money.
Here are just some of the money challenges people shared…
But it doesn't have to be this way…
What could your life look like if you had Money Miracles flowing into your life...even now?

Feeling happy and secure about your future

Having the freedom to do something for yourself without feeling guilty

Finally eliminating all of your debt

Seeing money flowing freely into your bank accounts

No more sleepless nights obsessing about credit card debt or lack of savings

Knowing you have enough money to retire comfortably

"I'm getting an additional $1,600!"
Another miracle! Because of a question from my accountant, I realized there was an error on my 1099 form. After the correction and adjustment, I am getting an additional $1,600 of tax refund. Yay!
~ Carmen Lee, Sacramento, CA

"Many miracles these past weeks!"
The owner of my house told us we didn't need to pay the rent for March, I got easy jobs to do in addition to my regular job in teaching and I manifested 400 € easily. We got 362€ back from our water supplier company (I don't know exactly why, but obviously we overpaid these past years. Thank you Universe and thank you dear miracles community for all the support and good vibes!
~ Caroline, Le Rouret, FRANCE
“I’m ready! What are the secrets to attracting money miracles into my life even with everything that's going on in the world?”
When working with our community around money miracles, there are 4 key principles we weave into the work we do together.
Becoming a Vibrational Match for Money Miracles
This powerful work includes taking responsibility for your relationship with money and cleaning up your money relationship and beliefs
Opening to Radical Receiving
Learn how to live with an open heart, experiencing profound gratitude and self-love and becoming masterful at receiving so you can welcome money into your life
Being a Conscious Steward of Money
Become a great steward of money, including integrating Aligned Spending and Giving into your life so you can always stay in balance
Living In Alignment and Abundance
Bring it all together into perfect energetic and vibrational alignment so that you are always a match for the reality you want to experience in the world
Get Ready To...
Join Marci Shimoff, Dr. Sue Morter and Other Legendary Teachers and Healers on Your Journey to Transform Your Relationship With Money In...

When you embark on “A Month of Money Miracles” you’ll experience a sacred and supportive journey where you’ll completely transform the way you think, act, and experience life when it comes to money, wealth, and prosperity.
A Month of Money Miracles includes online video trainings that we’ll deliver to you weekly which you can access at any time and watch as many times as you desire so you can make sure what you’re learning sticks and that your ego doesn’t interfere!
We’re also giving you access to interviews with 4 premier bestselling authors and guest experts on the energy of money including, Barbara Huson (you might know her as Barbara Stanny), Lynne Twist, Ken Honda, and Sarah McCrum.
These are exclusive interviews where each expert specifically addresses one of our 4 Key Principles to help you further deepen your understanding and more powerfully integrate them. You’ll be blown away by what they share!
Here's What You Receive In the Program:

4 Weeks of Online Video Training with Marci and Dr. Sue
Value: $600
Each week you'll receive a new video training focusing on one of the key principles that you can easily digest and includes simple exercises to help you begin to shift quickly. You'll be able to access them from your computer or device 24/7.

4 Weekly Guest Expert Video Interviews Hosted by Marci
Value: $300
You'll receive a new guest expert interview where you’ll dive deeper into the key concepts you’re already learning so you can deepen your learning and ensure this sticks for good. Soak up the expertise and wisdom from Barbara Huson (Stanny), Lynne Twist, Ken Honda and Sarah McCrum.
Plus, you'll also receive receive these special gifts…

BONUS: Sound Healing with Eileen McKusick
Value: $150
Receive a special bonus video session to raise your vibration around prosperity with sound healer and Biofield Tuning pioneer, Eileen McKusick.

BONUS: "Magnetize Millions" Video Interview With Marie Forleo
Value: $150
Oprah named Marie Forleo as a thought leader for the next generation. Her latest book, Everything is Figureoutable was an instant #1 New York Times bestseller.
In this exclusive interview with Marie, you'll learn how she magnetized millions as we explore her journey from passion to profit. She reveals what it took to go from a laptop and a dream, to growing a multi-million dollar business that now impacts millions of artists and entrepreneurs across the globe. This video is a must-see if you're ready to take your dreams to the next level with the courage and confidence to create a life you love.
This special bonus video with Marie has never been released on its own before, and was previously only available as part of the Your Year Of Miracles 2020 program.

BONUS: Sound Healing Journey Video with Jeralyn Glass
Value: $150
Jeralyn Glass is an internationally acclaimed singer and crystal alchemy sound healer who blends a classical career with meditation and transformational
high-vibration sound. In this special bonus, Jeralyn will take you on a musical journey to raise your vibration around money that you can revisit at any time to erase tension and worry.

BONUS: Songs for Prosperity from Karen Drucker
Value: $50
We are so pleased to offer weekly songs from award-winning musician and singer/songwriter, Karen Drucker! Her music has inspired and uplifted audiences all over the word and her weekly songs will set the tone for incredible shifts and breakthroughs in your money mindset.
Get UNLIMITED Access to the recordings of ALL sessions
Once each video is released, you'll be able to watch them, any time and any where.

“A Month of Money Miracles” Private Facebook Community
Value: Priceless
Connect with our Miracles family in this safe online environment where you can share wins, challenges, and inspiration. This loving community will be here to support you every step of the way.
Here's Everything You Get When You Join A Month of Money Miracles Today…
A Total Value of Over $1,400…
Get full, complete access to A Month of Money Miracles during our 50% off sale...
Cash-Flow Friendly
$110 $54
When you choose the payment plan option, you agree to make both payments. One payment will be withdrawn today.
Instant Savings
$198 $97
You'll save $11 today when you pay in full.
Try It Risk Free With Our “Miraculous Guarantee”
“Our Miraculous Guarantee”

We’re confident that A Month of Money Miracles will have a dramatic and lasting effect on your prosperity and financial abundance and we’re offering the following guarantee: If at any time during the first 7 days of the program you don’t think this program is worth your investment, simply let us know and we’ll give you a prompt and courteous refund.

“And yet another miracle!”
“I have been listening to the abundance activation all month. It has been one win after another. Most are smaller, a raffle win of a $55.00 prize. A Valentine's card from my deceased mother-in-law for $100.00. A check for $3,000 from a dividend in our name. But today was spectacular! A check for $24,000 from my mother-in-law's estate with the rest in an investment account. Being poor most of my life I was in shock. I have never seen a check this large in my life. I give about a third of my income each month to family and friends that are in need, even though I am in need of a trustworthy car and have never had a vacation or even a honeymoon during my 33 year marriage. This is absolutely amazing!!”
~ Deborah Jacobsen, Woodland, Washington

A Month of Money Miracles is Led By…
#1 NY Times Best-Selling Author & World Renowned Happiness Expert
Marci Shimoff
In the past 20+ years, I've had the honor of being a #1 NY Times bestselling author many times over. I've written Happy for No Reason, Love for No Reason, and 6 books in the Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul series. My books have sold over 16 million copies in 33 languages around the world.
And my passion is to help you manifest miracles in your life.
I'm also a featured teacher in the huge film and book phenomenon, The Secret. I'm regularly on national television, I've hosted my own PBS show and I travel around the world speaking to audiences of thousands.
I get to meet, work with, travel, and vacation with some of the most extraordinary people on the planet.
People had been asking me for years — actually for decades — to offer a program like this and I finally said yes. Over the past nearly six years since I began leading our year-long program, Your Year of Miracles, the results have been astonishing. Everyone who participates has breakthroughs in so many different areas of their lives, and almost always in the area of money and I get to pinch myself because the results truly have been miraculous!

A Month of Money Miracles is Led By…
Renowned International Speaker & Master of Bio-Energetic Medicine
Dr. Sue Morter
It is my great joy to be the co-leader of A Month of Money Miracles program! When Marci extended the invitation to co-teach this program, I knew in my core that this was something that had been, truly, cosmically orchestrated.
Marci was present with me when I had an amazing transcendent experience using ancient meditation practices twenty years ago. This great and miraculous awakening came after a series of specific choices I made and practices I put in place to encourage the energies of nature to work in my favor for the first time in my life, rather than continuing to feel like I had to make life happen through a constant struggle against the world and its challenges. Since then I have worked with hundreds of thousands of people on their energy and have witnessed first-hand how raising your vibration can quickly attract "miracles" into your life.
Since writing the bestselling book, The Energy Codes: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, and Live Your Best Life, and joining Your Year of Miracles, I've been fortunate to witness thousands of breakthrough and success stories, especially in the areas of money. This truly is a miraculous journey we are on!
See what other leaders have to say about us...

Claire Zammit
Co-Founder / FemininePower.com and EvolvingWisdom.com
In my experience, Marci and Sue are unparalleled in their ability to effectively convey deep and insightful knowledge and facilitate real growth. They are rare and precious gems among mentors who will transform your life, and support you in creating a level of life success you probably can't even imagine for yourself.

Jack Canfield
#1 NY Times best-selling author of Chicken Soup for the Soul and The Success Principles
Marci has been pursuing spiritual growth and the deepest values of happiness for as long as I’ve known her. She has a unique talent for making deep spiritual concepts immediately accessible. I see her as the scout at the head of the pack, the point guard who surveys the territory up ahead and comes back with a road map of what’s useful. Whenever Marci tells me I ought to go check something out, I know it will be something good.

Marianne Williamson
Internationally renowned spiritual leader and #1 NY Times best-selling author of A Return to Love
Marci Shimoff has her finger on the pulse of the greatest evolutionary leap in the history of humanity—our leap out of fear into the attitudinal matrix of love. Marci is one of the most loving people I’ve ever known, and she is a worthy guide.

Neale Donald Walsch
Author of Conversations with God
Dr. Sue Morter practicalizes and functionalizes the metaphysical insights and mystical wisdom of all the best spiritual literature of the past half-century. The Energy Codes by Dr. Sue Morter offers shockingly simple, yet wonderfully masterful, explanations that turn all the ‘What’s True’ info into a single ‘How To’ revelation that can change lives virtually overnight. Spiritual knowledge is one thing, spiritual tools are another. For those ready and willing to build a new life, Dr. Sue has the tools.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could say with confidence...

I always have more than enough money in my bank account to buy everything I need, want, or truly desire.

I never, ever worry about paying the bills!

I attract money easily and effortlessly.

I am connected to the abundance of the universe.

I know I can easily take care of my family and loved ones without worry.
A Little Bit More About Our Experience with Miracles...
We’re co-leaders of Your Year of Miracles, a year-long program that has had more than 8,800 participants from more than 74 countries, all dedicated to learning how to live in what we call the “Miracle Zone”, that place where it feels like the universe is always on your side and you’re living the life of your dreams.
Over the many years we’ve worked with tens of thousands of women around energy and attracting miracles into their lives, we’ve heard countless stories about money struggles.
We know that money and finances can feel like one of the biggest road blocks in your life. Feeling like you're on a financial roller coaster simply isn't fun.
We've been there! And we know how stressful it can be when fears around money rule your life...
“Here’s One Thing That We Do Know About Attracting Abundance Into Your Life…”
If you don’t shift things on the inside, you’ll continue to get more of the same on the outside.
So although you might dig yourself out of a financial hole this time, chances are you’ll probably find yourself in the same position again and again and again.
You might have heard the stories of people who win the lottery only to end up worse off financially just a few years later.
Because their habits, energy, mindset, and subconscious thoughts didn’t change. And even though they came into a fortune, they weren’t mentally, physically or spiritually equipped to handle it.
Take a look at your own life…
Do you find yourself repeating the same patterns over and over again? It might look like…
Any ONE of these patterns can be so frustrating and painful, much less having more than one (which is very common).
Or have you ever checked in on your own thoughts around money? Maybe some of these sound familiar…
Can you see how having thoughts like these, either on a day-to-day basis or even subconsciously while you sleep can actually repel money miracles from flowing into your life and keep you feeling stuck, broken, drained, and hopeless?
In an energetic world, like attracts like.
So thoughts of lack, attract more lack. And thoughts of abundance attract more wealth.
This might sound too good to be true, but it’s a universal principle! Your thoughts around abundance, wealth and money contribute to your current energetic vibration around money. And that vibration pulls your financial reality towards you like the most powerful magnet on the planet.
Want proof? Just look around at your current reality! How is your world reflected in the thoughts running through your mind on auto-pilot?
What’s the Solution to Shifting Your Money Blocks?
Take the time to do the work once and for all that will raise your energetic vibration into the Miracle Zone and change your relationship with money for the better.
We believe in you! You can do this!
Join Marci Shimoff, Dr. Sue Morter and Other Legendary Teachers and Healers on Your Journey to Transform Your Relationship With Money In...

Here's Everything You Get When You Join A Month of Money Miracles Today…
A Total Value of Over $1,400…
Yours Today For Only $97...
Get full, complete access to A Month of Money Miracles during our 50% off sale...
Cash-Flow Friendly
$110 $54
When you choose the payment plan option, you agree to make both payments. One payment will be withdrawn today.
Instant Savings
$198 $97
You'll save $11 today when you pay in full.
You have the power to attract real money miracles into your life, right here and right now!
Now Is Your Time to Raise Your Vibration and Shift Your Relationship with Money For Good.
Together, let's make this your Month of Money Miracles!

"Another Miracle Today!"
I started a new client, who when we had our "discovery session" said she wanted to enroll in 10 sessions, as she wanted to dive deeply into her "issues." So, before she came in today, I was thinking in my mind that she might choose to do more than 10 sessions.
And, as she was preparing to write out the check for the whole amount, she said: "Why don't I just write pay you for 15 sessions? I really want to dive into this, let's do more than the 10 and see where we're at!" WOW!
I commended her for being committed to her process and accepted her payment! WooHoo!
~ Jackie Foskett, Newcastle, WA

"Thank you Universe"
Miracle Report - this month’s phone bill came with a wonderful surprise! “No payment due this month!”. Thank you Universe.
~ Christine Mukherjee, Craigieburn, Australia

“I just received a check for $10,654.26!”
I have two money miracles to report!
1. Have you ever received a postcard in the mail saying that you may be a victim of a class-action lawsuit? I did this summer. Long story short - the case went to court and I just received a check for $10,654.26!
2. After the death of my husband there were many legal fees, probate costs etc. A year after completing probate I still owed money to my lawyers. This past summer, I tried negotiating the final payment down but the legal firm would not budge. I would give them small "drips" of money ($100-$200) to slowly pay off my debt. This March I was able to negotiate the final fee down by $775! I will pay off my $2000 final statement as soon as I receive their new terms and conditions!
So happy to have money flowing into my life gracefully and easily!
~ Kirsten Ward. Sudbury, MA

Save NOW during our 50% off sale...
Cash-Flow Friendly
$110 $54
When you choose the payment plan option, you agree to make both payments. One payment will be withdrawn today.
Instant Savings
$198 $97
You'll save $11 today when you pay in full.
Try It Risk Free With Our “Miraculous Guarantee”
“Our Miraculous Guarantee”

We’re confident that A Month of Money Miracles will have a dramatic and lasting effect on your prosperity and financial abundance and we’re offering the following guarantee: If at any time during the first 7 days of the program you don’t think this program is worth your investment, simply let us know and we’ll give you a prompt and courteous refund.
E-mail our Miracles Team at info@YourYearofMiracles.com or call (415) 209-5573
Disclaimer: Marci Shimoff, Dr. Sue Morter and/or Your Year of Miracles present the entire content of the program for educational purposes only. The information provided by the Hosts and/or their guests is not intended to diagnose or prescribe medical or psychological conditions nor to claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or to cure such conditions. The information contained in the program is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or mental health professional.